

The protagonist, Camilla, turns eighteen expecting a significant change in her life as she hopes to finally manifest her werewolf abilities. However, as a "runt" in the werewolf pack and working as a stripper, her life is far from glamorous. Despite the prejudices she faces, she secures a job at a werewolf-exclusive club. The owner, Rick, offers her a well-paying private dance gig for a group, but when she enters the room, she discovers her tormentors from the pack: Lisa, Peter, and Chris. To her shock, they reveal Tyson Woods, the future Alpha and their leader, as Camilla's mate. Tyson, however, reacts with disdain and rejects her publicly. Humiliated, Camilla is subjected to a degrading private dance for Chris, Peter, and Tyson, who is making out with Lisa. The rejection is finalized when Tyson officially rejects Camilla as his mate, leaving her devastated...

Laxman_sedai · Fantaisie
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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I didn't move from my spot on the floor until the early hours of the morning. I lay on the floor and

stained the cement floor with my tears.

I didn't know when I slept off, I just opened my eyes when sunlight shone directly into them and I

realized that it was already morning.

I forced myself to my feet and my knees wobbled as I forced myself to take steps. I was sore and in

pain all over. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself in my room for the next week but I don't have

the luxury of that.

I need to work because I need the money. And even if I could get those days off, I need an excuse, I

can't tell them that- I can't tell them what happened.

I went to the bathroom first to get a bucket and rag to clean up the floor and the wall that was stained

with traces of my blood. My hands shook as I cleaned it up because all I could picture and feel was

Tyson pounding into me over and over again despite my pleas.

When I was done, I went round to do my chores.

I was mopping the dining room when I saw Lisa walk in with some of her girl friends. She saw me and a

sadistic smile grew on her face.

She stepped over the places I had just cleaned with her muddy shoes and laughed as I picked up the

mop to clean it again. As I Walked past her, her spine stiffened and she pushed me hard. I fell to the

floor with the bucket and water spilled all over the floor.

"You fucking whore," she spat, "You just couldn't take his rejection; you had to find him and fuck him."

"I didn't,–," I began but she picked up a vase and threw it in my direction. Thankfully it shattered next to

me and not on my face.

"I can smell him on you, you bitch." She screamed, "How dare you?"

I wanted to explain and I wanted to tell her that I didn't want it and that he forced me but I didn't bother

trying to defend myself to her. Lisa will hear and believe what she wants to hear regardless of what I

say. I only

wish she wasn't doing it in front of her friends who are snickering to themselves.

I knew that they were going to spread the rumors around and it was only going to make things worse

for me. My silence seemed to anger Lisa, because she pulled me up by my hair and slapped me

across the cheek. I staggered back from the impact of her hit and tripped over the bucket again and fell

hard on my ass.

"She isn't worth it, Lisa," one of them said, "You're going to meet Tyson remember."

"I have to put this whore in her place," Lisa said, "And I have to let her know that she doesn't go fucking

other people's men."

"You're going to be Luna, not her, never her." The girl argued, "The knowledge that her own mate

doesn't want her is enough."

Lisa finally relented, but not before shooting me one last look, "Watch your back."

Because of Lisa's stint, I had to spend another half hour cleaning and got to work an hour late. The

girls were whispering amongst themselves. when I got there but I ignored them and made my way to the manager's office.

As I walked in, she gave me a once over, "I don't know why you're here. You didn't deem work so

important yesterday."

"I'm sorry, I was-,"

"Save your lies," she cut me off, "Just because you were mated to Tyson doesn't give you any new

privileges. If I heard correctly, he rejected you." I inhaled deeply; I didn't expect news to travel this fast.

"I'm sorry," I begged, "It won't happen again; I swear it."

"I can't trust you on that."

The first tear dropped and I fell to my knees, "Please; I need this job."

She watched me through her glasses and I saw the hidden excitement behind her eyes. She likes the

idea of me begging her. After a while, she nodded and gestured for me to stand up."

"If you are late again; you are fired."

I was embarrassed and I was ashamed that I had to go on my knees to beg to keep a job but I didn't

have any other choice so I nodded and rushed out to start work. Throughout the day, the girls would

make passing comments about me being a rejected mate. One of them even outright refused to stand

next to me because 'she doesn't want my rejection to become contagious to her.

It hurt to see and hear them say all these things but there was little I could do about it. By the time the

day was over, I all but rushed to take off my apron.

I had just hung it up and was about to leave when one of them stopped

1. me.

"Where are you going?" she asked, "Your hooker job?" I didn't rise to her bait, instead I just nodded. "In

case you didn't hear; the Alpha just ordered an emergency pack meeting."

"How would she hear?" another girl mused, "She isn't a part of this pack so she doesn't have the pack


It used to hurt at first knowing I wasn't a part of the pack. It still does, but not as much as it used to.

Instead of debating with them, I just followed behind them as they walked to where the meeting was

being held.

I followed them to the lawn of the council hall. Alpha Jackson was already standing there with Tyson

next to him. I saw Lisa standing at the far left with her own father, the Gamma, and to the right was

Alpha Jackson's Beta and his son, Chris.

Everyone was gathered here and they were whispering to themselves. We all wanted to know what this

meeting was organized for. It is very unlike Alpha Jackson to schedule these. In my life, there has only

been one and that was to publicly grieve the loss of his mate.

Alpha Jackson stepped up and held up a hand to silence everyone, "I was not the one who gathered

you all here today." Everyone started murmuring amongst themselves, "It was my son; your future

Alpha." He took a step back and Tyson walked up to the front. Everyone went silent as he approached,

wondering what he was going to say.

"It has come to my attention that a certain rumor about my mating has been going around." People

started to stare at me, and it took all my strength not to take off or dig a hole in the ground and bury

myself, "I have come to tell you all, that it is nothing but a lie."

The words stunned me. The entire council hall went silent and people stared at me with accusing and

amused eyes.

"The rumor was started by an omega who has been obsessed with me for years," what the hell is he

saying? "My mate has and remains Lisa Anderson; the daughter of our wonderful Gamma. She is to be

my Luna; not some omega runt."

The pack laughed at his words but embarrassment crawled up my skin. I fought back the tears

because people were staring at me. I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

ems me cry.

"The rumors are disrespectful to my mate and I, and I felt the need to publicly put them to rest." He

continued, "The instigator will be punished accordingly. Have a nice day."

After he said that, people started to disperse and I held back a scoff. After all of this, he still wants to

punish me. This is punishment enough; the looks and the whispers.

I forced my legs to carry me in the direction of the pack house and ignored everyone's words. It was

hard because they weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were talking about me.

They called me every word in the dictionary, from "Disgusting" to "Desperate" to "Whore" and "Home


As I took in the room and thought about how I would have to deal with. this for the rest of my life, I

decided I was done.

I grabbed the small duffel bag and cast one last glance at the pack house that had been my home for

eighteen years and took off into the woods.

I don't know how long I ran or how far I ran, but I didn't stop until. the sounds of weapons and different

voices yelling over each other. I sat up quickly and tried my best to listen to what direction they were

coming from. If I can hear them then it means they aren't too far away.

"Find her," I heard Tyson growl, "She couldn't have gone too far. I can

still smell her."