
The Red String Of Fate Led Us To Explore Labyrinths

A couple being transmigrated to a new fantastical world with sword and magic. With this great opportunity, they will take every chance they get to enjoy this new life of theirs, whether it is exploring labyrinths, making new friends etc. Their goal is to have a life without regrets in this new world.

Bluet · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The General Situation of the World

"Labyrinths?" Alicia questioned as she looked at Mozan with eager eyes.


Alicia hoped that this world would be similar to those Japanese animes, with monsters, magic, and skills. To her, it would be a dream come true.


"Yes, labyrinths. In this world, labyrinths are tied to the culture of this world. Adventurers delve deep into labyrinths and get resources from slaying monsters. With those resources, adventurers get money by selling the resources they gathered to merchants. Merchants then use those resources to create useful products that would be sold to the general public. This is an extremely simplification of the general situation of this world."


As Noah listened to Mozan's description, he obtained a general picture of the world he was in. And looking at his wife's excited eyes, it seemed like his dream to have a calm and peaceful life with his wife was about to fly away. But since, he had already made the determination to not leave any regrets for him and his wife, he decided to follow Alicia's wishes. But first, he needed to obtain more information first.


"Mozan, are labyrinths dangerous? And how do we sign up to be adventurers?" Noah asked tentatively.


Mozan seemed to have expected these questions and replied without much hesitation, "Labyrinths are not dangerous if you are calm and collected. Labyrinths are divided into different floors, starting from Floor 1.


"After you step into Floor 1, you will be greeted with weaker monsters that do not drop valuable resources. But as you go deeper, more dangerous monsters will appear, but the income you will get also increase. That's why although labyrinths are relatively safe for newbies, there are hotheaded young men who are blinded by the riches of the labyrinths.


"As for how you become adventurers, it is very simple. You just need to register yourself at the Adventurers Guild. Once we get to Mavis, our destination will be near the Adventurers Guild, so you can just follow us until we arrive there." 


"Thank you very much for your guidance, Mozan. We appreciate it greatly." Alicia thanked Mozan seriously.


Without Mozan's guidance, they would be very lost in this new world and they might even have been killed. Therefore, Mozan's few words had helped them greatly.


"You're welcome." Mozan nodded.


As they continued on their journey, a silhouette of a large city soon began to take shape in the distance. The city had tall walls made out of seemingly white stone, looking tough and sturdy. The tower in the middle of the city seemed even more majestic as it pierced through the clouds, showing the grandeur of the city in front of them.


As they got closer and closer to the city, they soon saw a line of carriages and people waiting outside to get into Mavis by the main entrance. However, instead of the coming to the back of the line, their carriage arrived at a more secluded and less crowded entrance.


"This is the entrance for nobles and high officials to enter into Mavis, so don't talk recklessly here." Mozan whispered to Noah and Alicia.


Noah and Alicia nodded and tried to not stand out as much. After they waited in line for a few minutes, they arrived at the entrance.


The guards at the entrance looked at the emblem at the side of the main carriage with raised brows before one of them stepped forward to meet Mozan.


Mozan then took out the emblem of the Malik Family and presented to the guard. Once the guard finsihed inspecting the emblem to be real, he returned the emblem to Mozan and allowed them to enter Mavis.



Once they entered Mavis, what shocked Naoh and Alicia the most was the giant tower in the distance. Looking at it closer, they even saw tiny figures of humans walking in the tower.


Seeing their shocked gaze, Mozan said, "That tower is called the Garton Tower. It is build on top of the labyrinth of this city, acting as a marketplace where adventurers can sell their gathered resources from the labyrinth and where merchants can buy storefronts and sell their goods. It is a very important place for adventures and merchants. It is basically the heart of Mavis." 


"Wow, that is amazing. I never thought I would be able to see such a building in my life. I am really excited to become an adventurer now." Alicia's eyes glowed and she exclaimed.


"Haha, a lot of people say that once they see the Garton Tower," Mozan laughed as he said.


