

Seven years later

Seven years later

Beeping in the background, the alarm clock pulled me out of my sleep. Turning to my right, I found the space empty as usual. With a grunt, I rolled myself out of bed and headed toward the bathroom across the room. I quickly took a shower, seeing as I slept through the first alarm. Once I was done, I quickly headed toward the closet and grabbed some fresh clothes. I decided on a light grey suit and blue tie for work, seeing as I would have a few meetings around town and the summer heat still lingered.

As I headed downstairs to the dining room, I could already hear her commanding voice mixed with the sound of the sizzling pan. When I entered the room, she had her back to them. I witnessed my two boys picking up the newly cooked pile of scrambled eggs. My little girl was smiling cheekily at her older brothers.

“Come on, guys. Leave some for me,” I stated instead of greeting my family a good morning, which happened most days.