
The Red Rose and The Black Rose

While Momonga-sama was having his last moments in Nazarick, in other server, two Players were doing the same. But insted of Nazarick going to the New World (Nazarick went to another 'New World' or Isekai Quartet, no bad ending for Suzuki), the weaker, but still amazing guild of G.O.D.S. went to the New World with two members. Follow this squizophrenic duo toward their crazy stuff.

DontSayMyName · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs


Sitting in one of the 34 chairs around a perfectly round marble table, someone was waiting.

"... Wah… No one's coming… Should I just go...? It's almost sad…" The almost melancholic voice came from the figure. It was a young voice, but tired, heavy, almost sickly.

A familiar little sound called to her. It was the sound it made when someone on your friends list logged in.

The figure stood up hurriedly, looking to the sides to identify who had logged in with emotion not conveyed by her face, which showed a neutral and somewhat seductive smile, different from the tone of voice she showed before.

And her gaze stopped on one of the chairs, where a female figure was sitting.

"Oh. Black Abyss."

The woman who had just appeared looked at her and her voice sounded somewhat surprised.

"Dont? Are you alone? I thought the guild would be fully connected to say goodbye to all of us..." However, a young male voice came out of the female character.

"Oh... No… Well… No one came… Like… All day… Cough!" Dont said… Sadly. But there was some spirit lifted due to the presence of someone other than her own loneliness and thoughts.

Although her worryingly hoarse cough was heard over the microphone.

"Do you still have that illness? Yesterday you said you were getting better..." Black Abyss said somewhat doubtfully, then looking at her friends list.

"Ah… Yes… It's nothing, hehe… Just, eh… I slept a little cold last night, hehe…" Without sounding very convincing, the woman responded.

If there had to be a way to define the two women present in the room, they could be described as 'pieces of art'.

The one who had been alone a few moments ago, she was definitely a mature and gifted beauty. She had long, silky, straight black hair that fell down her back until it almost reached her ankles. Her perfect, fair skin contrasted with such hair, with her eyes red as the most crimson blood, and her lips painted the same tone. A large rose decorated her hair, while her outfit was both provocative and impressive.

A jacket attached to a short black leather skirt, with a red velvet interior with platinum details, as well as small red shoulder pads with silver spikes facing upwards.

Two belts on her left arm, red bracelets on his wrists, and fingerless gloves on both hands. From the ample bust of her, you could see the black silk hiding the skin directly, but giving a perfect view still. She had a choker-like necklace attached to a platinum padlock over a red tie.

At her waist, there was a belt of the same style as those on her arms, with silver details and tightening the outfit that showed off all the woman's perfect curves. Her small skirt barely covered the top of her thighs, and it was surprising that no one had sent her a warning message or banned her for such lewdness in her attire.

At the sides, from her belt, extended a large bell-shaped dress-like structure made of black leather like the rest of her outfit and supported by a black metal frame, with belt-like decorations on the outside of such bell-shaped skirts, and an interior red velvet. From her skirt, a pair of black straps could be seen going down, joining the black silk stockings that covered from mid-thigh all the way to the body heeled boots, filled with platinum spikes, a beautiful lingerie decorated with more leather.

In short, the dream of every goth girl lover.

The other woman seemed bright in comparison, but for no other reason than being covered in complete white. She stood out for her exceptionally white hair, a pearly and metallic tone that flows in silky, shiny waves. Each strand of it seems to catch flashes of light, giving it a heavenly air.

Mesmerizing yellow eyes, skin as pale as the moon, soft and perfect, the ivory complexion highlights her unique beauty and shines in conjunction with her bright hair and eyes.

Her long, dazzling white dress wrapped around her figure with grace and elegance from her neck to just below her knees.

Every fold and detail of the dress seemed custom designed to enhance her presence, with a sophistication beyond human hands.

On her neck she had a silver necklace with a dark gem beautifully contrasting with the woman herself, on her hands, she wore silver gauntlets of dazzling shine with black palms, which seem like a natural extension of his limbs, just like the pointed silver shoulder pads that adorn his shoulders, outlining her figure with an imposing charm.

Her combat shoes, which cover her feet and shins up to the knee, show the same material as the rest of his metallic equipment, highly beautiful and shiny.

At her waist, a silver belt highlights her feminine curves, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance that completes her stunning image.

Without a doubt, that table was being blessed with the presence of two beauties of such level.

"Ha... And to think that I spent 3 weeks building this character... Well, you were doing the same practically the same time as me. I guess we will suffer together, haha." Black Abyss exclaimed with some amusement, as well as pain at losing so much work to see the results for such a short time...

That time of hard work in the game undoubtedly gave both women impeccable beauty.

