
The discovery

Tyler! Medley!,both:yes mom!,GO clean that basement and u can keep any of your dads old stuff.ok! I can't believe she making us clean the basement we were playing Fortnite as Tyler explained.knock it off we will play later as Medley explained.Hey medley look at this book.Well that's a pretty big book as medley explained. Whoa do you see this! It says realm 1 earth.realm two,the source. Tyler! Yes medley I'm reading. What! I think it's a portal medley explained.What was our dad? Tyler explained let's go in. I agree maybe we can discover more about are dad.Ok on three Tyler says.1,2,3,jump! Whoa what is this place.I don't know but it's weird.whoa did u see, that what? Wait how did u get over there. I don't know as Tyler explains what happened,whoa what medley asked. U have some kind of magic orb? I think this place gives us powers.MEDLEY!! Yes? LOOK! That's big...