
The Meeting

It was a dark late night, Jane was seriously considering to go meet her father, the current leader off Black Sea.

"Jane, you're not going to do it right...?" Leon was constantly asking, trying to stop Jane from going.

"I wont, Leon, i dont know the address,"Jane was a good liar, Leon definitely seemed convinced and soon after that he went home.

Jane opened a drawer and took out 2 pocket knifes, 'not the best, but better than nothing,' she whispered, wearing a black mask and hiding her face with her black hoodie cap.

Black was considered a good choice, because black wasnt as noticeable at night time.

Jane picked up a paper from her side table, it was the address. She walked to her place for hours, until she finally reached a very dark and empty place.

There was a 'not so big house as expected'. She looked at the main gate, it said 'Jonathan Sea'.

Jane walked around for a bit, trying to find the main wire. She followed the wire, to reach the main switch, then switched it off.

Soon every light in the area got shut, including all the cameras.

She climbed up the rough brick wall, going towards her fathers window. She broke the window to grab his attention.

"Who is it?" A deep voice shouted. "Is it another robber? Perhaps they sent another police officer to die?" His voice was flat but had a bit of amusement in it.

"No," Jane said, "I am daughter of Jonathan Sea," Jane took of her hoodie cap and her mask, "Jane Sea."

Flash lights hit her face as guns started pointing at her, "well well look whos here," his amusement not hiding anymore, "maybe the rumours of the reborn daughter were real."

"Indeed father," and click every single gun in the room clicked.

Jackson was standing beside Jonathan smiling ear to ear, "accomplished" he said.

Jane smirked, wearing her mask again, a bomb came inside from the window, everyones eye got widen when it exploded, grey smoke filled up the room.

"I never came unarmed father," one by one everyone fell down, now unconscious. Leon came inside from the broken window also wearing a mask.

Jane already knew everything, they knew everything for years but had to act clueless.

Of course once she regained her memories, finding out everything about them wasnt hard.

Well of course they were a part of "Black Rose"

Jane went to her old room, which used to be hers, she opened her and there she layed dead. Blood wasnt her favorite thing and this place reeked in blood.

"I will give you justice," Jane walks towards the body, closing the eyes, 2 men come and take her away, to bury her.

Jane opened her closet, to see it filled with clothes, fancy and classy clothes.

She opened to drawer, and finally found a gun, it was black in colour, and had rose written on it with rose gold.

"Perfect," she murmured. Both of them went away, without anyone else knowing and safely arrived home, her mother standing there back to her old form.