When John Milton, the poet, dies, he ascends not to the Christian Heaven or Hell, but to a cosmic realm where all gods of all mythologies reside. They each grant him a fragment of their power, recognizing his unparalleled mastery of language and understanding of the divine and infernal. Reborn into a new universe where gods and mortals mingle, Milton possesses absolute power and dominion over time, space, and reality itself.
With the Council of Temples in place, the citizens of Novus Mundus began to push back against the Shadow Conclave's influence. The Guardians of Harmony, along with Jora and other community leaders, worked tirelessly to strengthen their society. They organized Defensive Workshops, teaching citizens how to protect themselves from dark magic and to recognize the signs of infiltration.
The Artisan Guild launched a campaign to create magical wards for homes and temples, empowering the people to safeguard their communities. Artisans and mages collaborated on innovative protective enchantments, ensuring that the light of their unity could not be easily extinguished.
As tensions mounted, Milton's teachings echoed in the hearts of the people. They remembered the importance of love, cooperation, and the strength found in community. United under the banner of the Laws of Creation, they became a beacon of resistance against the darkness, determined to protect their world and uphold the legacy of the creator who had gifted them the power to forge their own destinies.