
The rebirth of a thousand lightening empress

A proud,powerful, arrogant goddess reborn into a pathetic human body is forced to live a life filled with endless tumors, troubles and schemes...... She is determined to give the body a better life......she won't back down until that every single person responsible for her problems are destroyed..... She is determined to kill and destroy anything that stands in her part including gods and goddesses But there he is......... challenging her driving her nuts Handsome devil "Seeing you in that dress makes me want to rip it off ur body! " He moved close to me as my eyes met with his and his breath meet with mine I gulped down heavily "I seriously would love to see what's underneath this dress.....! "His eyes gave in to lust and a bit of admiration "Won't you love that??? "His hands were already on my waist drawing me closer to him Too close...... too close... DANGER alert!!!!! DANGER alert!!!!! you stupid heart stop beating!!! And you brain formulate something....... Anything!!!! "Don't move close, you breath stinks! "I blurted and immediately regretted it when he slammed his lips on mine

Osaro_Choicey · Histoire
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8 Chs

The new mistress

The Rebirth✍️

Of a

Thousand Lightening ⚡⚡⚡


By choice 💎


Lit Two ⚡

I headed towards Grandpa mo minor

I could hear laughter and joy all over


Just how pathetic was this mo fan girl that everyone disliked her so much??

To be sincere,in my past life I was immortal

Born of the heavenly goddess, I had no family or friends... I was hated by so many and loved by only the heavenly goddess

But I don't know why she had to recaniate me into this pathetic soul...

Some how I kind of see myself in this soul

We have just one thing in common, we are both hated by others

I walked into grandpa mo's minor and everyone went silent

"Grandfather! "I greeted slightly bowing my head in respect which i dont approve off

Am a highly respected goddess

Who is this human that i have to bow too

I choose to do so because am no longer the empress but an ordinary human

He glance at me for a second before nodding asking me to take my seat

Smirking slightly,i sat down a bit distant from them

"Fan fan, can't you greet the crown prince? "Grandfather rebuked sharply earning a deep scrowl from me

"It is not necessary master mo, she doesn't have too! "The stupid prince said waving it off like air

I stood up and walk towards him, then bowed fully

"Greetings to the crown prince and his future empress! "I said with a hint of sarcasm,then walk back to my seat

Mo Kim face turned red as she bit her lips hard ,with tears forming a cloud in her eyes

"Elder sister..... please don't say that, I am still ur younger sister. there is nothing going on between the prince and I, it was completely a coincidence that the prince and I happen to fall in love and he proposed to me! But i didnt give him a reply yet,until sister approves and forgives me,i will not get engage to the prince"

I smiled but didn't reply

"Brother shan, I think sister is still angry with us! "She muttered as tears roll down her beautiful face

The crown prince patted her back comforting her while glaring hatefully at me

"Mo fan, why are you so heartless... can't you see how ur sister is shedding tears for something that was completely not her fault?

Is it a crime that I happen to fall in love with her and not you?, why making things so difficult for her? love is not a crime! "He barked angrily

I yawned completely exhausted

When was this meeting coming to an end?

I gat herbs I need to find

"Brother shun don't say that.... my sister loves you so much that she was willng to die just to have you... I don't know what kind of love is greater than that..! "She said pushing his hand slightly from her back, as she stood up and walk towards me

If i didnt know better,i would have thought she really meant what she said....one could understand the meaning behind her words

She was indirectly insulting the body for been too foolish to die for a man that wants nothing to do with her and also reminding everyone how stupid her sister was

And to be honest, i totally argee with the foolish girl

The former soul in this body was a big fool

My brows frow in amusement ,when she knelt down right before me

"Mo Kim!! "

"Kim Kim!! "

Both grandfather and the crown prince screamed hysterically

"Grandfather, brother shun, please let me apologize to eldest sister, I have offended her and done something unimaginable, I have taken what was rightfully hers, so eldest sister punish me anyhow you feel like, but I really do love the prince and wish to marry him!"She pleaded with her face already red in tears


This girl is such a good actress...

