
Are we real...

After failing in trying to get royal blood there dad went to a time warp portal to see what's happened on realm 1 earth.What he saw was almost impossible medley and Tyler we gone for so long time made copy's of them and there mom moved on with another man king Julian has declared war with there dad...! With a stealth attack a part of the castle was blown up. AFTER THE WAR...the war was closed they did not know were there dad was currently..after seeing there dads dead body they wanted revenge but Tyler said it be better to find away back home.with them warned out they used there dads royal blood to create the portal but they were not at home they were on the whole other side of the world.In the list and unknown we see people walking but they did not see us so we said hello but they did not hear us only me and medley could see each other what does this mean...