

I don't know what that is but RUN! I think we're safe has medley explained we need to find freind or people that can help us.Look at that giant building well that was easy as I explained. NOTHING is easy! Medley says. Ok that building is a long walk. Ugh talk about! As I complain. A day of walking and running later.As they walk in to the castle shaped building. Random man said what are u doing here this is the Kings room? In Tyler's mind, pls come up with a lie ah I got it,we were asking king for requirements sir. Knight:you may enter.DAD,my sons how did u no!! U left the book the realm book didn't you.yes what about it? Your stuck here.So that's what happened to you.sadly yes. Is there any way we can go back? No not that I know of. Did u guys get your powers yet.yes we both did.what are they? Well as they both explain. So Tyler has teleportation and Medley is a wizard. I guess. We both asked about this place,two years me and medley figured out how to make a portal back without the portal book but it needed a sacrifice...A ROYAL BLOOD SACRIFICE