
Popular For Once? | Chapter 2

(A/P) Throw the first punch, and Karma will be coming right back at ya.

[(A/P) means Ace's Perspective]


I woke up in the same room, nothing does ever change in my life. I sat up from my bed and looked over to the window, my foster dad was boarding up my window with metal bars.

I freaked out and opened the window.

"Um, what are you doing?" I stated.

"Putting these up so you don't leave the house in the middle of the night, again." He said with a sly grin, then chuckled.

I closed the window since I don't want to talk with him right now.

I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went to the bathroom to change. After changing, I walked out of the bathroom. I passed by Ivory's room to see that my foster mom was feeding her while she is still in shock.

I quickly speed walk back to my room to get my bag and went down stairs. I opened the door to see my foster dad just coming back from boarding up my bedroom window.

I push by him and headed my way to school.

When I got to school, I just went to my usual spot in class next to Magnis.

Magnis has been my friend since I can remember. He lives up the street from where I live. But I rarely seen him outside of school because of the strict rules of my foster parents.

"Hey Magnis." I whispered; trying not to get caught talking.

"Sup, Ace!" He whispered back.

After class, we both sit at one of the benches and talk about our usual day. As we laugh, I didn't notice that one of the popular (mean) girls came up to us, including her two best friends behind her.

"Look what we have here. Some nerds who are in love? How adorable..." She just grinned.

"How many times do I have to tell you, were not dating, Amanda." I said with a serious face.

"Whoops, my mistake! But you guys are still nerds." She puts the L on her forehead and stick out her tongue at us.

She walks away for a second before coming back running at us and kicked me in the head. I fall to the ground.

All I could see was black until I heard a whisper.

'Ace, get up.... Fight back...'

A surge of power runs through my body and I'm right back on my feet. My eyes glow and I threw a punch at her; knocking her out unconscious.

Then I soon notice there was a big group around the girl I just knocked out, Magnis, and I.

I'm in big trouble.

But instead of the crowd booing, they were cheering. I have never thought that I would become popular this way.

[End of Chapter 2]

(A/N) Click on the next chapter to find out what happens! (If it's posted)