
Chapter 41: A new apprentice

Yang had dream as she saw Adam about to strike Blake, she leaps at Adam and gets her right arm cut off blood flowing out of her wound as she crashes onto the floor.

Yang wakes up catching her breath, she gets up from her bed and looks at her right arm as it is still there.

As Yang gets off the bed she hears something in her head.

???: You must not be afraid

Yang quickly looks around to not find anyone in her room.

Yang: Who is there?

???: Come outside.

Yang grabs her weapons and slowly walks down stairs and peeks through the door to see a person outside looking at the stars.

Yang opens the door and walks outside to get closer. With her weapons ready, but she gets a good look at the man.

Yang: Kenobi?

Kenobi turns around and takes off his hood.

Kenobi: It is nice to see you are alright.

Yang: Ya, if it wasn't for you I would have had a robot arm.

Kenobi: (Remembering about Anakin's robotic hand) Indeed.

Yang: So what is it that you wanted?

Kenobi: I want to help train you

Yang: Well I'm pretty strong-

Kenobi: No not physically, but your emotions.

Yang: What?

Kenobi: When I last saw you I could sense anger within you and that I will help you suppress that rage.

Yang: Okay so are we going to do it now?

Kenobi: No you must rest for now and meet me here in the morning.

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you