
Twenty Six

He’s in the ICU.

There was no question of how I would proceed. Everything was in turmoil.

I had never seen Lenna look beside herself, and it made me realize how important she had become in my life. It was like second nature as I took control after the news dropped. Not once did I put down my phone, and my last call before taking off in the air had been to Archie, asking for an update.

I had been itching to ask how it happened, but it was best to know everything simultaneously, as Lenna did. I wouldn’t be able to keep the truth from her too long—a trait that had somehow grown without my knowledge.

Touching down on Montana soil, we were all quick on our feet in getting out of the airport. I called Archie and informed him of our arrival. Per his words, he had asked Ronald Leighton, the owner of the bakeshop he and Lenna worked, to pick us up.