
Chapter 1: Rebirth


The last thing Devon remembered from his previous life was the blinding headlights of a speeding truck.

The screech of tires against asphalt rang in his ears as he instinctively dove into the street to save a stray cat.

His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins, and then-an overwhelming, excruciating impact.

The world went Dark, and in those final moments, Devon felt a strange sense of peace, believing this was the end.

He expected to drift into an eternal void, but instead, he awoke to a new beginning.


The first sensation Devon felt upon waking was the soft, warm bed beneath him. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the golden light filtering through ornate curtains.

He found himself in a grand room, the likes of which he had only seen in movies. Golden tapestries adorned the walls, and intricate carvings decorated the ceiling.

The air smelled faintly of Sandalwood and something else-an underlying hint of Roses.

Devon tried to sit up, but his body felt strange, different. He looked down at his hands-small, delicate, childlike. Panic set in as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, realising he was in a body that wasn't his own.

His reflection in a nearby mirror confirmed his fears. The face staring back at him was that of a seven-year-old boy, with wide, curious eyes and soft, black hair.

As Devon tried to process this information, memories began to flood his mind-memories not his own

He wasn't Devon anymore; he was Devon Imperiax Drayxirius , the Imperial Prince of the powerful Empire of Drayxirius who is blessed by the God of Creation and are the said to be the decendents of the said God.


A gentle knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. An elderly man with a kind face and impeccable posture entered the room. He wore a tailored suit that emphasized his role, his demeanor radiating a calm authority.

"Good morning, Your Highness. How are you feeling today?" the man asked, his voice gentle yet formal.

Devon blinked, trying to process everything, he rememberd that this Man is the Imperial Prince's Bulter, his Name is 'Geoffrey' . Geoffrey... the name sounded familiar, like a distant memory from a dream. it reminded him of somthing but he couldnt quite put a name on this feeling.

He nodded slowly, still in shock. "I'm... I'm fine, Geoffrey."

Geoffrey smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Very good, Your Highness. Breakfast will be served in the dining hall shortly. Shall I assist you in getting ready?"

Devon nodded again, allowing Geoffrey to guide him through the morning routine. As he dressed in the luxurious garments befitting an imperial prince, his mind raced. He had been an ordinary young man from the modern world, and now he was a child in a fantastical realm.

He was reincarnated into this new World, but why? And what was he supposed to do now?


Dressed in an elegant outfit adorned with the imperial crest, Devon felt a mix of trepidation and curiosity. Geoffrey's experienced hands adjusted the last details of his attire, smoothing out wrinkles and ensuring everything was perfect.

Devon took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves."Ready, Your Highness?" Geoffrey asked, his voice gentle but firm."Yes, I think so," Devon replied, trying to muster as much confidence as he could.

Geoffrey led Devon through the grand corridors of the palace.

The walls were adorned with magnificent tapestries and paintings, each telling a story of the empire's illustrious history.

Devon's footsteps echoed softly on the marble floors, the grandeur of the palace both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

As they approached the dining hall, the large doors swung open, revealing a lavish room filled with the aroma of a sumptuous breakfast.

At the head of the table sat his parents-the Emperor and Empress.

They exuded an air of regal authority, their presence commanding the room.

"Good morning, Devon," the Emperor greeted, his voice deep and resonant.

"Good morning, Father," Devon replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

The Empress smiled warmly. "Come, sit with us. We have much to discuss."

Devon took his seat, trying to mimic the grace and poise expected of him. As he did, he noticed two boys around his age standing to the side, each accompanied by their fathers.

"Devon, we have some important introductions to make," the Emperor said.

"This is Minister Alaric and his son, Loki. Alaric has been a loyal advisor and friend for many years."

Minister Alaric stepped forward, a stern but respectful expression on his face. "Your Highness," he said, bowing slightly.

Loki, standing beside him, mirrored the gesture. Loki's eyes were sharp and calculating, a spark of intelligence evident even at his young age.

"Hello, Loki," Devon said, trying to sound confident. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Your Highness," Loki replied, his voice steady and respectful.

"And this," the Emperor continued, "is Sir Cedric, the leader of the Imperial Knights, and his son, Liam."

Sir Cedric stepped forward, his presence imposing. "Your Highness," he greeted with a deep bow.

Liam, standing beside him, did the same. Liam had a determined look in his eyes, his posture already hinting at the warrior he would become.

"Hello, Liam," Devon said. "It's nice to meet you."

Liam nodded, his expression serious. "An honor, Your Highness."

The Emperor smiled, pleased with the introductions.

"Loki will be your assistant and attendant, Devon. He will help you with your duties and studies. Liam, on the other hand, will be your training partner and, in the future, the leader of your squad. Both of them will be by your side, guiding and supporting you."

