
The Reincarnated Evil Witch Tries To Avoid The Death Flag

Puttavee, an average office lady was hit by a truck. She has reincarnated into the world of her favorite fantasy novel "Hero of Oldenhelm". Blessed by the death god, she was granted a new life as an evil witch "Medea", the petty villainess who will be executed by the male lead in the original story. "What!? Why do I have to be the doomed villainess!?" "Enjoy your new, fabulous life ^^" - said the mischievous death god. Will she survive the bad endings? "No problem, I'll just avoid this super-handsome male lead until..." "...Why did he wrap his arms around me!?" - The villainess was blushing. "I won't let any man have you" - He whispered to her ear. "Ehh!? What!? What are you doing!?" - She tries to resist but his touch starts to feel good... so dangerously good that her will to resist is quickly waning. As the male lead gently strips the villainess's clothes off, piece by piece, the author wishes you enjoy the rest of the story ^^

BLimsoon_535 · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

First Blood

"We have prepared the guestroom, my lady." - Despi

"Your Highness, we will begin the purification ritual after sunset, in my bedroom, please feel free to use our guestroom until then." - Medea

"All right." - Sieg

Medea already read a book about "Purification Rituals", It's written about how to lift the curse.

"And It consists of many lewd interactions between man and woman, But I have no choice, I'll just have to get it over quickly." - Medea is nervous, Forcing Sieg into this lewd stuff with her won't end well, but there is no turning back now, she must complete the ritual to save everyone, including herself.

"The alternative is even worse, I have to pay too much of lifeforce to the gods, which might kill me because I barely have any lifeforce left to spare now. This method will be my last option" - Medea.

At the beginning of the night.

Sieg is waiting, sitting on the sofa in Medea's bed-chamber. Wearing a shirt and a pant.

While Medea just finished her bath.

Dressed in her thin night dress.

She walks toward Sieg and invites him with her soft voice.

"Your Highness, please sit on my bed and relax, so we can begin".

Sieg went and sat on the bed,

"This bed is soft and comfy." - Sieg thought.

"This pretty lady is defenseless now, Just pin her down, and make her yours." - The voice in his head was acting up.

"Shit!" - Sieg, as he almost loses control.

"Your Highness? What's the matter?" - Medea, a little surprised by his exclaim.

"It's nothing" - Sieg

"Oh? All right" - Medea

"We will start now, Your Highness, Could you please take off your shirt?" - Medea.

"Do I have to take off my pants too?" - Sieg.

"D-Don't do that!!" - Medea, blushing. Knowing from the original story that Sieg has a giant "dragon" sleeping in his pants. she doesn't want to provoke it, or else her little "treasure cave" will be in serious trouble.

"Oh my, his scarred, masculine body is so beautiful" - Medea, mumbled, blushing.

"I-I must concentrate now" - Medea, pulling herself together.

"This is my first time so, If you feel too uncomfortable and wish to stop, please inform me immediately, all right?" - Medea.

"All right" - Sieg, a little surprised that Medea seemed to care about his condition.

Medea then begins her purification ritual.

"That girl is done for" - Udola, eating popcorn in front of his magical monitor, enjoying the show.

Sieg found himself in trouble, he could defeat a horde of demons with ease but sitting here with the witch is another level of challenge. He is now fighting against his own desire. And slowly losing his ground.

Because Medea, the prettiest, sweetest lady he has ever seen, is now wearing a very thin dress, touching his body softly, here and there. Her scent is very nice and sweet, probably just bathed herself with an aroma soap too. While chanting her spells, Sieg has heard many dark magic users chanting their spells in his past battles, It sounds like a curse, and words are full of hatred, deception, and malicious intent. But Medea's? chanting words sound like a song, a sweet, soothing, blessing song, full of warmth, sincerity, and caress, which could melt even the coldest man's heart. The saintess's shoddy chanting cannot even compare with this level.

"This feels so good, is this really dark magic I knew?" - Sieg, thought to himself.

While Medea is chanting a spell and gently touching and patting his body parts.

Sieg has another problem incoming, his giant dragon is awakening...

Sieg hated witches and loathed noblewomen, but with Medea, it felt very different, He knew he shouldn't trust her because it's not a reasonable thing to do.

As a veteran knight commander, Sieg can sense any malicious intent from any enemy nearby easily, but he senses nothing from Medea except, a kind, caring gesture, warmth, soothing aura, and sweet aroma, It feels very nice. It's like resting in a sanctuary after roaming a dangerous battlefield full of monsters.

Medea can't hurt Sieg with her little magic power or strength anyway. Sieg's instinct is telling him he is in a very safe place but his reasoning to stay vigilance is waning, each time their body made contact.