As they entered deeper into the city, Noah and Alicia constantly looked around them, taking in their surroundings. The city seemed to be filled with people, with wooden carriages running around everywhere. The area outside of the Garton Tower seemed to be where the people of Garton live, with beautiful wooden houses, markets where fresh produce were on display, and bars that were releasing tantalizing smells that seemed to lure in hungry adventurers to fill their empty stomachs.


'This place seems very calm and peaceful. It may be a good idea to settle down here.' Noah thought.


Once they got near the Garton Tower, the carriage quickly stopped. As soon as it stopped, the door of the carriage opened, revealing a handsome young boy with clear ruby-like eyes and a head of fluffy white hair. With the stern expression on his face, he looked like an bunny child trying to be an adult.


Mozan quickly walked to the side of the young child and stood by his side like a qualified bodyguard. The rest of the guards then took out some chests from the back the carriage and stood orderly behind the young child. After everything was taken away, the driver of the carriage bowed to the young child before whipping the horse in front of him. As the whip cracked, the carriage started to move towards the inner areas of Mavis.


After watching the carriage leave, the young child walked to Noah and Alicia and said, "Hello, my name is Theodore Malik, the heir of the Malik Family. From the conversations you've had with Uncle Mozan, it seems like we will be separating here."


After saying that, Theodore pointed to a solemn-looking building in the distance and said, "That building is the Adventurers Guild. There, you can register yourself as adventures. Once you become adventures and gathered some resources, you can consider visiting the Malik Family Shop on the 49th Level of the Garton Tower to sell your items."


Noah and Alicia quickly nodded and said, "Thank you, Young Master Theodore, for helping us so much. We will definitely be visit your shop in the future."


Theodore nodded. "Alright, it's time to take our leave. I hope I can the two of you can always return safely from the labyrinth."


With that said, Theodore left with his guards towards the Garton Tower. Mozan turned around and nodded to them before leaving.


As they watched the group of them leave, Noah and Alicia breathed a sigh of relief before looking at each other with excitement.


"Phew, good thing that they are not bad people. Otherwise, I don't know how we will get here," Alicia patted her chest and said.


"Yeah, we are very fortunate." Noah nodded deeply.


"Looking at the sun, it seems like it about to be noon. We don't we quickly register ourselves as adventures and go into the labyrinth to get some money so that we can find an inn to rest." Noah suggested.


"Yeah, let's quickly go. I'm really excited to see what is the process is like." Alicia quickly grabbed Noah's hand and led him to the Adventurers Guild with great glee.


Seeing Alicia like this, Noah shook his head with a smile and allowed himself to be pulled by Alicia. With Alicia so optimistic, he felt he should lighten up and allow his mindset to be like a young man again. After all, he didn't want his mindset to be out of sync with Alicia.


As they got closer to the Adventurers Guild, they noticed that the guild hall looked very solemn with people going about their day and workers handling some paperwork, as though they had walked into a Fortune 500 company.


After they entered the guild, they looked around before they came to the reception desk that stood at the back of the guild hall.


Seeing them come up, the receptionist at the desk quickly stood up and asked, "Hello, how may I help you?"


"We wish to register as adventurers, and I hope you can give us an introduction about the system of adventurers." Noah asked politely.


"Okay." The receptionist nodded before taking two patches of seemingly paper. "Take these registration patches and place one on top of your left hand."


Noah and Alicia took the patches and carefully place the patch on top of their left hand. As soon as the patch touched their left hand, the patch began to shine bright before it was absorbed by their hand, leaving behind a black complex sigil tattoo.


Noah and Alicia looked in shock as the black complex sigil began to unwind and form words.


[Name: Noah Jones]


[Age: 18]


[Occupation: Adventurer]


[Class: None]


[Level: 1]


[Stats: Strength-7, Agility-6, Constitution-7, Magic Power-4, Mana Regeneration-4/min, Mana Capacity-14]


[Skills: Red String of Fate (Innate)]



[Name: Alicia Jones]


[Age: 18]


[Occupation: Adventurer]


[Class: None]


[Level: 1]


[Stats: Strength-5, Agility-4, Constitution-5, Magic Power-9, Mana Regeneration-9/min, Mana Capacity-27]


[Skills: Red String of Fate (Innate)]