
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantaisie
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94 Chs


"Since you have made up your mind on dying, then go ahead. Die". He said with nonchlance . The smile on his face got wider with the expression Beebah had on her face. Her clenched fist tightened and he could even hear her grit her teeth in anger.

"Are you shocked I'm actually supporting you for the first time." He asked rhetorically, sparing her a side glance. "Since you've decided to give your life so easily like a yam on battlefield what do you expect me to do. Hmm?" He added, glancing back at Beebah who had stopped in her tracks. He turned around to face Beebah who stood stiff like a raging bull.

"Wish you good luck, you would need it " He said before passing by her to leave for the camp where they were coming from.

"You are wrong". Beebah's voice resounded from behind. Her sudden response made him halt his footsteps; his smile stretching to the side of his head. He turned his body slightly to take a look at the raging beast; her black hair flowing down her back like smoke conveying her emotions -anger. Beebah turned around slowly to face him, her first refusing to unclench themselves.

" I don't plan on dying. And you are also right about one thing - I can't get over my feelings for Zamiel and I'm not ready to. " She ranted, still with clenched fist, glaring right at Ramon.

"And also, your motivation won't be needed, that part has already been cleared and handled. Save your breath and spill your words no more cause you'd need it tomorrow and next tomorrow. " She took a step forward, standing face to face with Ramon, before walking out on him.

He glanced at her retreating figure with a wide smile on his face but his wide smile soon turned sour, his smile wiping off face like water drying up on the earth surface. The creases by the side of his eyes due to his smiling washed off, turning non-existent, transforming into a glare.

"You know, I've been noticing something strange about the others". The both of them ( Mira and Zamiel ) sat on the branch of the tallest tree in the woods. The tree looked almost like the talking tree that almost murdered her. She rested her spine on his chest, while he did the same to the tree. Their hands entwined in each other, as he uses his other hand to brush strands of hair off her forehead or maybe he was just toying with it.

" Why do you say so?" He retorted, with a furrowed brows while still picking non-existent things from her hair

"I'm not sure. Instincts?" She replied with uncertainty. "You know, my instincts are never wrong. " She added.

"If you say so" He responded with a tease, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb so gently and softly.

Sigh. "You know, everything seems just right but still incomplete." She mumbled with shut eyes. She took a deep breath, releasing it through her mouth. She felt like bursting, she didn't know why, Tis as if there's still some pent up emotion within her that needed to be released but she just couldn't point out why and what it was. She had Zamiel right by her side, and her family in her heart but still there was something she had not.... Fixed?.

Her grip on their entwined fingers tightened, as she dwells deeper into her thoughts. Zamiel eyes and ears studied her, her reaction, her breath, and her heartbeat. His blue eyes stared silently at her head.

"Just... let's just stay like this forever." Whispered Mira, still with her eyes closed, she detached their hands to reach out to his face; caressing it lovingly. Zamiel huge rough palm landed on her hand, the one she placed by the nape of his neck. His rough palm place on her hands felt so right and warm, his thumb caressing her hand felt so comforting.

"Thank you" she whispered, reaching out to his other hand to peck it. "Hmph, ah" she inhaled taking a deep breath.

* * * * *

The chirping birds reminded them of what awaits them, like gong rung over and over again to wake or sound a note of warning to people. They got cold feet as they rode in silence. Today was the day they were all going to perish- that was for sure. The couple cuddled each other on their horse, enjoying each other's warmth. One of the couple, totally unaware of what awaits them and the other was fully aware of the doom that awaits them acted oblivious and composed on the outside. The former slept peacefully, resting on the latter for comfort, and the latter ensuring the former gets a sound sleep tried his possible best to keep her warm by adjusting the thick wrapper on her.

The gang already decreased by one. Bee ah, she was nowhere to be found. Turns out she ran for her dear life: her belongings was nowhere to be found including her horse, everything was gone. They had to move on without her, they couldn't turn back now - they were stronger together. And besides they couldn't risk having the Princess suspecting something was up.

Last night, they had their fill; they enjoyed their lives to the fullest, they had a feast cause it might be their last night, for some people it isn't and for some it is but surely people must die. They ate and enjoyed to the extent some started spewing rubbish from their mouth, expressing themselves- some of which includes Uriah. He doesn't have something most people called shame, he usually just feel free and be himself, not a tiny bit shy or embarrassed about what he spews from his mouth. Most of them laughed at his funny attitude while some smiled and shook their head.

"How can she sleep through all this?" Uriah thought, glancing at the others silently who paid him no heed. He knew some of them could hear him. His thoughts lacked privacy, whatever thoughts leaks from your brain goes straight into their ears. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about it, even if Zamiel could hear him, it doesn't matter, because today eighty percent of them is going to die and go and rest with the earth.

They rode silently, the woods was as silent as a graveyard, only the pattering hooves of the horses can be heard. And their heartbeats, that was only accessible to the supernatural beings riding silently. Some beating sounded erratic and some sounded normal like it should but the look they had on their face didn't give of whatever they were thinking about what they heard, their sroic expression sold it perfectly.

Riding silently for almost an hour and nothing popped out yet. None if them lowered their guard because in any moment those tricky elves might pop out of no where and attack them. Half an hour turned into five hours, it was noon already even the princess was awake and was conplaning of hunger. They had no choice but to stop their horses and attend to her, though Ramin suggested they leave them behind and continue but they insisted - they all had their reasons for insisting. They watched silently as the couple fed them dog food, acting lovey-dovey. They couldn't stop themselves from watching, even though they weren't staring and looked away, they could still see them - their activity.

Afternoon soon turned into evening, evening transformed into night and the unsettled feeling within them kept rising by the minute. They sat quietly around the campfire, consuming their last meal probably. Their hawk eye didn't leave the couple for a minute, it followed the couples as they left for their usual comfort zone. Their departing figure, disoersing into the woods, away from their midst.

Silence overwhelmed them, announcing its presence, the presence of silence was very intimidating. All they could do was stare into eachother's eyes or focus on consuming their last meal. Their ass wasn't settle on the piece of log they sat on, let's just say they sat down with one butt cheek. The food they consumed tasted... well right, but it just won't digest- they didn't have the appetite for food, they only consumed it because they need it for their strength. The elf might pop out of nowhere and attack them, that was also one the reason why Phillip cooked the lightestvmeal he could think of, dishing everybody little portions of food except Mira though because none of this concerns her. Uriah's ear twitched every seconds at every sound. The snapping of twigs probably caused by rodents, and the hooting of owls, his pointy ears wouldn't stop twitching. His heart raced like crazy in his chest, his eyes scrutinised the rest at how composed they were on the outside but on the inside, he could hear the chaos within them. Not all of them though, because Azrael's heartbeat was normal. It was not beating like a broken alarm clock. Perhaps that was because he was used to situations like this.