
The visit to the sorceress 2


It was really dark when the carriage stopped and I was helped down by Alpha Aztec. I ignored th tingly feeling I got when our hands touched.

We were in the midst of what looked like a very few forest of trees.

"Are we here yet?" I asked him.

"No, we haven't." He told me. "We would walk further in. It would be a good idea for you to get ready to takk of your shoes."

I looked back in shock. But he looked like he was not joking.

"Do I really have to?" I asked him.

"Not now but soon, when we get to the waterside." He told me.

"The waterside?" I asked with a gasp as I looked around.

"It's not so horrible." Steele, the Beta added in an encouraging tone.

"Come on." Alpha Aztec said and he held my hand and led me through the forest while his other hand held a torch of fire.

We walked for about fifteen minutes and then I was shocked when we arrived at the entrance of a cave and we all stopped.