His instinct is now craving something more, this lady has what he has been yearning for, for a long time. Like someone, he can trust in this world full of liars. This is his first time with the lady he "doesn't hate". And it's becoming harder and harder to control his libido, after all these years without any intimacy with women. And the curse also amplifies his sexual desire too.

Medea, noticing Sieg's uneasy expression. She misunderstood, thinking he might be in pain.

"I'll begin the last phase, Your Highness, just a little more, please bear with me" - Medea.

"This phase requires us to make as much skinship as possible, I'll take off all my clothes, Your Highness, Please close your eyes, don't look at me until it's done, OK?" - Medea.

"Um, OK" - Sieg shut his eyes tight, As the seasoned warrior who felt no pain from many serious wounds, he never had to endure this kind of hardship before.

Medea applied a magic aroma oil as a lubricant on both her skin and Sieg's.

And begin "The Purification Rubbing". As her oily skin slides, she rubs it all over his body.

Sieg strongly felt the witch's soft and large mountains on his skin, both of the mountain peaks softly rubbing all over his body. Her bountiful lips are kissing him here and there. He can also feel her soft and slimy tongue.

Sieg is now in a serious situation, losing control, his giant dragon is fully awakened, rampaging in his pants.

Medea is also trying her best not to get distracted, her mountains are very sensitive, and rubbing them with her idol's body is starting to feel good, which is bad, Sieg might see this as an attempt to deceive him, and that will be a bad ending for Medea.

However, as Medea's breathing intensifies from her feelings. She unintentionally breathes onto Sieg's skin more often. Sieg, upon hearing and feeling her breath all over his skin, his dragon is now about to break free and take control of his next "actions".

Medea endured and finished the ritual.

"It's done, Your Highness, I've lifted the first part of the curse" - Medea, blushing from the feel, a little tired from spending more life force than usual. Her mind is at the limit too, it's very hard to resist any more temptation than this. After all these rubbings, She could lose herself to her desire and do something she would regret.

"Pardon me, I'll dress up first... Kya!?"

Before she could do anything, Sieg suddenly turned around, opened his eyes, grabbed both of her shoulders, and pinned her down.

"I can't hold it in anymore, I'll make you mine." - Sieg, panting, blushing.

Medea was taken by surprise, she expected Sieg to push her away right after the ritual was done, and assuming from the original story, Sieg hates dark magic users to the bone and treats them as an enemy.

"Perhaps it's the after-effect when lifting the curse" - Medea thought.

There is no way she could escape his bestial grasp, a poor little witch is unarmed and naked.

She is now at the mercy of the Great Hero, who is about to "conquer" her "secret areas".

Medea tries to open her mouth and tries to call him back to his sense.

"Ahh... Oomph" - Sieg kissed her and started entwining his tongue around hers.

Due to the "sparking" effect, Sieg's holy magic power collided with Medea's dark magic power.

Both of their bodies are now becoming more sensitive than usual.

A large wave of pleasure swept all over their body, and Medea lost her will to resist when her favorite idol was doing this much for her, even if this was a fake love, she didn't care now.

Sieg's giant dragon is now on a full rampage, It could rip his pants out at any moment. 

They both succumbed to their desire, There is no reasoning beyond this point. Just a man and woman who want the same thing.

Let the hot scene begin.

Medea slowly put her hand on her underbelly and cast a small contraception spell onto herself, and a small magic rune appeared on her belly, showing signs of an active spell, for now, it would protect her cave from unexpected trouble.

Sieg sees the magic rune on her belly, he knows this is the basic contraception spell.

"I was about to cast it for her but it seems she was already prepared" - Sieg thought.

"Your Highness, please be gentle" - Medea, blushing and smiling a little.

Her approval is, to Sieg, like adding oil to the fire. Sieg is now on the full-scale offensive. 

He is whispering sweet nothings to her ears while kissing her neck.

"Medea, you are so beautiful".

"Your scent is so sweet".

"I won't give you to any man, you will be only mine".

Medea is flustered when her one and only idol is whispering sweet nothings to her ear.

Sieg is now rushing to grab and fondle her mountains and sucking the mountain peak, like a hungry beast feeding on its prey. Medea's mountains are large, beautifully shaped, and soft. These are the best "pillows" any man could hope to get their hand on. It feels so nice just to hold and play them with his hand. Medea's mountains are very sensitive and she seems to like his touches very much.

Medea, now she is in the heat, unable to hold in her pleasure, now moaning in her very sweet voice. 

"Ahn! ...Ahnnn! Your Highness!!"

"Call me Sieg or else I'll punish you harder" - Sieg whispered, Medea blushed, reluctant but finally complied.

