

Indra the youngest son of the two Primordial Gods Ran and Raya reincarnates after getting killed by his own elder brother Asura who envied him. Asura kills his brother and family including his father the ruler of heaven to become the new king. Asura now the king of heaven waits for the return of his brother whose soul escaped to the mortal realm.

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The Ray of Hope and an unexpected turn of Events

Erza shouted Mom with a loud and scared voice.

It was the Queen of Witches Vanessa Grenier. She was the most Beautiful, Astonishing and powerful witch. Adorning her green and black coloured garment dress and a crown symbolising her rule. She had lived for Thousands of years and throughout her rule she only conceived one Child and that was Erza.

Erza shouted at her mother about how she captured her friends hostage and made her servants drag her across the streets like she was nothing.

To which Vanessa replied by saying," Is that how a child should talk to her mother?".

If that's what you deserve then yes Mom and don't think I came back to this Kingdom because I didn't. My only reason here was to get stronger and if I can't find that here am leaving. Erza said this and stood up trying to leave the room.

Is that so said Vanessa as she shut the door closed. The last time I recall you were able to leave her thanks to that man that invaded here a long time ago. You knew the risk of coming back and you still did. Therefore I don't see the need of letting you leave my daughter.

After saying this, Erza lashed out at her mother trying to attack her but her power was immediately shut down. She could neither use her power or move and inch it was as if she was frozen in time.

What have you done to me asked Erza.

I have only done what a mother would. I just schooled you. Remember this very well dear said the Queen as she appeared before her daughter. You are never going to leave here neither you nor your friends.

The Queen flicks her fingers and Erza is immediately teleported into a Room. The gates were shut tight with Rin and could Only be opened by the queen. Erza pounded at the door and screamed for help but it was to no avail. At this point she gave up and started crying and reminiscing over her past.

100 years ago. Erza at age 6

Mama! Mama Look what I found is a baby Griffin said a little Erza. Isn't it cute?

The Mom looked at her daughter with disdain and anger. She yelled at her for bringing such a feeble creature into the Royal Palace and killed it Infront of her daughter implying that a ruler must have no emotions or pity. She walked away from her crying daughter and ordered for her to be sent into her room.

That day Erza cried herself to sleep and thinking that her mom did not even love her and the fact that she never even knew about her father. But that didn't let Erza down. She continued Training and following her mother's orders just to please her even though her mother never looked at her or complemented her on her effort. At the age of 15, Erza and her friends were sent on an expedition outside the spirit/Witch realm. One of the spirits had ventured from the realm and causing havock on the Earth. Erza and her friends left their Realm in happiness as they thought this was their first mission which would help them to become much more famous but to Erza it was different. The feeling of Child to please her mother with her results that was what Erza felt within her.

After reaching Earth and searching for a long time they finally encountered the spirit but it wasn't what they had wished for. The Spirit was a high grade one a Basilisk and this was no ordinary Basilisk but a fully grown one with. Erza and her friends tried fighting it but they realised how futile it was after all the attempts they made were proven useless in the face of the Basilisk. As the fight continued the Basilisk kept on growing stronger and bigger in size until finally it... killed her friends one after the other. It Tore one's head of, ripped the other into pieces, Teared the other apart limp from limp and watched her bleed to Death, Ripped the other girl's throat and insides out then fed on it while telling Erza that it was going to be her turn soon.

Erza witnessed this horrific sight and saw her friends screaming, begging for help and mercy as they were being killed and torn to shreds. This sight traumatized Erza making her unable to breathe,talk or even move. All she could do was just watch as the Spirit fed on her friends and patiently waiting for her turn.

After the spirit had finished devouring her friends it approached Erza. The spirit opened it's mouth very wide and ready to bite her head off until.....

That's enough Basilisk a loud voice echoed through the entire place. Erza looked up and it was her mother. She stoop In the sky with her guards. At this point Erza finally saw hope again and gave out a loud gasp before she fainted.

Two weeks later Erza woke up and was informed about everything that happened by one of her attendants. She informed her about how her mother one-shooted the Basilisk and tore it into pieces.

What about my friends were they able to recover their bodies exclaimed Erza.

The attendant sadly told her the harsh truth and Erza started sobbing bitterly. After the attendant left, Erza stood up from her bed and tried to confront her mother but on her way she heard something that made her wish she had died with her friends and never survived.

Why did you send them there my Queen. you knew it was the Basilisk but you still sent them there knowing they will all die including your daughter asked one of the Queen's Guard's

I didn't care about her to begin with. To be honest I never cared about them anyway they were just to be used as fuel to make the Basilisk strong so I could feed on it but she managed to hold out longer than I expected.

Why do you hate your daughter so much my Lady?

Is because I never wanted her to begin with. A weak and pathetic child who can't even see the threads of fate at her age. She would be better off dead than Alive.

After Hearing this every happiness and emotions in Erza were completely broken. She was torn to pieces. Afterall the one person she looked up to and wanted to please the most wanted her dead. Erza ran straight into her room sobbing bitterly for days. She refused to eat,talk or even do anything rather than sit on the floor with her knees bent and Crying the entire day. This kept on going until...

Hey Kid if you are just going to stay there and cry all day why don't you come with me huh. Join my Squad afterall is filled with lots of lost cannons like you said Chrollo.

This was Erza's first ray of hope and the first time seeing a man in her entire life. To Erza the man she saw was like a god sent from above. Erza saw this as her only chance to escape this hell hole and try living a new life. She accepted Chrollo's offer and left the Realm of Witches. Before she left she stole most of her mom's spirit keys and sealed her own witch powers so that it won't remind her of that place as she is now going to start a new life as a human.

Even with the loss of her daughter the Queen never showed any sign of sadness or sorrow. she just ignored it like it was nothing and moved on.

Present Time

As Erza kept on thinking about her past, someone begun pounding at the door strongly.

Erza she said you mom wants you at the Throne room. Erza wiped her tears away and left for the Throne Room.

At the Throne Room Erza was made to bow down Infront of the Queen. The Queen asked her if she's ready to embrace the path of the Witches or watch her friends die.

Even though Erza never wanted to go back to that life she just accepted the reality presented Infront of her and decided to learn the ways of the witches.

For the first time in Thousands of Years the Queen giggled. Erza asked to see her friends to which she was granted permission for.

At the place where they had imprisoned her friends, all of them were happy to see Erza alive and kicking. Derek asked Erza to let them out of here because he hates being in chains to which Erza replied that she can't. Derek was a bit angry but before he could lash out at her, Shinsui stopped him and said they should let her explain. Erza explained everything to them and asked for their forgiveness and blamed herself for dragging them onto this.

This is not your fault. we all accepted to come here and if anything happens to us Is on our hands not yours okay. You can here to become stronger right so do just that but remember not to ever loose yourself okay said Noct.

I promise you guys and when I became strong enough am going to break you guys out of here said Erza before she left the room.

Noct informed the group about how they couldn't stay here any longer and had to save Erza to which they all agreed.

Shinsui asked him about how they are even going to break out of the chains that had limited their Rin to which Noct replied that they will find a way sooner or later.

The next day

Are you ready now my daughter asked the Queen

Yes Mom said Erza even though deep within she didn't like the idea of doing her mother's bidding.

May your training begining

To be continued

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