"Ah... Yes, hehe... Cough, cough, Cough!" Dont coughed again, although more frequently, extending a hand towards Black Abyss to 'calm' him.

"Hm... I won't ask much, but... Medicines and other things are very expensive lately... Are you able to get them...? Otherwise I can make a transfer for you, it's not much but... It will help a little." Black Abyss said with concern.

"A-Ah. I appreciate the offer, Black Abyss, but between the minimal funding my mother gives and a little help from my sister, I'm fine, hehe..." Her trembling voice did not convince the paladin. "It's just that it's not very easy to cure throat cancer even now… My sister is still trying to convince our mother to increase the budget a little, so she can pay for better treatment… But for now I'm fine, hehe…" Dont dismissed the offer with a grateful tone, making a gesture with her hand to dismiss it.

"Is that so...?" Black Abyss sighed, putting her hands behind her head and looking around. No one else seemed to connect at all, and there were still 4 hours until all servers were shut down. "Hm~ Dont~ What if we equip a World Item to appear in the top 3 before the servers disappear~?"

"E-Eh? Does it work like that? We'll be the strongest guild in this server, but we were barely ranked 98th in the world at our peak... And even regardless of that, I don't know if player rankings work like that..." Dont said thoughtfully and confused. "...But it doesn't matter... In 4 hours it won't matter anyway, hehe..."

Black Abyss jumped up and stretched out her hand towards Dont.

"Alright, let's go then~!" She excitedly exclaimed. "I also don't know if the individual ranking works like that, although I would never miss the opportunity to have a World Item equipped~"

Dont just laughed a little, amused by the excitement of her unmistakably feminine-looking guildmate.

"Wah... Perorin really excelled making the safe... It took an hour to do all the puzzles and shit to open it..." Dont complained, with a blue hourglass surrounded by decorations that imitated the english structure that gave off a gray and dry aura in one hand.

"He's a damn tryhard... But he's definitely a genius, that safe is a real marvel. He'd have to be hitting it for many hours to even dent it."

"Although a level 100 Specialized Thief could open it anyway... Ugh, thank goodness no one even managed to reach the dungeons..."

Black Abyss sighed a little, taking what looked like a card with a heart drawn on it.

"And pity for them, in all those raids I especially focused on those idiot thieves, the possibility of them reaching the treasury was even scary..."

"Indeed... Thank you for taking good care of the treasure, Cecilion." Dont said almost schizophrenically towards the NPC that he had followed them from the treasury entrance.

"Ha... Ha... Haha, now it's funny to me, but how horrendously hateful that moment was... RataVibradora kept asking us to use the Easter Egg and so on... He almost even used the Valentine's Day Letter... I was about to hit him when he threatened to write '1 gold coin' in the letter..."

"Hahaha. Yeah… He was a funny one…" Dont said with melancholy barely disguised as an amused laugh, putting the hourglass back into her inventory.

"Let's see... Maybe it will work if we appear in the top 3 now..." Black Abyss said, opening the ranking list.

But he sighed when he saw that even with 2 world items, he did not appear in the top 3.

"Well, It was worth the try. I guess…"

Dont laughed lightly at her companion's misfortune.

"Do you want to walk through the castle and end up in the throne room for the closing?"

"Pff~ If I could, I would like to walk this place in real life~ It really is a beautiful castle~ Let's walk~" Black Abyss said with audible excitement.

Dont smiled behind her avatar in a frozen expression, and both women, although one was actually a man, walked towards the exit of the treasury.

"Fua~ So many beautiful memories~" The busty woman said with fascinated melancholy, clearly locked in her own fantasy made of memories of her.

She walked ahead of her companion and spun around while appreciating the corridors that led to the Throne Room, with the mystical and celestial light bathing it in an enchanting contrast. A scene that could not be seen in places like Helheim or Muspelheim due to their dark and sinister environments.

"Without a doubt we built a wonderful place~ We deserve to be the #1 Guild in the server~" Black Abyss said looking around, sometimes he forgot to appreciate the things around him, but seeing what he had built with all the members of the guild, he undoubtedly felt deep pride.

"... I wish it would last forever…" Dont said dreamily, almost forgetting that anyone else was there besides her and not realizing she said it out loud.

Black Abyss walked over to one of the walls and looked at the engravings, laughing lightly.

"Hopefully... Unfortunately we won't see this anymore... Did you hear Bachelory? You'll have to take care of all this now, haha." In her schizophrenic mode, she spoke towards the NPC who was approaching from the side.

The NPC was dressed elegantly and nobly, wearing a black suit with embroidery and a blue interior that reached to his feet, a red vest, with a white shirt underneath with a black tie. His black belt with a gold buckle kept his black pants with armored boots tight, with another black belt but with blue embroidery lower and looser.

