
The Red Eyed King

———————sneak peek——————- Just as I was about to turn to do another lap of the cabin something grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the kitchen bench. My body sank to the floor stars clouding my vision. My hand went to my head something wet staining them. Looking down at my fingers fear overcame me as I saw blood. Some one chuckled behind me making me turn my head too fast the world spinning with it. My eyes widened as the stranger from earlier slowly came into focus. I tried to stand up but my head pounded making me slump back to the ground. The stranger took one slow step at a time as he bent down to my level. "Wh....what....?" I tried to talk but the swirling in my head wouldn't stop. Reaching out he grabbed my hair lifting me to my feet. His grip on my hair was making my head hurt more forcing a small yelp out of my mouth. I tried to push him away but it was like trying to swat a fly. His eyes glowed as he stared down at me. His lips spread into a smile showing his canines. "I found you." I glared at him through my pain induced haze. This only seemed to make his lips spread wider. "Don't look at me like that cherry blossom. It's your own fault. you know how I get when your not with me." I tried to speak again confused by his words. "Wh...who....are...you?" He let go of my hair quickly wrapping his arms around me the movement jolting my already spinning head. My hands were trapped between us as he reached with his hand touching my face. His fingers tracing my jaw line. "You really don't know do you?" Terrified my voice shook as i cringed away from his touch. I could only manage one word but it was enough for him to know what I was asking. "Why?" He laughed grabbing my hair again pain making my body shake. His face twisted making his handsome face turn ugly. Leaning closer his lips pressed up against my ears like it was a secret. "Because your mine." A low growl escaped my throat that was cut off as he started to drag me to the door by my hair. What was he doing? Where was he taking me? Why did he want me? Was he someone from my past? Is this what I was running from when I ended up in the woods four years ago? I tried to grab whatever I could but everything just slipped through my fingers. I couldn't let him do this, I had to fight. I was stronger then this. I heard the door to the cabin swing open as he dragged me outside. Taking a deep breath I used the incline of the stairs to kick off as I grabbed his hand that was tangled in my hair I swung my leg around kicking him in the head. His grip on my hair loosened enough that I could get free. Forcing myself to my feet I ran, as I ran I shifted into wolf mid stride. in wolf form the pain in my head started easing the shift exhilarating the healing process. Now that I could think straight I dug my paws preparing to pick up the speed. I never got the chance however as I was hit from behind. The weight of his wolf pinning me to the ground as he dug his teeth into the scuff at my neck. I yelped at the pain as his teeth sank into the flesh beneath. He stopped biting down before he snapped my neck. Pulling back he bit down again this time on my side. Pain enveloped my whole body the ground turning red with my blood. I tried to get him off, snapping at him. Tried sinking my teeth into his black and white coat to the flesh beneath but my strength was weaning. He was too strong and I was loosing too much blood. There was nothing I could do as my body went still. I lay panting exhausted with no way out. Whoever this was had won and was going to take me. Every fibre in my being knew that once he did I'd never return again. Just as my eyes started to close my exhaustion starting to make me loose consciousness the pressure that was digging into my side was ripped away. With effort I forced my eyes open as the sounds of growling filled the woods. My eyes followed the sounds to see the biggest wolf. His pure black pelt the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

dragonpaw · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
60 Chs

24. Vericus

It started the first day she was taken, the darkness closing in. The second Sloane had tried to leave a searing pain made the scar on my eye burn. The darkness poring its power into me. I'd used my power on Sloane. Something I'd swore I would never do. I was still myself but not at the same time. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't stop myself from doing it.

Over the last two days I felt wrong somehow. There was this foreboding feeling inside me, like something terrible was happening. It wasn't just me I could feel her. She was in so much pain. It was as if our kiss had connected us somehow. He was hurting her pushing her to breaking point and the closer she got the closer I got to the darkness.

It wasn't what Sloane had said that caused my loss of control, it was her. I could feel it, he'd broken her. He'd changed her somehow and in changing her he had changed me. The darkness I had been holding back for so long burst forth. I was no longer in control. He was using me, possessing me. The power was pulsing through me. The need to quell Sloanes Aggression towards my mate. The primal need to insert my dominance over him. To put him in his place and remind him who was king. It was my mouth that moved but it wasn't my voice.

When the door was thrown open I hoped they could stop me before I hurt Sloane. My eyes saw Roake and Owen but the darkness now in control of my body was in no way pleased. The second Roakes eyes lit up I felt my strength returned. I pushed with all that I had. I felt Roakes strength join with mine as we locked the darkness back up inside myself.

I stumbled back dropping Sloane who fell back onto his feet. I panted as my hands had turned to claws. Slowly they returned to normal my control getting stronger. My head was pounding my hand in my hair hopeing the pressure would stop the hammer from banging around in my skull.

"Wh...what was fuck was that? What happened?"

My eyes met Sloanes he was staring at me like he didn't know who I was. I avoided his eyes not being able to face what I saw in them.

"That, was what we don't won't to let loose on this world. At least not like he is now."

