
The Respawner

A man left with nothing claws his way through the very bottom of society. One day, he makes a chilling discovery: even death has abandoned him. Aldric somehow defies the inevitable, experiencing each demise as a cruel reenactment of his failures. But now, with the power to alter the past, he gains the ability to author a future worthy of a power hungry destitute like himself. Armed with a soul-hungry blade and the ability to cheat fate, he enters the Expanse—a realm where countless worlds collide, and men and gods struggle for dominion. [ The universe will continue on, again, and again, and again. And still, you will remain. Expelled from the principles of causality, yet, a silent orchestrator of it. ] [You are the Firsts' Great and Terrible Blade, and reality itself will crack at the weight of your failures.]

The_Forgotten_ · Fantaisie
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75 Chs

My Eyes

The tent flaps fluttered open again as Morphius, who had momentarily left the meeting, made his way back in. His eyes were a dull, unappealing brown, and his hair was bleached white by time, indicating he was a man well into his years.

"Ah, Sir Adrian, Lady Cecil," Morphius turned to Ryan with a nod before glancing to his side where Cecil stood. "Seems you both answered my call..."

"Cut the crap," Ryan snapped, his patience thinning. "I was busy, so get to the point."

Morphius smiled, walking over to a seat at the other end of the table, Ryan had taken the one meant for him.

"Well, I guess it's straight to business then," Morphius said, his face adopting a more serious expression. "We need more funding," he spoke, his tone becoming somber.

Ryan's face flashed with amusement as he turned to Edorigan, who sat at the side of the table, his blue eyes facing down, almost as if in an attempt to avoid eye contact.