
The Red Eyed King

———————sneak peek——————- Just as I was about to turn to do another lap of the cabin something grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the kitchen bench. My body sank to the floor stars clouding my vision. My hand went to my head something wet staining them. Looking down at my fingers fear overcame me as I saw blood. Some one chuckled behind me making me turn my head too fast the world spinning with it. My eyes widened as the stranger from earlier slowly came into focus. I tried to stand up but my head pounded making me slump back to the ground. The stranger took one slow step at a time as he bent down to my level. "Wh....what....?" I tried to talk but the swirling in my head wouldn't stop. Reaching out he grabbed my hair lifting me to my feet. His grip on my hair was making my head hurt more forcing a small yelp out of my mouth. I tried to push him away but it was like trying to swat a fly. His eyes glowed as he stared down at me. His lips spread into a smile showing his canines. "I found you." I glared at him through my pain induced haze. This only seemed to make his lips spread wider. "Don't look at me like that cherry blossom. It's your own fault. you know how I get when your not with me." I tried to speak again confused by his words. "Wh...who....are...you?" He let go of my hair quickly wrapping his arms around me the movement jolting my already spinning head. My hands were trapped between us as he reached with his hand touching my face. His fingers tracing my jaw line. "You really don't know do you?" Terrified my voice shook as i cringed away from his touch. I could only manage one word but it was enough for him to know what I was asking. "Why?" He laughed grabbing my hair again pain making my body shake. His face twisted making his handsome face turn ugly. Leaning closer his lips pressed up against my ears like it was a secret. "Because your mine." A low growl escaped my throat that was cut off as he started to drag me to the door by my hair. What was he doing? Where was he taking me? Why did he want me? Was he someone from my past? Is this what I was running from when I ended up in the woods four years ago? I tried to grab whatever I could but everything just slipped through my fingers. I couldn't let him do this, I had to fight. I was stronger then this. I heard the door to the cabin swing open as he dragged me outside. Taking a deep breath I used the incline of the stairs to kick off as I grabbed his hand that was tangled in my hair I swung my leg around kicking him in the head. His grip on my hair loosened enough that I could get free. Forcing myself to my feet I ran, as I ran I shifted into wolf mid stride. in wolf form the pain in my head started easing the shift exhilarating the healing process. Now that I could think straight I dug my paws preparing to pick up the speed. I never got the chance however as I was hit from behind. The weight of his wolf pinning me to the ground as he dug his teeth into the scuff at my neck. I yelped at the pain as his teeth sank into the flesh beneath. He stopped biting down before he snapped my neck. Pulling back he bit down again this time on my side. Pain enveloped my whole body the ground turning red with my blood. I tried to get him off, snapping at him. Tried sinking my teeth into his black and white coat to the flesh beneath but my strength was weaning. He was too strong and I was loosing too much blood. There was nothing I could do as my body went still. I lay panting exhausted with no way out. Whoever this was had won and was going to take me. Every fibre in my being knew that once he did I'd never return again. Just as my eyes started to close my exhaustion starting to make me loose consciousness the pressure that was digging into my side was ripped away. With effort I forced my eyes open as the sounds of growling filled the woods. My eyes followed the sounds to see the biggest wolf. His pure black pelt the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

dragonpaw · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

60. Ty

Watch out for bears she said. So bear was following us then. Well this mission definitely just got intriguing. I actually thought she really thought I was a traitor. What a joke! After everything the lunar pack put me, my mum and my sister through there's no way I would betray her memory by joining with them or Driak. Even though Driak wasn't apart of the lunar pack back then they were still one of the underground packs. Sort of like humans had their mafia groups sups have packs that deal in blackmail, assassination and the sup black market. The lunar eclipse pack deal in the kidnapping and selling of sups with unique abilities. My family was one of the last bloodlines that had rapid healing. Our blood sold for a fortune on the black market as it could be used to heal any wound.

So when my dad become desperate enough. to pay off his gambling debts he sold us to them as payment. My mum, a beautiful twenty two year old at the time was sold to a rich human who wanted to cheat life by using her blood to stay alive. My sister who the rapid healing gene had missed was sold to another pack to device their inmates males. Me I was sold to dark faes who held me captive constantly draining my blood for their various rituals and to use for money.

It was Vericus's dad who had saved me from that horror. That was when I started serving the red eye pack and mad it my mission to do what ever I could to find my sister. My mother I found out later had died when the human who bought realised her blood couldn't stop him from ageing and he'd gone into a rage. I had long ago paid spilt that humans blood for what he'd done. my father I hunted down and killed for his part.

Yes I had blood on my hands a lot of it. I wasn't proud of it but I wouldn't apologise for it. Everyone that I killed deserved to meet an early grave. I was happy to help Vericus fight against the lunar wolves. In fact I became so good at it i was always the first to go in when we heard word of their location. Vericus knew I was looking for my sister so he allowed it in hopes I could gain some information about who she was sold to before the chaos.

Nothing ever came out of it though. Twenty four years later and still not leads as to where she was. They kept their secrets close as any underground pack would. But the years I'd spent finding her had made me good what I did. I could read hidden messages in words said, Raine who'd grown up in the underground world was as proficient in it as I was. She however was far better at it then I was since it took me awhile before I read the true meaning in her words.

We were in danger or more to the point she was in danger. She'd told me to watch for bears when really there was one bear in particular she was warning me about.

