
The rebirth of a villain

the boy who awaken himself hehe

killexxx · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Villain's Awakening

The Echoes of Rebirth

The wind rustled through the ancient trees, carrying whispers of secrets long forgotten. In the heart of the Mystvale Forest, a lone figure stood before a crumbling temple, its once grand facade now overgrown with ivy and moss. The figure's eyes glowed with an eerie blue light as he muttered incantations under his breath.

"By the old gods and new, I invoke thee," he intoned, his voice resonating with a power that seemed to come from another world. "Grant me the power to rise again."

The ground trembled as the temple responded to his call, ancient runes lighting up in a brilliant array of colors. The figure's form began to shimmer and waver, his features obscured by the magic enveloping him. In a burst of light, he disappeared, leaving behind nothing but the faint echoes of his incantation.

Miles away, in the prestigious halls of Elmsworth Academy, students were bustling about, preparing for the new school year. Elmsworth was not just any academy; it was a place where the most talented individuals trained to harness their magical abilities and become the leaders of tomorrow. It was also the setting for an unexpected arrival.

#### The Arrival

Alex woke up in a lavish bed, the soft sunlight filtering through the grand windows of his new dormitory. He felt a sense of deja vu, as if he had been here before. Yet, his memories were a haze, filled with fragments of another life, another identity.

"Elmsworth Academy," he murmured, looking around the room. It was spacious and elegantly decorated, a testament to the academy's prestige. "So, this is where I've ended up."

He stretched and got out of bed, glancing at the mirror. His reflection showed a handsome young man with sharp features, dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. But there was something different about him now, something that set him apart from the other students.

"I'm not just Alex anymore," he said to himself, a smirk playing on his lips. "I am Alexius, the Dark Sorcerer reborn."

The memories of his past life flooded back to him in flashes – the power, the fear he commanded, and the betrayal that led to his downfall. But this time, he would play his cards differently. He had been given a second chance, and he intended to make the most of it.

#### The First Day

The first day at Elmsworth was always a spectacle. The grand hall was filled with students of all years, chatting excitedly and exchanging stories about their summer adventures. Alexius walked in, drawing stares from everyone around him. Whispers followed in his wake, some in awe of his presence, others tinged with fear.

"Is that the new transfer student?"

"I heard he's insanely powerful."

"Yeah, but there's a rumor that he... you know, sleeps around with every girl he likes."

"Really? He doesn't look like the type."

Alexius ignored the gossip, his expression unreadable. He had no interest in making friends or enemies. His goal was singular: to regain his lost power and avoid the pitfalls of his past.

As he made his way through the hall, a girl with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes accidentally bumped into him, nearly dropping her books.

"Watch where you're going!" she snapped, her voice full of irritation.

Alexius glanced at her, recognizing her immediately. She was Liliana, one of the academy's top students and the object of many boys' admiration. But there was a coldness in her eyes as she looked at him, a disdain that was unmistakable.

"Sorry," he said curtly, stepping aside to let her pass.

Liliana's eyes narrowed. "Just stay out of my way," she said before walking off, her friends following close behind.

#### The Rumors

It didn't take long for Alexius to find out more about the rumors circulating around him. He overheard conversations in the corridors, in the classrooms, and even in the dining hall. According to the gossip, he was a notorious playboy, someone who charmed girls and discarded them without a second thought.

"Ridiculous," he muttered to himself. "I have no time for such trivialities."

During one of his classes, he couldn't help but notice Liliana sitting a few rows ahead. She was brilliant, effortlessly answering questions and demonstrating her skills. But her disdain for him was evident in the way she avoided looking in his direction, her body language stiff whenever he was near.

Despite his determination to ignore her, their paths kept crossing in the most inconvenient ways. Whether it was in the library, during training sessions, or even in the common areas, they seemed to be drawn to the same places at the same times.

One afternoon, Alexius decided to visit the academy's extensive library, seeking information about an ancient spell that could help him regain his full powers. As he perused the shelves, he felt a familiar presence nearby.