"Get up kim kim, don't kneel to her... she is not worth ur apology! "The crown prince said glaring at me with pure hate and disgust which amused me greatly

Wow... such a wonderful pair

Scumbag and bitch....nice combination

"No brother shun, I will not stand up until sister forgives me....i have offended her and I have no right to live, infact I will have to commit suicide if that is what it will take to make her forgive me! "She said shedding tears

"Mo fan!!! "Grandfather yelled in anger

"Can't you see how humble ur sister is?? How could you be so heartless not to forgive her? what kind of a devilish mind do you have huh? "He yelled earning a deep smile from me

I stood up and helped mo kim up as well

"I have forgiven you and thank you for taken such a huge burden from me... who knows maybe karma may just decide to take yours as well,dont you think? " I asked causing her face to turn pale white while grandfather and the crown prince face went sour

I smiled softly at them then bow before heading towards my room...

Dont worry dear sister,ur karma is coming pretty very soon

"Lin ran! "I yelled a bit and she ran in immediately

"Yes mistress!! "

"Go get some money from the treasury room, I need to go shopping! "I ordered and she immediately vanished into thin air

I need to treat my spiritual growth and cultivate my spiritual tree first before I refine pills to help treat this ugly face

I pulled off my veil, running my hand across the scar in my face

From the memories in this body, I could vividly remember how she got the scar

A devilish laughter escaped my lips thinking of how foolish this past soul was..

"Mistress! "Lin ran said bowing slightly

I turned towards her buy couldn't see any gold or silver

"Where are the money?? "I asked but she didn't reply

"Raise ur head up Lin ran and look at me! "I snapped as she moved back frightened but still lower her head

"Lin ran! "I yelled feeling furious

She immediately raised up her head as my eyes darkened in anger when I saw five finger hand print on her face

"Who did that to you? "I asked but she didn't respond

"Lin ran!! "I yelled causing her to flinch...

"Mistress.... it was the third miss.... she asked her hand maid kaimq to slap me when I saw her in the treasury room... she said I was there to steal and that....."She paused bowing her head down slightly

"And what?? "I snapped feeling impatient

"She insulted you... saying you were a lowlife pathetic soul with no spiritual energy or tree and that you were a ugly duckling! and u deserve no part in the family treasure"She muttered barely audible

I burst into laughter, feeling so angry

So a useless hand maid can insult this body??


Like how pathetic was this body???

Lin ran felt shocked hearing her mistress evil laughter

Why does it feels like her mistress is a completely different person from the mistress she once knew

"Where is she now?? "I asked

"She is still in the treasury room mistress! "

"Let's go!! " I ordered and she led the way ,as we both walk towards the treasure room

When We got there, we meet kaimq shouting at the other maids while my third sister sat on a chair like an empress

I tried to supress the smirk that wanted to spread widely across my face

It seems this body is not only stupid but also a fool

According to the memories of this body,she was always bullied by her sisters because had no spirit tree

What is a spirit tree you may ask??

It is the life source of power in every cultivator

You cant be able to cultivate as a human if you dont have a spirit tree

There are various types


Green is the lowest, while golden is the highest spirit tree for humans

We gods,have no spirit tree

We are spirit trees on our own

The body third twin sisters, mo bai and mo bao both has yellow spirit tree while mo kim and the crown prince both has purple

Unfortunately,this body is with no spiritual tree and a damaged face

No wonder she was always bullied

But all that is about to change

Not when am now in this body, will i allow some lowlife human bully me

"Mo mao!"I called out in a cool passive voice

She didnt turn to even spare me a glance or reply to my call ,it was her hand maid that turned to me snort agressively

"Miss fan,dont you know my mistress dont reply useless and pathetic people!"She said but i just smirk

I may have no powers but i can still fight and beat the hell out of this foolish human

"Mo bao,why did you stop my hand maid from taking some money from my treasury pot?"I asked but her hand maid replied instead

"How dare you question the mistress!!!,are you not scared of death!!"She yelled about to construt a fireball

Tsk tsk....it seems the little hand maid now has a blue spirit tree

So inferior

I could feel lin tugging to my dress ,urging us to leave but i stood firm staring at the little ingrate

If it's was the past mo fan,she would have probably scrammbled away like a little chicken

Well...too bad the past mo fan is dead,i am now in charge!!!