Devon glanced at Loki and Liam, feeling a sense of reassurance. "Thank you, Father," he said. "I look forward to working with both of you."

The Empress reached over and gently squeezed Devon's hand. "We believe in you, Devon. You are destined for greatness."

Devon nodded at his Mother, feeling a surge of determination. He might have been an ordinary young man in his past life, but here, he had a new purpose.

As he looked around the dining hall, at his parents, at Loki and Liam, he realized that this new world held endless possibilities. He just had to seize them.---As breakfast continued, Devon tried to immerse himself in the conversations, absorbing as much information as possible.

He listened intently as his father discussed state affairs with Minister Alaric and Sir Cedric, and as his mother shared plans for upcoming events. Every detail mattered, and he needed to learn quickly if he was to navigate this new life successfully.

After breakfast, Geoffrey approached. "Your Highness, it is time for your morning lessons. Loki will accompany you."

Devon nodded, rising from his seat. "Of course, Geoffrey."

Loki stepped forward, a notebook in hand. "Shall we, Your Highness?" he asked, his voice calm and composed.

"Lead the way, Loki," Devon replied, feeling a newfound sense of purpose.

As he followed Loki out of the dining hall, he couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement. This was his chance to shape his destiny, to become the prince-and the person-he was meant to be.


As Devon and Loki entered the grand study hall, they were greeted by Master Lin, an esteemed scholar with a wealth of knowledge in both magic and cultivation. Master Lin's eyes sparkled with wisdom, his long beard and flowing robes giving him an air of timeless authority.

"Good morning, Your Highness, and young Loki," Master Lin greeted, his voice rich and resonant. "Today, we will delve into the fundamentals of magical theory and the principles of cultivation. These are crucial to your future roles."

Devon nodded respectfully. "Good morning, Master Lin. I'm eager to learn."

Loki, standing beside Devon, echoed his sentiment. "As am I, Master Lin."

Master Lin began the lesson by outlining the basic tenets of magic. Devon listened intently, absorbing the intricate details with remarkable ease. He asked insightful questions, demonstrating a depth of understanding that left even Master Lin impressed.

"Your Highness, you grasp these concepts with exceptional clarity," Master Lin remarked, a note of admiration in his voice. "It is rare to see such intellect at your age."

Devon smiled modestly. "Thank you, Master Lin. I find the subject fascinating."

Loki, observing Devon's rapid comprehension and articulate responses, felt a surge of admiration. "Your Highness, your intellect is truly astounding. It's an honor to study alongside you."

"Thank you, Loki," Devon replied, his tone warm. "But we are here to learn together. I hope we can help each other."

After mastering the basics of magic, Master Lin shifted to the principles of cultivation. He described how it involved martial arts, meditation, and the cultivation of Qi. Devon's eyes lit up with interest as he realized the parallels to the martial arts stories he loved in his previous life.

"Now, Your Highness," Master Lin continued, "I understand that you possess the rare ability to practice both magic and cultivation. This is a gift from your divine lineage and will set you apart from others."

Devon nodded, feeling the weight of his unique heritage. "I will do my best to honor this gift, Master Lin."

As the lesson progressed, Devon demonstrated an uncanny ability to integrate both magical theory and cultivation principles. His natural talent and sharp mind left Loki in awe.

"Your Highness," Loki said softly during a break, "you are truly remarkable. I've never seen anyone learn so quickly."

Devon chuckled. "It's all thanks to Master Lin's excellent teaching and, perhaps, a bit of luck."

Loki shook his head, smiling. "No, Your Highness. It is your brilliance."

"Very well," Master Lin interjected, smiling at the camaraderie between the two boys. "Shall we continue with our practical exercises? It is essential to apply the theory to truly understand its power."

Both boys nodded eagerly. Master Lin led them to a section of the study hall set up with various magical and cultivation tools. The room was filled with an array of ancient scrolls, crystals, and training dummies.

"Now, Your Highness, Loki, we will practice basic spells and Qi manipulation," Master Lin explained. "Focus your mind and channel your Mana into these crystals."

Devon took a deep breath, feeling the flow of his internal energy. He concentrated, directing his Mana towards the crystal, which began to glow brightly and had varying Colours like a Rainbow. Loki, watching in awe, tried to replicate the process. His crystal also glowed, though not as intensely.

"Excellent, Your Highness," Master Lin praised. "And well done, Loki. With practice, you will both improve."

After the lesson, Geoffrey returned to escort Devon to the training grounds. The sun was high, casting a golden glow over the expansive area dedicated to martial training. Liam stood waiting, his posture straight and eyes focused.