"Of course," he thought with a sigh. "Her again."

Liliana was at a nearby table, engrossed in a thick tome about advanced magical theory. He tried to focus on his own search, but the constant proximity was unnerving.

"Can I help you with something?" she asked, not looking up from her book.

"I'm fine," he replied, pulling a book from the shelf. "Just looking for something."

She glanced up then, her eyes cold and calculating. "You're not here to flirt with the librarian, are you?"

Alexius rolled his eyes. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't spend my time chasing after girls."

Liliana's lips tightened into a thin line. "Could have fooled me."

#### The First Confrontation

Their interactions continued in this vein for days. Liliana seemed determined to challenge him at every turn, her disdain evident in every word and action. But Alexius remained unfazed, his focus on his ultimate goal.

One evening, as the students gathered for a practical magic lesson in the academy's grand courtyard, their tensions came to a head. The lesson involved summoning and controlling elemental spirits, a task that required both power and finesse.

"Alright, students," Professor Greywind announced. "Pair up and prepare to demonstrate your skills."

Alexius found himself partnered with a timid girl named Elara, who looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear. Across the courtyard, he noticed Liliana paired with her best friend, a skilled mage named Seraphine.

As the students began their summons, Alexius focused his energy, calling forth a powerful wind spirit. The spirit materialized before him, swirling with raw energy. Elara struggled with her summon, a small flame spirit that flickered uncertainly.

"Focus," Alexius instructed, his voice steady. "Control your emotions."

Elara nodded, trying to steady her breathing. But as she did, a loud explosion rocked the courtyard. All eyes turned to Liliana and Seraphine, who had summoned a massive fire spirit that was now rampaging out of control.

"Contain it!" Professor Greywind shouted, but the spirit was too powerful.

Without thinking, Alexius stepped forward, channeling his own magic to counter the rogue spirit. He summoned a water spirit, commanding it to douse the flames and subdue the fiery entity. The two spirits clashed, the courtyard filling with steam and magical energy.

"Impressive," Professor Greywind remarked as the spirits finally dissipated. "Well done, Alexius."

Liliana glared at him, her pride clearly wounded. "I didn't need your help," she snapped.

Alexius shrugged. "Could have fooled me," he said, echoing her earlier words.

#### The Unraveling

As the days turned into weeks, the tension between Alexius and Liliana showed no signs of abating. Their coincidental encounters became almost routine, each one more charged than the last.

One evening, as Alexius was returning to his dormitory, he found Liliana waiting for him in the hallway. Her arms were crossed, and her expression was a mixture of anger and frustration.

"We need to talk," she said, her tone brooking no argument.

"About what?" he asked, leaning against the wall.

"About you," she said, her eyes flashing. "And the rumors."

Alexius sighed. "I thought I made it clear that I don't care about those."

"Well, I do," she retorted. "People think you're some kind of... of player, and it's affecting the way they see me too. They think I'm involved with you."

"Then tell them the truth," he said. "That we're not."

Liliana's expression softened slightly. "It's not that simple. People believe what they want to believe. And right now, they believe you're trouble."

Alexius looked at her for a long moment. "Do you believe that too?"

She hesitated, then shook her head. "I don't know what to believe. But I do know that I'm tired of these rumors. And I'm tired of you constantly being around."

"Believe me, the feeling is mutual," he said with a dry smile. "But it seems fate has other plans."

Liliana looked like she wanted to argue, but then she sighed. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we should just stay out of each other's way."

"Agreed," Alexius said. "But if our paths keep crossing, maybe there's a reason for it."

Liliana gave him a long, searching look, then turned and walked away. Alexius watched her go, a sense of unease settling in his chest.

As he closed the door to his dormitory behind him, he couldn't shake the feeling that his past was catching up with him faster than he had anticipated. The memories of his former life were a constant reminder of the darkness he once wielded, and the enemies he had made.

But now