I had truly thought she pegged me as a traitor. All the nasty words the implications on my childhood all of it was a ruse. A farce to sow discord between us to make it look like we worked against each other. Those looking would think we would sooner leave the other behind if they fell. She was warning me that this whole mission was a trap and that they were after her. She was banking on them thinking I wouldn't help her if they managed to capture her. Too bad for them I was under strict orders from Vericus that no harm come to Raine. I guess having the kings mate in your head meant she was worth more to the king then anything else. I scoffed to my self, lucky her.

My mind went to Cora and her role in this. Sure she was now Raines student but come on if she knew this was going to be a trap then she had to know Driak would want to lay the trap personally. There's no way Cora had the experience to handle an encounter like that. I Lena sure she was actually getting pretty good with those knives in just one day but still, against Driak knives are useless. I shook my head what could she be planning in that conniving head of hers?

I did a wide circle of the camp and yet there was nothing save a few owls and some rats that had ventured out in the night trying to hide from predators that might swoop down during the day. Sighing I started to head back using the shadows of the trees as my cover just in case.

By the time I returned to the others Cora was fast asleep and Raine sat by the fire another rabbit cooking that she must have hunted. She held one of her long daggers in her hand and was running an oiled cloth down its length. Upon seeing me she inclined her head towards the meat.


I scowled at her quipped word but did as she said and grabbed the stick holding the rabbit then sat next to the fire for warmth while I ate. Raine remained silent her eyes on her blade as she continued to oil the blade. The blade it self glinted in the moonlight.


Too engrossed in what her hands did I hadn't noticed her eyes had lifted to meet mine. It was not like me to loose focus of my surroundings. I swallowed the mouthful a hadn't even realised I had taken and point with the stick at the weapon in her hands.

"Those blades....is there something special about them?"

She eyed the blades with affections I had not seen her use before. Setting aside the oiled cloth she pulled the second from her back. They were a pair the same in every way. She spin them in her hands then presented them hilt first towards me.

"Look closely."

Apprehensively I set aside my meal and took them slowly. At first glance they seemed like normal blades of steel but at I liked closer I realised that was not the case. They were steel sure but there was something different something supernatural. Power thrummed from them, the longer I held them the more I felt it seem into my very bones. Fearing its implications I quickly handed them back as a small smile spread her lips. She slid them home at her back a arch in her brow at what I knew was a hint of caution in my eyes.

"They were forged by and demon in the pits of Vushli."

I stared at her scoffing at her words.

"There's no such thing as demons."

She shrugged getting to her feet.

"Believe me, don't believe I don't mind either way."

She moved to leave the light of the fire.

"Then tell me where are these pits of Vushli?"

Looking over her shoulder she smiled but the humour did not reach her eyes.

"A hell dimension."

I laughed at her words as she disappeared into the darkness. Did she seriously expect me to believe in hell dimensions? I mean come on I know we live in a world where there are many things that could be classed as magic but hell dimensions? Demons? She really was out of her mind crazy there was a limit to what even a sup like me would believe. A ghost story that's all it was. I fiction set to unnerve me in her twisted way of testing me. Well she will find that I am not so gullible as that. More like she had a witch spell the blades to never break or even to give the user great strength. A hell dimension....what a joke.

"You don't believe her do you?"

I didn't need to look to know Cora was the one who'd spoken. She was not asleep as I first thought as she rolled over to face me the flames of the fire turning her eyes yellow instead of green.

"No I do not believe her. Do you?"

She didn't move to sit up from her position under the blanket she had tucked under her chin to chase the cold not that we wolves felt cold like others. I think she more just did it for comfort.

"Why would she lie?"

She was still so innocent in many ways.

"Why does anyone lie? To make us fear her. That's all it was."

Before she could answer I sighed.

"If it were true would she just leave them in a safe house. Sure she had them hidden well from what I hear but still they would not be something you left lying around for someone to stumble on even if by accident. Besides I already side there's no such thing as demons or hell dimensions."

"How do you know?"

I stared into her eyes. It was a perfectly reasonable question but I couldn't answer. I had no proof they didn't exist. Plus the name demon didn't necessarily mean horned beast born from the pits of hell such as humans proclaimed with notions of their particular religion. The idea of their being one god with a devil ruling over sinners was merely their form of scaring children out of bad behaviour. If they really knew about the beasts that reside in this world they would probably be too scared to leave their houses. Though it could be said that some sups in our world may very well be demon like in appearance and mannerisms so who was I to say they didn't exists.


Pulled from my thoughts I quickly shook my head.

"I don't know Cora. I suppose there are still a lot of things that mother of us know about our world. Only the goddess would know every living thing that walks this earth and since she's not around to tell us I suppose we'll never know."

Cora's face took on a pensive look as she contemplated my words.

"Why did the moon goddess abandon us? I have always wanted to ask Ver but never had the courage to do it."

Her question was yet another I couldn't answer. This was probably the most serious conversation I had ever had with Cora. I preferred to hide behind jokes and laughter rather then show my true feelings but being around Raine and her ability to see into other peoples souls brought out what lay beneath. It shook me to the core and put me in a position I was not used to. I hated that she pulled me out of my comfort zone I much preferred my usual way of acting. These type of conversations almost always ended up with someone spilling their deepest thoughts and feelings and I was just not willing to do that.

"How should I know she probably got sick of us pestering her for favours."

Cora frowned them slowly shook her head as she closed her eyes.

"You really are strange Ty."

I stared at her saying nothing as she drifted off to sleep. Strange? Yes I suppose I was.

A little insight into the inner workings of Ty ;)

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