"Your Highness," Liam greeted with a respectful bow. "I'm eager to train with you."

"And I with you, Liam," Devon replied, appreciating the camaraderie already forming.

Sir Cedric, the Leader of the Imperial Knights, stepped forward. His presence was commanding, and his eyes held a mixture of pride and expectation. "Your Highness, today we will begin your training in cultivation. As a cultivator, you will learn to harness your Qi and master martial arts, aiming for both enlightenment and strength."

Devon nodded, his determination evident. "I'm ready, Sir Cedric."

"Very well," Sir Cedric said. "We will start with meditation to help you center your Qi. Focus on your breathing, and let the energy flow naturally."

Devon sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and following Sir Cedric's guidance. He felt the energy within him, a warm current that seemed to resonate with his very soul. After a few moments, he opened his eyes, feeling a sense of clarity and power.

"Excellent, Your Highness," Sir Cedric praised. "You have a natural affinity for this."

Next, Sir Cedric led them through a series of martial arts forms, each movement precise and powerful. Devon mirrored the actions with impressive accuracy, his body responding as if it remembered these techniques from a past life. Liam, training alongside him, watched with a mix of respect and friendly competition.

"Your Highness, your form is flawless," Liam commented, panting slightly from the exertion. "It's an honor to train with you."

Devon smiled, wiping sweat from his brow. "The honor is mine, Liam. Let's continue to push each other."

As the session progressed, Sir Cedric introduced more advanced techniques, emphasizing the balance between physical prowess and mental discipline. Devon absorbed it all, his mind sharp and his body responsive. He felt a profound connection to the art of cultivation, as if it were a part of his very being.

"Remember, Your Highness," Sir Cedric said, his tone serious, "cultivation is not just about strength. It's about understanding yourself and the world around you. Strive for balance and harmony."

"I understand, Sir Cedric," Devon replied. "I will dedicate myself to mastering both magic and cultivation."

Sir Cedric nodded, satisfaction in his eyes. "You are truly a remarkable prince, Your Highness. With your abilities, you will lead this empire to greatness."

Devon stood tall, his resolve unwavering. "I will not let you down, Sir Cedric. I will strive to be the best."

"Now, let's see how well you handle yourself in a spar," Sir Cedric said, his eyes gleaming with challenge. "Liam, step forward. Both of you, prepare yourselves."

Liam and Devon faced each other, both boys' eyes filled with determination. They bowed respectfully before taking their stances. Sir Cedric watched closely, ready to offer guidance.

"Begin!" Sir Cedric commanded.

Liam moved first, his strikes swift and precise. Devon reacted instinctively, blocking and countering with surprising agility and strength for a seven-year-old. Their movements were a blur of coordinated strikes and evasions, each testing the other's skills.

"Excellent, Your Highness," Sir Cedric called out. "Your form is impressive, but remember to stay balanced."

Devon adjusted his stance, feeling the flow of Qi enhance his movements. He launched a series of attacks, his fists and kicks becoming extensions of his will. Liam met each attack with equal vigor, their sparring turning into a dance of skill and power.

"Keep your focus, Liam," Sir Cedric advised. "Match his rhythm."

The clash of their strikes echoed across the training ground. Devon's movements were fluid, his mind sharp, and his body responding perfectly to his commands. He felt the energy within him, guiding his actions with a precision that amazed even himself.

Finally, with a swift move, Devon managed to disarm Liam, pinning him lightly to the ground. Both boys were panting, but their faces were lit with exhilaration.

"Well done, Your Highness," Sir Cedric said, clapping his hands. "And you as well, Liam. That was an excellent demonstration of your potential."

Liam grinned, a friendly glint in his eyes. "You're incredible, Devon. I've never seen anyone move like that."

Devon helped Liam up, smiling. "You were great too, Liam. Let's keep pushing each other to improve."

Sir Cedric placed a hand on each boy's shoulder. "I am proud of both of you. With continued training, you will become formidable warriors and leaders."

As the training session concluded, Devon felt a deep sense of accomplishment. He had not only proven his capability but also earned the respect of those around him. Loki and Liam stood by his side, ready to support and grow with him.

Walking back to the palace with his new companions, Devon couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose. He was no longer just Devon from the modern world. He was Devon Imperius Drayxirius, the Imperial Crown Prince, destined for greatness.

The path ahead was clear. With his unique abilities, the guidance of wise mentors, and the support of loyal friends, Devon was ready to embrace his destiny and shape the future of the Empire of Drayxirius.


To Be Continued~

Next Update: 20.06.2024 19:00

Next Update: 20th July of 2024 19:00

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And Iam by no means serious about this Book so just read it for fun.

Sozo_Sakuseicreators' thoughts