Owen stepped towards me his hand reaching for my shoulder as a calming force relaxed my shoulders. I gave his arm a squeeze as a silent thank you. Standing to my full height I faced Roake.

"Thank you if you hadn't come when you did.."

I let my words drop off the implications obvious. He growled in a arrogant way that said everything.

"You King Vericus should have called on me sooner."

I sighed here we go. His cocky attitude was exactly the reason I didn't call him. Of course since he obviously knew more about my power then even I did he was probably right.

"Yes your probably right. Come on we'll talk about this in my other office away from prying ears."

As we headed for the door I put a hand on Sloanes shoulder holding him back. Owen knew what I wanted without being asked as he lead Roake away. Sloane glanced between the others and me.

"Aren't we going with them?"

"In a minute I just wanted to check that you were alright."

His eyes darkened telling me that he definitely was not alright.

"Look I'm sorry you have to know that wasn't me. There's something inside of me, a darkness. It's got something to do with the power I was born with. It's the same reason I had Owen make that promise to me. I never wanted you to see it....I-"

"Ver stop please. Look I get it alright you don't need to explain. You really think I wouldn't realise whatever that thing was wasn't my brother?"


Sloane smiled as he playfully tapped me on the arm a wink in his eye.

"Don't worry about it Ver sounds like Roake knows more then we thought maybe he can shed more light on what's going on with your power and who knows he might even be able to help save Kan."

I noticed he said Kan instead of Raine. I know he's just trying to picture her as his friend and not the Killer. His eyes however told me it was still on his mind. Well at least he's trying. I'm not going to lie I was worried about her too. After what happened I know something has seriously gone wrong wherever she is. I thought about not telling him considering how he was only moments ago freaking out about her but I promise I'd keep him in the loop on everything even if it hurt him.

"Sloane there's something I should tell you, about Kandra I mean."

His smile disappeared.

"Tell me later."

His words surprised me, he must have noticed because he added.

"Look I can see it in your eyes it's something bad so let's just hear what Roake has to say first maybe it'll make what your about to tell me make more sense."

I nodded.

"Fine if that's what you want to do then let's go see what the great Roake has to say."

He chuckled at my sarcasm. Roakes obvious Arrogance has clearly already shone through. Even Sloane saw it after less then a minute being around him.

"I'm sure his highness doesn't like to be kept waiting."

I smiled it had been awhile since we had joked around like this. Lately it's like there was always something going on. It felt good to know we could still find humour in a situation such as we were in.

Our suspicions were well founded as we stepped into the second office.

"It's about time considering the mess those red eyes of yours have put us in you would think you would want to hurry it up."

I groaned.

"Seriously Roake don't you ever have an off switch for that smug attitude?"

"Hey you called me buddy and rightly so since you and your mate have clearly botched a peace that was meant to last another couple hundred years."

I growled annoyed with him already as I took my seat behind the desk to face the wild beast of an alpha.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Roake stared at me a low growl emanating from his chest.

"Both of you had one job to find each other before Driak interfered but no that troublesome female had herself kidnapped at birth. Of all the hair brained schemes if I get my hands on the seer who gave him the information I'll rip their throat out."

Yeah I forgot he liked to ramble on. Since he spent most of his time as a wolf Roake tended to talk your ear off since he didn't get to use his voice much. Even if you had no fucking idea what he was going on about.

"Oh for fucks sakes Roake will you shut up!"

He growled at me his eyes glowing.

"Clearly your manners haven't improved any."

I sighed rubbing my forehead. A chuckle sounded from the corner where Sloane had cleverly hid himself. I scowled his way before turning back to Roake.

"Look I have no idea what your talking about why don't you just start at the beginning so we can catch up."

Roake turned to Owen.

"Might wanna bust out some more of that whiskey you sent me cause this is gonna take awhile."

Owen glanced at me. I nodded an ok giving Owen permission to open a bottle of the same brand id sent with Hawfalk.

Once he had his drink Roakes yellow eyes studied me like he was looking for something. Finally he sat back.

"Tell me what you know so far and I'll see what I can do to fill in the gaps."

I agreed and began retelling everything that had happened in the last ten years. I told him of Kandra and our theories on who she really was. I also told him about our theories on Kandra and Rixs power.by the time I'd finished Roake had basically finished the bottle.

"So that's pretty much it. Most of the information we have is based on theories which is why we called you. We figured if anyone knew the truth it's be you."

My pride took a hit with those words but I figured if I gave him an ego boast he was more likely to help us.

"You were right to call me. You half wolves pride yourselves in living side by side with humans but where has it gotten you?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration at his words. Why did I think this would help.

"Roake would you just spare us the lecture and tell us whatever it is we need to know."

For the first time all night Roake said nothing as he took me in. Huffing he turned to Owen.

"What did your pack tell you about the red eyed king? Did your brother pass on the knowledge before he died?"

Owen glanced at me like I could give him the answer. I shrugged I only knew what he had already told me. Owens attention returned to Roake.

