

"The Light to Dark" is a popular web novel starring a wonderful hero that saves everyone with the power of friendship and cheat-like abilities~~ Screw these kinds of stories!!! I an ordinary office worker want some clarity and peaceful life! There is no way that all these stories and their misunderstandings and dramas and action and fighting are good for my life. Not only that! After further reading the novel, I am not the only one! The novel review has gone down, their webtoon adaptation has also fallen off and was axed! In the end, these stories are not it! However... I should consider when I realized that I was reborn as the third-rate villain of "The Light to Dark" novel. Ron Vicious Le Stella

Endeko · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Ron Vicious Le Stella

"Wait what just happened!" I scream as I awake and stand up from my sleep

As I looked and surveyed my surroundings, it was a place covered in white. Next to me were White curtains that made it so the beds next to each other were separated. As I remember... This environment is.

"Did I pass out and wake up in the hospital?" Though the hospital is kinda... how to say it. Olden times?

"Damn right, you did! And, you're not at the hospital you're only at the academy clinic you bonehead idiot." 

I looked towards my right side, and there stood or to be more precise, sat a girl drinking tea and having her legs in an x position. She had red hair tied like twin tails but there was still hair falling off on the back because of her long hair. She had a white uniform and black skirt, and a red ribbon-like bow tie.

Wait a minute, Red hair, Twins, White uniform, Bowtie. Could it be...?

"Freya Gail Asteron?" I said suddenly

"Yeah, that's right. Don't tell me that you're memory was also damaged from the fight. That can't be, are you doing this for my attention?" She crossed her arms "As far as I know, being scared to the point that you pass out is not something that could cause someone to forget their memories." 

Fight? Don't tell me!

"Mirror, is there a mirror around here?" I asked a nearby nurse

"There should be a mirror underneath the bedside shelf just inside the second shelf."

"Thank you." Upon hearing what she said, I immediately opened the second shelf and took out the mirror. "Ron Vicious Le Stella?"

It was a face I saw on the cover of the first volume of the novel, A face that I frequently saw on the academy arc of the webtoon. The third-rate villain passed out after asking for a duel with the MC Hans Alter Pomdour and almost having his head cut off by his sword.

Also known as the "simp" from the fandom of "The Light to Dark".

Former Fiance of Freya Gail Asteron, One of the academy bully's that was bit to dust by the mc.

Ron Vicious Le Stella, one of the heirs of The Stella County, and the lord of the simps by the fandom

"Oh my god, of all the people I could have reborn into it's this guy," I said looking at the mirror with a disgusted look.

Freya who saw all of this was looking at me with a disdained look.

"Enough of that acting, I'm going to go. Oh, and also, The son of the Duke of Tsachala told me that you're kicked out from his entourage, good luck with your academy life" Freya stood up and walked towards the door.

The Duke of Tsachala... That should be the Duke of the West, famous for his wonderful use of martial arts. Now that I think of it, there are four dukes in this country. What's the country's name again? Oh right! Lawrin!

As I delved into my thoughts Freya who reached the door looked back at me and just glared. I noticed that immediately and asked her about it.


"You got something to say to me?"

Say? What should I say to her?

"... Goodbye?"

"You!!!" After I said it Freya's face turned really red and steam was coming out of her head and ears. "Remember this Ron, this would be the final time that we would ever meet again! And I hope it will last forever!!!" She said while closing the doors loudly.

"Hoy hoy, at least have some conscience with the nurses and other patients in this clinic. She's too loud."

What was up with her anyway? Why should she just randomly ask me if I have something to say to her? Wait, did she expect me to simp for her and ask her to stay with me? 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, there's no way she just thought of that. I might have been reborn as Ron the Simp, but there is absolutely no way that I would simp for the girls on this novel. In fact, almost all of them would be with the MC's harem including her.

Wait, am I even reborn? What I remember is that I am Transmigrated am I not?

[Well... You're wrong and right at the same time]

"WHAT THE?!" I screamed with what I just saw almost causing another scene like what Freya just did. Of course, with true respect, I bowed and asked for forgiveness. Though, for some reason they seemed to have became scared.

[HAHAHA you should have seen the look on your face]

Anyways, in front of me is transparent blue slab with words on it. Just like in novels and webtoons, as for what I know this should be something like a game system right?


Wait you just read my mind?

[Yep, what? You don't expect systems to read your mind? Don't you think it would be awkward if people saw you talking at something on the air when there's nothing there? Don't worry though, we only read speeches you make on your head not thoughts, so if you ever have perverted thoughts you will be fine]

I see, reading of the context cues you gave. People should not be able to see you right? In fact, what are you?

[You? Oh wait, My bad. Let me just change the UI real quick]

After a quick moment, the blue slab suddenly turned greyish as if it was on dark mode. The fonts turned white, and from the looks of it. It looked like a chat room.

[Caring Goddess: Tadaaa! Isn't this better?]

[Greatest Fighter: Indeed, it would be of great help with the now young man]

[He who governs the night: Agreed.]

You guys, what are you doing as a system on this world.

[Caring Goddess: Awww, you didn't expect us to reach out with you again?]

Well, yeah, kinda. I was thinking of how much I would miss you guys because I couldn't talk to you guys ever again.

[Greates Fighter: Aren't you sweet.]

[He who governs the night: I understand your concerns friend, but don't worry we won't leave your side]

Wait, how could you even talk to me if I'm on another universe. Especially on this awful and garbage one- Oh wait!

[Caring Goddess: Don't worry, Light up the world! isn't in this server we already kicked him out [Thumbs up].]

Thank goodness, I thought she would be here again. Anyway, you don't have to reply, for all I know, you guys are Gods right?

[Caring Goddess: Tan Tan Tan, Corrrect! You get a cookie now]

All of sudden, a cookie appeared on my blanket. Since it was now on the blanket, I couldn't eat it anymore and just stared at it.


[Caring Goddess: Ama take that back]

The cookie then disappeared

You guys should tell me what happened. How did I suddenly end up in this God forsaken world, especially since this world is on a timer about to be destroyed. All I know is that this is the fault of the author and God of "The light to dark" isn't it?

[Greatest Fighter: Well... It is also kind of your fault. You just went and fought with her after all.]

I mean you're right. But how did I even end up in this world, didn't you guys say I was reborn and transmigrated?

[He who governs the night: I feel I should be the one to tell the story]

[Remember when you made a bet with the Goddess of the world of "The Light to Dark?" Using all of her powers she actually killed you back in the world you were originally in. Afterwards, @Greatest Fighter over here reported to me that he let her join the server. Knowing you, I immediately checked up on you in your original world.]

[What I found was your body and you no longer had a soul. Being someone who are comnected with the person who goverens the soul and life flow I searched for any changes and then I found you. But, your soul was then found to be transported to this world, into a fetus to be exact, right before they are imported with a soul. So, Technically speaking, you were reborn, friend]

I see... That still don't answer how you guys manage to have a hold with me in this world. And what even happened to the God of this world.

[Caring Goddess: That would be a secret~]

What?! You guys revealed almost everything that happened but you still wont reveal that?

[Greatest Fighter: We can't really reveal what's happening inside the God realm. If we do, all three of us would be severely punished.]

[He who governs the night: That is true friend, there are things better untold so cheer up. Plus, you can have a different life!]

[Caring Goddess: Yeah, as the simp Ron *pfft*]