
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Inheritance

In the bustling capital of the Dragon kingdom, where the inner and outer sections of the city stand as stark reminders of societal divides, a small shop nestled in the corner of an alley holds the key to a young man's destiny.

Luke, just turned 18, finds himself at the helm of this humble establishment, left behind by his late parents. The weight of responsibility hangs heavy on his shoulders as he gazes around the shop, feeling lost and uncertain. "Everyone gets a gift when they cross to another world," he muses, "and I got this shabby shop. How bad could my luck be?"

Unbeknownst to Luke, fate has a different path in store for him. Three days prior, he had succumbed to illness, only to awaken in this unfamiliar world, inhabiting the body of another young man named Luke. With the memories of his predecessor flooding his mind, Luke grapples with the reality of his situation, clinging to the only semblance of stability left to him—the shop his parents had entrusted to him a lifetime ago.

A sudden chime interrupts his reverie, and a voice echoes within his mind, sending a shiver down his spine. "The Mystery Store System is Connecting," it announces, igniting a spark of hope within Luke's heart. Could it be? Had he stumbled upon the very phenomenon he had read about in his favorite light novels?

As the system initializes, presenting him with a list of functions, Luke's excitement knows no bounds. Though some features remain inaccessible for now, the promise of newfound abilities and opportunities fills him with renewed determination.

But there is a catch—a quest awaits him, a challenge to become the world's greatest storekeeper. With the promise of rewards dangling tantalizingly before him, Luke accepts the quest without hesitation, his resolve firm and unwavering.

In a flash of light, the shop undergoes a miraculous transformation, its interior bathed in an otherworldly glow. Marble floors gleam under the soft illumination of crystal fixtures, while the once cramped space expands to accommodate unseen wonders. It's a sight to behold, a testament to the power of the system and Luke's newfound destiny.

As he takes in the splendor of his renovated shop, Luke can't help but feel a surge of optimism coursing through him. With the first step of his journey completed, he stands on the threshold of a world brimming with possibilities.

With a sense of purpose driving him forward, Luke turns his gaze inward, accessing the system once more to check his status. Though his cultivation remains untouched and his magical abilities dormant, he knows that his journey has only just begun.

Armed with determination and fueled by the promise of greatness, Luke sets forth into the unknown, ready to carve his own path in this fantastical realm. And thus, the tale of Luke's journey begins, with the renovated shop standing as a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainties that lie ahead.