Black metallic gauntlets, engraved with electric blue light, and a large blue cape with a bright fluorine light blue interior with even more light blue circuits, which came with three strips of light blue leather on both sides, emerging from the large black metal shoulder pads with blue engravings that extended with several imposing blades.

And finally, his helmet, covering his entire face, the black metal helmet, with a pair of blades with blue embroidery sprouting from the sides like antennas, and another two further down like ears in a sense, a bright light blue visor that extended greatly, while one more blade protruded from the forehead to the back area of the helmet.

It gave both a noble and elegant bearing, as well as an intimidating and futuristic one.

"My Bachelory…" Dont muttered sadly, watching her creation from the side. "Your brilliance will never cease to amaze this universe ~ Overshadowing the brightest stars ~" The busty woman said poetically, with the affection worthy of a mother in her own way.

"You crazy girl... You spent hours doing it, it certainly turned out very well~ It looks spectacular, although I have it in medium graphics."

"Haven't you still bought one of those things so that your device supports better graphics?" Dont snapped out of her reverie and said amusedly, walking backwards down the hallway, looking at her partner and Bachelory.

"I did it, but I have to change the motherboard to support the graphics card... And a motherboard is super expensive... It's more expensive than buying divine gear from that fool Hanzel..."

"Am, yeah yeah, mother of graphics cards, understood." Dont said absently, not understanding any of her partner's technical nonsense. "Anyways... Hm... Ironic... The greatest reign... Will end without its king..." Dont said somewhat funny, but sad at the same time.

Both of them finally reaching the large marble doors and golden decorations like Divine Knights protecting the room, almost as if at any moment they would emerge from the gates carrying their great swords and shields.

"Without a doubt, Rey Jamon was a good Guild Leader, and I have to say that he went overboard with this door. It's fantastic~"

"The truth is, sometimes he seemed kind of annoying to me. With his hero and justice bullshit. He said he was a police officer once, and it surprises me that there are such fair police officers today... What will become of him...?"

Black Abyss laughed a little, as the door began to open in the presence of both of them.

"I hope it doesn't explode ~ Jamon said he had many safety measures, and one of them was 'kaboom'~"

"And the other was to summon 2 Empyrean Angels... What a son of a bitch..." Dont said almost complainingly, but only laughed afterwards, looking at the immense throne room. Here, where the guild members were supposed to take turns and fight in teams against the intruders, retreating when they were about to die and continue with the fight, so that then 'Heh' sacrifices himself and I apply debuffs to the enemies to eliminate them with the rest of the recovered guild.

But no one ever managed to reach the throne room, being the deepest room in the castle, intruders had to go through countless traps, NPCs, POPs, summoned monsters, and rooms to get there.

Not counting the Commanders, who were personally configured by NoobMaster96's tryhard to have incredibly fucked up programmed attack patterns and tactics.

The pair of companions and the NPC entered the room with black stone floors so clean that it was practically a mirror, showing the high white ceiling with large cobwebs that, of those present, only Dont knew they were monsters with very powerful attack power. If for some reason they went crazy within the game, they could literally get rid of Black Abyss, Bachelory, and her right now if they attacked by surprise.

They walked in silence until they reached the enormous emerald throne, which seemed carved from a single stone, imposing and worthy of a Giant, as the 'king' of the guild had been. With the flags of the 34 guild members at their sides, waving proudly but sadly as they released the positive effects on the pair of guild members, with the beautiful window with the figure of a Fairy like a Goddess carrying a pair of babies in her arms, while a Giant stood behind her proudly with his sword extended towards the bright sky.

In reality the window didn't lead anywhere, there was literally only a wall behind it, although you could see a divine light supposedly coming through the glass.

"Jamon was super superb on top, even more than Camello-Soberbio, and that is saying a lot. We are literally little insects next to him on the window..." Dont said pointing to the figures behind and to the sides of the giant, that had the silhouettes of all the members of the guild.

"Ha~ Look who's saying it~ Should I remind you how you burned those from the Salvadoran guild in the chat when you one-shot yourself halfway through after the mythical 'Allahu Akbar' from Heh~? Haha~"

"I-It was only natural that I took advantage of Heh's debuffs to eliminate an enemy guild and get loot! Hmp." Dont seemed to make a pouting gesture, crossing her arms and looking to the side, although her expression did not change in the game.

"Hahaha~ It was especially funny when everyone later came back crying asking for their equipment, only to be one-shotted back~ The chat that day didn't stop crying~ Hahaha~"

"Heh... Hehe~ It's true~ It was hilarious~ Haha~" Dont laughed, joining Black Abyss in her laughter... But a strong coughing fit stopped her, with the cough sounding worse than before.

Dont even doubled over in the game itself while she clutched her throat and stomach.