"I only know what we all knew, that a wolf born with red eyes must have a mate. Only with their true mate can they control the power of the king."

Roake glanced at all three of us as if he was expecting more. When none of us added to Owens words he almost snarled his reply.

"That's it?"

Owens slight incline of his head his only answer.

"Did your brother as alpha not pass on anything else?"

Owen shook his head.

"How could he I wasn't there when the silver moon pack was attacked. I didn't get to say goodbye to any of them."

Roake waved off Owens sadness like it was a weakness that had no business here.

"Yes yes it was a tragedy to loose such a noble pack. Seems at least they knew how to keep their secrets close. Though considering where you find yourselves now perhaps they kept them too close."

Roake rubbed his still clawed hands together like he was gearing up to preform some kind of magic. Of course that wasn't the case he was just getting ready to blow us away with how superior his knowledge of what was going on is.

"Right listen well because I don't want to be repeating myself. Once you have heard the origins of those red eyes of yours you will understand why my lycans refuse to live along side these humans. It's because they are too prone to act on their more undesirable emotions. Anger, grief, jealousy. They seek revenge when they believe they have been wronged. They can not except that some things are out of their control. That some things are just not meant to be."

Roakes voice held us captive. I had a feeling that whatever was coming next would change everything we had ever thought about the world.

"It all started thousands of years ago in a time of war amongst humans and wolves. The moon goddess who had created both humans and wolves who at the time were the only shifters in the world. The moon goddess grew tired of her children killing each other so to insure peace between both races she found a pair of twins. One was born with the wolf gene the other was human. To the wolf brother she gave a strong will to gather the wolves under one alpha a king of alphas. The other brother she granted the power of magic to use magic creating the worlds first witch. With this power she tasked him to to gather the humans under one banner and made him king. The two brothers used their new power to create peace between their two races.

However like all things that peace didn't last long. The war to end all wars started with a human female. The human king spell bound by her beauty used his magic to make her his wife. When the wolf king met his brothers wife he was hit with the fated bond of his wolf. Not wanting to disrupt the peace the wolf king begged the moon goddess for guidance. The moon goddess was furious with the first brother for she knew he had taken her will from her in order to wed her.

As punishment she took back the power she had given him and placed it inside the wolf king so that he may rule over both humans and wolves. She then cursed the human brother with immortality so that he could watch as each king that was born continued to maintain the peace between both races.

To the female forever fated to these kings born of red eyes she gave part of her goddess power so that she could never be forced to do anything against her will again."

Here he stopped as he eyed each of us. I was speechless. I mean I knew there was a strong power within me but i never realised it was a power granted by the moon goddess herself. It was a lot to take in. It was Sloane who found his voice first.

"What happened to the human king?"

Roake grunted.

"I would've thought that one was easy."

Yes it wasn't hard to guess who he was talking about the name a growl of sound from my lips.


Roake nodded.

"But that doesn't make sense I saw him use power. Plus Ver saw him as a wolf."

Roake shrugged.

"Who can say. He must have found a way to gain back some power though it pales in comparison to the power Vericus holds."

I shook my head confused.

"Why make him immortal though? Wouldn't dying alone with nothing be punishment enough?"

Roake leaned forward.

"The moon goddess hoped that he would learn the errors in what he had done. Driak was one of her children she had hoped he would one day redeem himself and find peace."

I chuckled bitterly.

"Considering what's happened that clearly was not the case. So this whole thing is to gain his power back. But to what end?"

Roake stared at me like it should be obvious.

"Can you think of nothing?"

I glanced at Owen like he might have the answer but he just shook his head. Roake growled at our stupidity.

"Think about it he has lived for thousands of years unable to find peace. Unable to gain back all that he has lost. He's forced to watch as again and again his reincarnations of his brother steal everything that was his. It's likely he seeks to break his curse and probably seeks revenge for all that he has been forced to endure."

"So your saying he wants his power back so that he can have his revenge?"

Owen voice sounded as shocked as I felt. Driak was doing all of this so that he could break his curse?! And what kill us all? Or was it the goddess herself he wanted revenge on?

"If what your saying is true then why did you not tell us this before? Why wait til I had called for you? If I had known I would have... Argh I don't know done something to stop him."

Roake laughed.

"Stop him?! The guys immortal Vericus what could you possibly have done. What could any of us done?"

I growled my anger rising.

"Stop playing games Roake we needed this knowledge. Yet you kept safe in your forest with your pack of wolf dogs while the rest of us fought through this blind!"

My canines shot out as I slammed my hands on the desk my claws leaving scratches in the wood. Roake didn't even flinch at my out burst.

"To answer your question I didn't know what was happening until recently. As you say we are wild wolves we make it our life's mission to be apart from the rest of the world. It wasn't until recently that I even knew what was happening."

My eyes glowed.

"Then why didn't you come the second you found out?!"

"Because I was gathering information. My pack values knowledge. I needed to know what Driak had done to your mate to find a way to reverse his power over her."

I was about to ask what he meant when the door burst open.

"Vericus it's Kandra she's been found."