
4.Meeting the imperial father

As rolan walked into the throne room...no sign of nervousness was shown on him instead a look of intrigue was displayed clearly on his face.....as he reached the throne room ..the two heavily armored guards bowed and let down their weapons for him to pass...they exerted a pressure that almost made him sweat but he remained calm..as he walked into the throne room ignoring the energy mastery pressures on him..

He looked up and saw a man with greying hair wearing golden robes...with a golden crown on a throne...beside him was a mature woman looking at him with a cold face ...as if saying he was beneath her..

"Hello royal father.....and royal mother" Rolan said smiling "is there any problem as I have things to be doing now "

"IMPUDENT "The empress shouted as a wave of pressure assaulted him..he was forced to kneel but the realisation of him kneeling hit him..

"Never will I kneel before anyone" Rolan muttered..suddenly it was as if something snapped inside of him....and a rage not his suddenly clouded his mind..as he forced himself to remain standing

"Enough Selia..." the emperor said to the empress

The pressure suddenly vanished...rolan looked at his father and suddenly walked out but not before muttering 'I have other things to do'


"How could you just keep quiet after that " the empress raged at the emperor

" He is my son goddammit....just because your son is the next emperor doesn't mean you can treat the children of the other concubines anyhow you like " the emperor retorted..

"I am off to my room...I am sick of all this " the empress said as she left the throne room...

as she left the room she spoke on a voice transmission device....'end the fourth prince' in a very cold voice


Rolan returned to his courtyard, he always liked the courtyard because of the serene grasses and the quiet environment..he signaled a servant to get him a chair on which he sat on

'Sword...what just happened to me ' rolan asked in his mind

' You just awakened the Mind of the Sovereign and when you were under pressure it activated on instinct .....focus and think of entering your mind '

'Alright then' he focused and suddenly saw himself in a throne room...he was standing in front of a brilliant shining throne with a circle around it ..within the circle were other circles

"This is your mindscape..." a voice said as a figure suddenly materialized from the void..."allow me to introduce myself...I am zorak...."

"What are all this for.." rolan asked

"That throne is for you and those smaller circles represent your other reincarnations...u are an abnormal person as other people reincarnate once or at most twice but...I don't even know how many times u reincarnated....as u go further u will unlock your other reincarnations...

" Others..... rolan said shocked

Zorak smiled.." I am the mindscape spirit"

"Zorak sighed "Sit on the throne first" ..Rolan walked towards the throne hesitantly as he sat down...the whole throne room suddenly darkened..suddenly voices from all angles started proclaiming "All hail the emperor ...he who shall shatter the balance and restore it again...he who shall rebuild the world out of blood...."

A wave of pain suddenly hit him as he clutched his head in pain...as flashes of sword moves began entering his head...the feeling suddenly vanished, he stood up suddenly eyes still vacant and muttered

"Ten thousand miles begins with a step.." rolan suddenly appeared like twenty miles from where he was as his after image vanished from where he was before

He suddenly saw a man surrounded by an army muttering "As my predecessors did so I will do...A spark of lightning destroys a all my enemies..." suddenly a wave of blue light spread out in a circle around him he suddenly reappeared out of the midst of the soldiers and suddenly all the soldiers on the battlefield fell down on the ground with slit throats..

Other memories suddenly shattered the pr