
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantaisie
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94 Chs


  It was a miracle, she didn't fall asleep, even for her. She was a  hundred and one percent sure she wasn't going to make it awake to where they stood right now. It was one hellish journey for her, just sitting in a position for almost five hours. It was awful, her back ached like crazy, and her spine felt rusty due to her maintaining one sitting posture for so long. Maybe falling asleep wasn't a bad idea. If she had known she'd have done that, but no regrets. Because she's pretty sure if she was allowed to travel back in time to mend that particular situation, she's pretty sure she would have done the same thing by choosing to stay awake so there was no need to whine over spilled milk


They soon got there, it was a cave. It looked like a molded giant lid in the middle of the vast land. It was tall enough for someone's height, like a human's height but not sure about a horse's height. At first, when he talked about a lake, she was imagining a huge lake in the west where the sun sets, occupying the land. But it was a cave that seems to grow from underground. She's pretty sure it leads to an underground world where the lake probably was.

   As soon as her shoe made contact with the ground, kissing the sand, she strode towards the cave immediately, walking into the inner part of the cave. The cave had a space at the mouth, like a balcony where you can just stay without going in any further.

  She walked further into the cave which seems to be glowing. The cave had blue glowing light on its walls. The glow was a bit dull, but it was still enough for its visitors to see.

 The inside of the cave glowed and its glow was like a reflection from a large pool of water. The blue reflection danced on the cave's wall as if it were alive. It gave these feelings of life as if the cave or the water reflection was breathing, coupled with the cold temperature.

   She walked further into the cave, taking her steps slow and steady so as not to trip on the muddy floor. She walked further, deep into the cave, which seems to be taking longer than expected beginning when she first entered the cave was welcomed by its glowing insides which were due to the reflection of a lakea lallakelakes pretty sure it was.  She thought the lake would be nearby, probably on the other side of the cave, since its reflection was all over the cave's wall. She just never thought it'll be this far. Or maybe it's not, maybe it's her being desperate to escape the traveling torture, at least for a while before resuming the torture of the torturous experience.

("Maybe it's not far, maybe it's just me being eager to escape the torture of traveling"). With this thought, she proceeded with exploring the inner part of the cave. She increased her pace, but still with steady steps in order not to slip on the muddy wet ground.

  She can't wait to have her bath. At least having her bathe will sort out her cramped muscles. She couldn't wait to taste that feeling of bathing in warm water again, even though it was just yesterday she had one last before they left the inn. She was going to take her time to have her bathe. Maybe not too much time but still she's going to soak her tired bones and muscles in the water

  She's pretty sure it'd be warm since it's not marine water. She couldn't wait to have that feeling of freshness. The thought alone of how savoring it'd be made her itch and her pace increased with all sorts of imaginations. She'll savor every moment of it because God knows when next she'll have another bath.

   Her thoughts awoke happy rumbles in her tummy making her steps a bit wobbly with excitement.

  She quickly retracted her hand as if being scalded by hot oil. She retracted her hand as soon as it made contact with the cave's cold wall.

  She was too excited, that she almost slipped and missed her stepping, but luckily her instincts kicked in, making her reflexes fast. She quickly held on to the wall, not caring if she can grab onto it or not. She just had to hold on to something.

She quickly retracted her hand when all her instincts went to sleep mode, did she regain her sense of feeling?

    It felt like an insect or maybe a bug. She waved her hand, dusting whatever it was her skin contact with. She stared down at her palm, bringing her palm in front of her face to see. Even though the light wasn't bright enough for her to see clearly. She still did so.

   Her sight got brighter and she could see now. Or maybe she could see much clearer than before because the cave's light glowed brighter. She put her hand back to her side, leaving it for later.

 She gaped at the walls glowing brighter than before. The brightness was different from the one which looked like a water's reflection. The blue light glowed brightly. Her eyes glistened, reflecting a golden light.

   The tiny floating golden light burned bright in her eyes as she stared at it. They looked like tiny fireflies, or maybe they were tiny fireflies. They glowed brighter surrounding the cave. It felt magical. She doesn't know why she felt wasn't surprised. Maybe because she expected such.

   Her eyes serve as a mirror to the scene before her. Her eyes looked bright, they were like water reflections, glowing brightly in the dark as the golden lights came close to it (water) to see themselves.

  She stretched forth her right hand slowly and a bit hesitantly, to touch them, even though she was pretty sure they were going to fly away rather than letting her catch them.

  She whipped her head at something that caught her attention,g something that glowed brightly on the cave wall. She could see it glowing brightly from her side eye before she switched her attention to it. It glowed blue and brighter than the light shining in the cave.  She stepped towards it forgetting about the golden fireflies.

   She stared at the source of blue light that stand out walking towards it. It was a flower, a tiny little flower. Except for the flower she found out they were lots of other flowers, but this one was the one that glowed best. Only then did she realize, it was the flower that made the cave brighter, aside from the water reflection which doesn't seem to be anywhere near where she was.

   She leaned her head forward to get a better sight of the glowing flower. The flower's petals did the glowing. It glowed like a little lantern with blue fire or like a glow stick when it is used in the dark. ItIt'srightness was different from a candle or a florescent when close to it. The flower's light reflected in her eyes which looked brighter and glistened the more

   She couldn't help but have that feeling, the feeling of freedom and adventure in nature, or adventure in the jungle. The feeling felt ethereal and calm as though meditating, that's how she felt.

  She brought her hand up to her face where the flower was (Her face was close to the flower). She brought her hand closer to the glowing flower to touch the little mesmerizing plant that glowed.

  She paused her action to touch the cute little glowing flower.

  The flower burnt brightly when her skin almost made contact with it as if warning her to back off even though it couldn't move.

  And with this sign alone, she pushed her head away from the flower. Since it burnt brighter than before which she's pretty sure was a warning.

   Though she found the flower's little gesture cute a lot. With the way, the flower switched to defensively being immobilized. It was quite funny she had to admit.

   She now stood straight and tall facing the cave's wall still staring at the cute flower which burned more brightly than others. A smile made its way to her smooth face as she stared at the cute little thing. She was now calm, she was in no hurry or haste to get to the other side of the cave anymore like she wanted to just some moments ago. The scene that just played before her and the little flowers just gave her a calm feeling like when she's performing yoga.

  She inhaled and exhaled switching her direction away from the wall, back to facing the inner part of the cave before taking her first step to proceed on her quest to find the lake