The empress of a thousand lightening

I moved in a flash close to the pathetic hand maid and broke both her leg and hands

There was atmost silence for a few seconds

Everyone was in deep shock including lin and mo bao

No one expected the useless miss to be able to move so fast and so quick as to break both the hands and legs of the hand maid within a blink of an eye

The groaning pains of kaimq brought everyone back to reality

"Mo fan!!! how dare you hurt my hand maid!!"Mo bao yelled making me frown

I took slow steps towards her with murderous instincts on my face

She move back in fear

"Wh....at....are.....yo.....u....do....ing....?" She asked stuttering

"Call...my...name....with...respect!"I commanded as her face grew red in anger

"Never! you are not worth respect! you are useless and will forever be!!"She yelled making me burst into a devilish laughter

I could feel her fear Which made me smirk and i could feel the energy that was about to burst from her body

I scoff loudly at her sneaky attack,grabbing her neck,lifting her up in surpise

Everyone present gasp loudly in shock seeing their first useless mistress raise their third precious mistress up

What the hell is going

"From now henceforth,you will never go close to or anywhere near my treasure pot....if not i will kill you without heasitating!"I warned flunging her towards the wall

She yelled in pains before collapsing leaving the maids present dumbfounded

I turned sharply to them ,frightening the hell out of them aa they quickly scrammble away with their mistress and hand maid who was still groaning and weeping in pains

I turned to lin who was still in shock making me irritated

"Snap out of it,take some gold coins and let's go shopping for herbs!"I snapped at her and she immediately recovered ,taking a huge sack of gold

"Miss,why didnt you warn those maids not to say anything? am sure third miss will surely report to her second master and elder master anyways !" Lin complained but i just smirk without replying

That is exactly what i want

I want the whole world to hear.... i want them to know that their useless mistress is no longer useless

I want them to understand that am no longer the weak and pathetic soul they once knew

I will destroy anything or anyone that stands in my way!

I will let them feel and taste my wrath!!!😈😈


In a distant cave,darkness covered the surface of the cave, making it look so scary

Deep deep,there was a frozen status, chained to two standing iron pole

The status had its head bow as if in deep thinking

Suddenly,it head that frozen crack slightly,as his closed eyes snapped open revealing its dark and red eyes that was deeply frightening

Outside the cave,three extremely good looking men stood silently outside

Immediately they felt the cave trumbling,they fell on their feet knoting to the figure that slowly emerge from the cave

Dressed in a thick dark robe, a man emerge from the dark with a face that could send goddesses to their feet

His long hair parted ways for his extremly encraved face that held no smile yet still deviously and devastatingly handsome

He look at the figures knoting to him but paid no heed to them

"Free at las!!!"He said in a cool dark voice

"Now.....let's meet those fools that chained me up! but first....let's go shopping!! i need new gem stones"

In a snap of his fingers, a gaint dark figure that looks like a leopard with wings that an extremely red eyes appeared looking very scary than its owner

The male smirk a little petting the figure as he hop on it and it immediately took off in a flash while the three male followed in full speed....


Inside a deep standing milk building, 24 powerful men sat around a large table,chatting causually, while some were laughing,while others were drinking

But the aura the men gave were ones that could not be easily ignored

A young man ran in ,in haste sweating and pacing

He walk to the man in the middle of the round chair and wisphered into his ears

The man jumped up as his face got pale in fear

"What's wrong elder kang??"The other elders asked in paninck cause they have never seen the reserved elder kang behave like this for a long time since the devil got unleashed

"I...ju...st....go...t...info...rma....tion....the....devil....has....bee....n....un....chai...n...ed....!"He said stuttering leaving the rest of the elders pale in fear

The devil has broken from his chain???

Now this is doom!!!!!


By choice 😍😘

The path to greatness is narrow...... Filled with thorns and brambles...... To survive you gat to be strong and smart...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Osaro_Choiceycreators' thoughts