"S-Sieg!! , Ahnnn!!" - Medea, as Sieg is having his way on her mountains.

The fondling, sucking, and moaning continue for a while.

Sieg is leaving his "territory marks" all over Medea's body.

Medea's cave is now getting all wet. Both of them are sweating all over the bed from the heat.

It's time for the main dish.

Sieg took off his pants and let his giant dragon out of its den.

It's fully awakened and ready to invade her little, wet cave.

Seeing his giant dragon in its fully awakened state, Medea gasped, Its mere size is simply dangerous to any lady foolish enough to provoke it. It is not an ordinary dragon but it is "the holy emperor dragon" infused with his holy power. In the original story, even the saintess's cave, which was well-protected by her holy magic, was unable to hold out against his dragon invasion, the saintess hit climaxes and her stamina is drained from taking just a few blows.

"S-Sieg, yours is too big, please! slowly" - Medea, pleading, panting, and sweating, there is nowhere to run now.

Sieg seems to be able to restrain himself from thrusting his dragon into the cave too fast.

He slowly dips the dragon's head into the cave's entrance.

Touched by only the tip of the dragon's head, a great wave of pleasure swept through her cave as the holy power clashed with her mana system, Medea let out more of her sweet moaning. 

"Eeek!!" - Medea felt a slight pain in her cave and realized this was her first time, in this new life.

Sieg smelled a slight scent of blood too. It seems his dragon has taken her first blood.

He quickly reacted, "Medea, you are bleeding a little, hold on a minute", Sieg backed off and reached for his pocket for a mini-healing potion, which can heal a small wound.

Medea didn't feel much pain due to the holy aura from his dragon giving her cave a large amount of pleasure. But it feels nice when Sieg gently takes care of her wound. 

While waiting for the healing potion to take effect, Sieg uses his holy-power-infused lips to peck on some sensitive spots on her body to help ease her pain. 

"Uhmmm, haa... " - Medea moans softly.

A short while later, her bleeding was stopped. It seems her wound is healed, should be okay to continue the breach now.

"Medea, are you OK now?" - Sieg is making sure.

"Yes, please continue" - Medea smiles.

The holy emperor dragon resumed its attack.

"Ahnnnnn!!" - Medea, feeling a surge of pleasure in her cave as they made contact.

It seems the dragon has touched a very sensitive point in the cave.

Sieg's first dip was marvelous, as her cave snuggled tightly around his dragon, It was warm and comfortable, and a massive wave of pleasure swept from his dragon to all over his body. 

"I wish I could go like this, all night" - Sieg thought to himself, but Medea is going to hurt a lot if he lasted too long. So he better keep it short.

"Ahnnnnn!! Sieg, It feels so good! Hahhhhhh!!" - Medea moans and her cave twitches.

Since their most sensitive body part has connected with each other.

And their desire has been matched.

"The Mana Synchronization Effect" has started.

"Allow me to explain a little about the effect :3" - Lulina, the Goddess of Love.

"When a couple's desire matches and they both are mana users, once their bodies are connected to each other, the Mana Synchronization Effect will start".

"For example: If Sieg could reach the climax 10 times at a total duration of 10 hours, and Medea could reach the climax 2 times at a total duration of 2 hours, upon entering the Mana Synchronization Effect, they will be able to reach the climax together, safely, with up to 12 times intensity and a total duration of 12 hours, there are more benefits such as Sieg will be able to partially sense Medea's feelings, and vice versa, So he could stop his dragon before Medea get hurts too much, this is nice :3" - Lulina.

"But be careful, extreme pleasure effect also comes with lots of negative effects on the body if overused, better have it in moderation *wink* " - End of Lulina's explanation.

Sieg's dragon starts moving its head, in and out of the cave, faster and faster.

Both of them have succumbed to immense pleasure and lost count of the time.

It's a chaotic night with lots of moaning, stroking, and sweating.

A long while later. 

Medea, unable to hold it in anymore, reached the climax and pulled Sieg up to the climax too.

"Sieg!!" - Medea yelled, her cave suddenly squeezed his dragon violently.

"Just a little more!!" - Sieg, his dragon is now starting to flood her cave with its holy water.

"Ah" - Sieg reached the climax too, and the dragon ejaculated a large amount of holy water into the cave, so much that it overflowed out of the cave. 

Due to their synchronization effect, the climax, for both of them, has gained more effectiveness and extra duration, It feels like visiting heaven together.

"Holy!!" - Sieg is in ecstasy, as he visits "The Heaven Gate" for the first time, with Medea. 

Sieg lay down to rest, and Medea fell asleep soon after.

Their desire has been perfectly fulfilled for now.