

Blurb: Raymond Blackwood the CEO of Blackwood PLC Bought Brunette Brenton from an Auction House when she was sold out by Her uncle,Mr Smith Brenton. Raymond had always loved Brunette since she was a kid,He lived in The Southern part of the country while Brunette lived in the north with her father. As a young man,Raymond always traveled to the north to hike and then he came across the little Brunette and her father during a hiking trip. But he suddenly had to take over the family’s business so he couldn’t come back to the north as he assumed the position of CEO in Blackwood PLC. He was surprised to see Brunette tied to a pole in an auction when he went to buy a gift for his mother for her upcoming wedding anniversary party. He didn’t waste time to buy his little childhood lover. Characterization (FL): Clary Grey was killed by her best friend,Michelle and Was reborn And reincarnated into another body,Brunette Brenton.Clary’s soul began to live in Brunette’s body and gained Brunette’s memories. Clary Now Brunette,was living with Raymond Blackwood who was a multi Billionaire and the CEO of Blackwood PLC. This life,Brunette was spiced up to get revenge on Michelle who was a renowned Actress and A movie star,But to do this she needed Raymond’s support. After graduating from college she became an actress with the influence of Raymond Blackwood who was in love with her.As time went on They Became official and Lots of incidents too place that bounds them together. Characterization(ML): Raymond Blackwood Is a business tycoon that was known for his shrew and cunning business tactics,He bought brunette Brenton from an auction after getting sold by her uncle after she became an orphan. Will her path and taste for revenge yield a good fruit?? Will her taste of revenge ever be quenched?? Or would something else occur??

NetherLand · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 5 The Blackwood’s Card


Raymond was rendered speechless by brunette's cheekiness

Brunette just simply smiled and got up from her sit while saying

" I need to use the restroom for a minute, I'll be just right back"

All alone in the dining room, Raymond started working with his phone, making several calls when the door was abruptly pushed opened

" Brother... how's your health??

I thought you might have lost it because of that troublesome girl"

A voice suddenly rang out in the living room, while saying that,Brian Blackwood hurriedly went over to the dining table when he finally sighted his brother, Raymond

"Elder brother I've always told you that it was a bad idea bringing this loathsome girl home,look what she did today"

Raymond immediately glared at Brian when he heard him( Brian) calling his girl, loathsome

" Uhm??" Brian was startled by the sudden glare,he thought his brother might be so mad at brunette as to drive her out of the house

So when he received the news,he immediately drove down to Raymond's residence to help bid brunette'farewell'

" Who are you referring as loathsome?" brunette just happened to have arrived at the dinning room when she heard Brian calling her a loathsome girl

Of course she knew Brian Blackwood

The second young master of the Blackwood family,he works with Raymond at the Blackwood's PLC

" You of course!!,you attract problems like a magnet,you consume the potion of food I should be consuming, living in Raymond's mansion which every woman would be dying to step a foot on,but you..."

Brian glared at brunette as if wanting to tear her apart

Brunette immediately felt her forehead while rolling her eyes at Brian

" And so what??" Brunette responded while walking close to Raymond

" You're so..." At this moment,Brian was at a loss of words to say to brunette

" Cute?? I know that fact already,you don't need to tell me that..but..are you seriously falling for me now??" brunette helped Brian complete his halfway statement which he never intended to say

Of course Brian wasn't going to call brunette a cute girl,in his opinion

Brunette was trouble herself

" You..you" Brian furiously glared at brunette while using his index finger to point at her

" That's enough" Raymond finally spoke up when he saw the two argue endlessly

Even after Raymond stopped them from fighting, they didn't stop glaring at each other with a tight face

" Brian come with me to the study" Raymond stated while getting up from his chair, Raymond patted brunette's head and left

Brian reluctantly followed Raymond to his study room in the second floor

Alone in the dining room, brunette walked towards the living room and switched on the TV and started watching a famous tv program

Bored with the events on the program,she switched channels when she came acrossed an interview program featuring Michelle and a popular actor as the guests of the program

Host: miss Michelle how's life in the entertainment industry so far?? We heard you  once worked at star Enterprise,what motivated you to join the filming industry??

Michelle: being an actress today,was a dream I wanted to achieve for a great friend

She had always wanted to be an actress,but died before achieving her goals so you can say

I'm achieving her dreams for her.

Host: oh my!! That's so sweet,your friend must be happy wherever she is

Michelle just smiled shyly while facing the camera of many journalists

Flash of cameras kept clicking and taking photos of Michelle who can be considered really popular

Brunette watched on with a snare on her beautiful face

That's right!! She had always wanted to be an actress but never had the opportunity though she was rich in her previous life

Michelle saying that she was helping her achieve her goals sounded like the best comedy of the year

Brunette snared at the host and all the netizens who believed in Michelle's lies, worshipping a snake in green grass

If she hadn't known Michelle,she might have probably be feeling really emotional right now

Michelle was really good at hiding her sticky and venomous side

On camera,she was like a pure and innocent girl

But when she was off camera,she would grow horns

Brunette just watched on while making plans on her head,when she heard footsteps coming from the second floor towards the living room

She turned her head towards the direction and saw Brian and Raymond coming towards her

Brian and brunette immediately exchanged glares,Brian walked passed her and sat on a sofa

" Seriously you're too tactless,you could have waited for my brother to leave home before trying to take your life,you could have had a conducive environment to do such a thing" Brian snorted at brunette while spitting out those words

Raymond immediately frowned with his eyebrows joined together

Brian swallowed hard while feeling extremely nervous

" Brian take brunette to a nearby shopping complex, brunette you can buy as much accessories as you want" Raymond said while handing her a black card with the name ' Blackwood' imprinted in gold color on the card

" Wha...what?? Am I going to be her tour guard for the day?? That's too unfair!!"

This..this was a card that was rear because when you have access to this card,you can withdraw as much money as you want without it ever running out of cash,and Raymond was giving her this card!!!!

What's he doing??!!

Brian immediately spoke out when he saw the card

" Brother what if this loathsome girl runs away with the card or misplaced it??" Of course Brian wouldn't seat still without complaining

Raymond simply glared at him without responding

Snatching the card from brunette was the only thing Brian was thinking of at this moment but he knew his limits

His elder brother personally handed this card to brunette,that means she was of great importance to his brother and him snatching the card was him digging his own grave

Brunette kept staring at the card in her palm, thinking really hard as to why Raymond suddenly gave her one of the blackwood's card

If it was other ladies,they might play the humble role and returned the card, refusing to accept it but not brunette...

This was an opportunity that surfaced on its own so why refuse it??

She wasn't dumb!!!

Brian kept staring at the card,he was short of money these days because he was absent from work for a day because he went on a date with one of his numerous girlfriends who wouldn't let him have sex with her unless they acted like a real couple, of course a Playboy like Brian would do anything for her virginity,when he returned after dropping his already devoured girlfriend,he was deprived his monthly salary,but brunette just received loads of cash without even raising a finger

His brother was really biased!!

he really missed when his brother only concentrated on work

" Thanks babe" brunette said cheerfully while giving Raymond a small peck on his cheek

Slightly getting familiar with the sudden change with brunette, Raymond remained calm

" Okay,can we get going,TOUR GUARD??" Brunette stressed out the last words while staring at Brian mockingly

At this rate,Brian was about to flare up

His brother made him a tour guard for his girlfriend but being called that to his face??


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It's getting more interesting,right??

I'm trying my best to bring in more ideas so pls guys when rating

No ' nice story' ' interesting'

I need your thoughts on it to be able to make corrections

If you see any mistakes in the spellings or sentences (+_+)pls inform me on the comment section

Love ya!!!