"Sit down. Although it is the throne, Jamon is not here to get angry now..." Black Abyss said without much grace, although maintaining a bit of comedy.

"Ugh... The son of a bitch was fascinated by his throne, hehe- Cough!" Dont moved her character to walk towards the throne, sitting on it, and although it was a little big for a beautiful maiden of 1.9 meters,

It still fits well enough not to look comical.

Black Abyss walked over and sat on the floor, resting her head against the emerald armrest, giving a sigh.

"What a shitty world... The real one I say. If we had these powers, we would never get sick, although well, if we didn't have corrupt politicians there wouldn't be much shortage either." Black Abyss said in complaint.

"... Even without the corruption, there would still be a shortage... When the idiots from USA and Russia nuclear-bombed the planet and ecological and sustainable policies were lost, everything went to shit… That's why I hate humans…" Dont said sadly, almost unaware that she was giving a history lesson again.

"Hm. I guess. That's a good point. *Yawn* How much time is left?"

"... 7 minutes until closing at midnight..."

"I'm very sleepy... And I really don't want to see how this ends... I'm going to sleep. I'll leave the session open." Black Abyss said, as he leaned back against the throne better, although it's not like it was his real body.

"... You're gonna leave…?" Dont said with a heaviness in his voice.

"Oh no no. I'm staying, It's just... It's too sad... This was the only place I could escape the horrible reality that is the world... Seeing it disappear is... I understand why the others didn't want to come."

"... They had their lives too... Habano had 2 girls... Michi had to take care of her father... And so... I know you have a job at the observatories... So... I understand if you have to go to sleep even a little longer..."

Although when Dont looked towards Black Abyss, she could hear his breathing through the microphone, he had fallen asleep... Well, at least he didn't disconnect.

"Mm... Good night, Black Abyss..." Dont said melancholy. She didn't tend to cry at all. Probably because of some psychological emotional repression to protect her or something, or maybe her general callousness. However, she shed a couple of tears under the virtual reality headset.

In about… 2 minutes, her only concern had to be fighting the throat cancer she contracted from a defective mask her job had absentmindedly given her.

She didn't even want to do that... She was even mentally prepared to, once Yggdrasil was over, disconnect the monitors and devices to end everything.

Her sister didn't want to admit it, but Dont was just a burden to her.

Her mother knew it, she knew it…

She knew that her sister had been taking extra shifts to pay for the treatments, so she would take away the effort and anguish of doing so, or of waiting for her to simply die from the poor treatments they were giving her.

Dont sigh exhausted, looking at Bachelory on the side.


At the command, Bachelory, among the programmed actions he had, knelt before Dont, and the sleeping Black Abyss, at the foot of the stairs that led to the throne.

"Now I'm just going to take a little revenge for Jamon's shit and adjust the throne to me~" She said smugly hiding her inner depression, entering the settings unlocked by Rey69Jamon himself and altered the size of the throne to Dont fit the size, much smaller than the Giant King who was the unfortunate Jamon. "Now I just configure this... And this... And that's it~ Secondary skin~"

Dont said cheerfully, changing the appearance of the throne from a majestic green crystal, to a throne made of black and volcanic stone, with red runes that gave it an evil appearance, emitting a now sinister aura that contrasted with the room, increasing its appearance of evil.

"Now I am the new and unmatched Queen Titania~! Muahahaha!" Dont laughed evilly, leaning back on the throne.

She placed a hand on the sleeping Black Abyss's head and caressed it ever so slightly, to avoid even the possibility of warnings being issued for inappropriate interactions.

"Ha... God bless me when he dies or something..."

6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


Well now, I'm grateful if you managed to read till the end. Personally, I actually doubt I would read an Overlord fic without Ainz-sama, but well. Here we are.

It was kind of exciting writing this though, my mind was a big amount of fire running gears! Anyways, this history is originally in Spanish, but I translated it to publish it here. As you can imagine, English isn't my mother language, but anyways.

The history is originally on Wattpad; the link is on my account here if you wish. It's all in Spanish though, and there's barely much to do with Overlord.

Anyways again, hope you liked it. I'll try to publish next chapters very soon, since I've been publishing this on other platforms, well... That~ Jeje~ Sooner informations on next chapters~

Bye bye~ See ya later~ Feel free to ask or comment anything, but if you're going to insult, pls retain yourself, but I recommend to save questions about this two characters kind after I publish the 'last' one of the 'already published', just wanting to test the waters. I will say it to make sure for the Ainz-sama lovers, I'm also an Ainz-sama lover, and Titania is nothing compared to Nazarick in general ways. Titania could win? Yeah, but Nazarick has more possibilities, way more. So have a nice day, night, and all that~

DontSayMyNamecreators' thoughts