

Wei Zhi knew but he didn't consider himself or the repercussion more important than his little sister Lu Bai Qian who they fondly called Xiao Qian meaning little Qian. "Are you trying to get us all killed?!" His father angrily asks. "I took a secret route, no one knows I came. Plus, I am not anyone important for them to care about," Wei Zhi says hoping to quell his father's anger.

"No one knows you came, not anyone important. You fool! Don't you realize this is Xi'an and whose son you are?" He bellows adding, "Actually you don't, if you did you wouldn't be here now," General Bu Wei says.

"But there's currently no war at the border and no one will dare fight against our Northern Black army so why should I be wasting time there when I could be with Xiao Qian?" Wei Zhi counters in frustration. He loved being in the army, but he hated being at the border awaiting an enemy that was bound to never come considering Sky kingdom's power across the six continents. It made him feel useless regardless of how his father tried to spin it. His feeling of unease was further aggravated by his beloved little sister whom he hadn't seen for years being gravely ill. If anything was to happen, he wanted to be by her side.

"Nihuang just look at this useless son of yours..." General Bu Wei starts but stays silent reverting to a fake cough at the sight of the murderous glare from his wife. He knew that glare very well and knew this was not the time nor place to scold his son or discuss this topic. Giving his son one last look down he clears his throat and walks to the chair by the side pouring himself a cup of tea, deciding to deal with his son later. "Mother how is she doing?" Wei Zhi asks walking over and placing his hand on his mother's shoulder. She places her hands on it and pats it as she shakes her head. "According to the doctor once she wakes up, we should be okay and past the critical stage," Nihuang explains, but that was the problem. Would she wake up and when would that be? The doctor was unable to give an answer saying it's all up to the heavens. "What exactly happened?" Wei Zhi asks inquisitively. Xiao Qian was normally a very healthy child so why had she suddenly gotten so ill? "It's all my fault. I didn't watch her well," Nihuang cries. "No it's not," Father and son both say together. Though Wei Zhi didn't know the full story he knew how much Xiao Qian meant to his mother, there was no way it was her fault. As if to confirm his thoughts his father continues, "The child was playing in the courtyard and suddenly fell down shivering. How is that your fault?" General Lu Bu Wei counters feeling her thinking made no sense. "If only I had done a better job of watching her nothing would have happened," Nihuang declares, a theory that did not make sense to both father and son. "Going by your theory then isn't it my fault for leaving you alone at home to watch her while I went out to war?" He says finding this theory ludicrous. Wei Zhi nods in agreement. "Mother, no one here takes better care of her than you. No one could have determined that she'd fall sick when she's been so healthy. Please don't blame yourself, Xiao Qian won't be happy to hear you say that," Wei Zhi says to which his mother nods and presses his hand. "You're right, if she just opens her eyes, I won't blame myself anymore. I'll even let her play till dawn if she so wishes and eat as much tanghulu as she likes. I just want her to open her eyes," Nihuang bemoans. "She will, I know she will. After all she is my sister," Wei Zhi says with confidence that comforts his mother. Seeing the scene before him Bu Wei suddenly feels better about his son's appearance. This child was actually great at comforting people so dealing with his mother should be easy for him. Relaxing and letting go of his anger, he takes a sip of his tea deciding to send an urgent secret letter informing the King that Wei Zhi was in town with him. Walking over to the table, Wei Zhi takes a seat next to his father as they all fall silent. Xiao Qian was his only sister and the person he cared about the most in the world, which was why his parents had decided not to inform him when she first fell sick. Who knew the brat had actually eavesdropped and followed his father back home? General Bu Wei turns to glance at Nihuang, she was a humble but strict woman who ruled with an iron fist but immediately became soft in the presence of Xiao Qian. After a while, Nihuang falls asleep worn out from countless sleepless nights and at a little peace knowing father and son where there to watch the little one. Getting up, General Lu Bu Wei walks over, picks her up and takes her out of the room leaving Wei Zhi to watch Xiao Qian.

Later that night, Wei Zhi who'd fallen asleep opens his eyes to the sight of Xiao Qian quietly staring at him. "Little raccoon?" He says a smile on his face. Xiao Qian's eyes focuses on the person in front of her. "Ge-Big brother," She says in glee. He smiles and ruffles her hair. "You little raccoon. You just couldn't stay out of trouble till I returned, could you?" He kindly chastises. "Missed me?" He asks to which she shakes her head. "Well, I missed you more," He says to which she smiles. A thought suddenly occurs to him. He needed to inform his mother. "Little raccoon, I'm just going to tell mother and father you've woken up okay? Don't go to sleep again and give us a scare okay?" He says to which she lightly nods. Smiling, he caresses her forehead before standing up to leave the room.

Minutes later Nihuang and General Lu Bu Wei both rush in, Nihuang leading as she calls out "Xiao Qian!" Xiao Qian attempts to get up but is immediately pushed back down by her weak body. "Don't trouble yourself, you need rest," Her mother states hurrying over. "Wei Zhi quick call the doctor to check on her," his father orders. Nodding, Wei Zhi hurries out and orders some servants to go call for the doctor while his parents and Xiao Qian reunite.

"Just where is this doctor?" Nihuang declares after over an hour without any sign of the doctor. "Wei Zhi go check and see what's going on," his father says to which Wei Zhi nods and attempts to leave but is unable to as his sister grasps tightly onto his hand. "Ai Yo, this child. He is just going to get the doctor. He is not going back to the border," Nihuang says understanding why Xiao Qian was not letting go of her brother's hand but the child does not relent. "Fine, I'll go look," General Lu Bu Wei says getting up and walking out. Not up to a second after he steps out, a piercing scream that sends a shiver down Nihuang's spine fills their ears.