
The Realm of Dreams and Magic

In the Realm full of Gods the way can twist and turn for the youngest and not so powerful adopted daughter. What will happen when this ordinary girl among the Gods catches the attention Of The King Of Dreams

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter Three



Morpheus pulled himself from the Dreamscape and glanced around his study. It was strange that a girl of lesser magic could create a Dreamscape and not know that she had done it. But, Morpheus had been thinking of her, and that meant that she was thinking of him as well? He cracked a smile at the thought. He didn't even know this girl and since last night she was all that he could think about. There was something about her that drew him in. Wanted more. He had never been that way about any female.

The door to the study bursts open and Nyx comes in with a broad smile across her face. Morpheus groans lightly knowing that his Mother was up to something. She never smiled like that unless she was about to do something that was going to give him a migraine.

"What can I do for you Mother?" Nyx scowls at her son for referring to her as 'Mother' and not Mom. Hell she would have settled for her name, just not Mother.

"My darling son. We have been invited to Tea with Hera and Asterin." Morpheus's ears perked at the sound of her name. Nyx smirks. So it was true he had gone to the girl when she disappeared from the party.

"Morpheus…are you interested in this girl?" Morpheus lifts his eyes, to his mother. So this is what she was getting at.

"Mother…Don't start this." Nyx scoffs throwing her hands up in the air.

"You are so stubborn about nit having a wife!" Morpheus's eyes turn deadly.

"I had a fiancee and your son made sure to ruin that, didn't he?" He counters calmly. Nyx frowns, She had scolded Phobetor about it after it had happened. But she was sure that it was that woman's fault. The woman was a literal succubus. They shouldn't have had very high hopes for that one.

"I will not speak on that topic anymore. This one is different. I can see it! You are enthralled by her." Morpheus rolls his eyes. He knew that if his mother found out about the Dreamscape she would push harder.

"IF I go with you will you stop pushing me to find a wife?" Nyx smiles brightly. Proud of her victory.

"I will. On my heart." Morpheus shakes his head standing up from his chair.

"Then we should be heading out or we will be late and I know how much you hate being late Mother."

*** *** *** ***


Asterin was not happy that Aphrodite had plucked her from her shade tree and dragged her to Mother's garden because they were having guests for tea. She didn't understand what that had to do with her. Asterin shakes her head as she sits down at the table to Hera's left and Aphrodite sat to her right. She opens her book and contines to read where she had left off. Aphrodite huffs a dramatic breath.

"Would you put the book away?! Honestly, as a princess this is part of your job." Unamused Asterin cuts her eyes toward her sister.

"I cant say that I am in the mood to entertain whoever decided to drop by." Hera gently takes the book from her hands and sets it away from Asterin. Her mouth drops open in shock. Her Mother had never one time taken one of her books from her.

"It's for your own good. These are important visitors today." Asterin frowns and crosses her arms, slumping down in her chair. If she had to be here, it didn't mean that she was going to act like a lady. She didn't even want to be here.

"De De is older why cant she just deal with this. I just want peace!" Aphrodite snickers under her breath and Hera gives her a stern look.

"Because you are of age now. So you too have to deal with it." Asterin rolls her eyes frowns again. She was tired and was reading so that she could stay awake. If she didn't do anything she would end up falling asleep where she sat.

"Hera!" The Feminine voice draws Asterin's atteniton, her eyes immediately falling on Morpheus. A blush took over her entire body as she sits up quickly, her head snapping toward her mother and sister, who made sure not to make eye contact with her.

The corner of Morpheus's mouth twitched as he noticed her flustered state.

'She's adorable.' The thought that caught him off guard. He pulls a chair out for his mother and took the seat next to Asterin, who shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Her mother had done exactly what she told her not to do! Why would she do that to her?! Asterin was glad that she hadnt went to her mother about the Dreamscape it would just encourage her more.

"Hello, starlight." Morpheus's low tone sent a shiver down her spine. She stiffens and turns to look at him, smiling nervously.

"Hello, Lord Morpheus. How are you today?"Morpheus cracks a small smile at her nervousness.

"I'm alright. You look lovely." Heat took over Asterin's face, rising from her neck all the way to her ears.

"I-Uh Tha-Thank you." Mentally kicking herself Asterin looks down at her hands. Why was she so flustered when it came to him?! She never had any difficulties talking to any other man that came along? She did tend to stay away from them if they expressed an interest in her though. She never put much thought into marriage or being with someone.

"Your name's Asterin correct?" Asterin turned her attention to the woman and her eyes lite up instantly.

"Yes and your Nyx! It's a pleasure to meet you, your grace. The portraits do not do you justice or the descriptions in the books that I have read about you! " Nyx smiled at the girl's innocence. Nyx tilts her head at Asterin, her aura slowly forming around her, Asterin's aura was a shimmering metalic color. Nyx smiles wider. The girl was a pure soul and that meant that she wouldn't hurt her son. That was the one thing that she as a mother was worried about.

"You flatter me dear one." Hera chuckles shaking her head a little bit. Asterin tilts her head in confusion.

'Mother why does she think that I am flattering her, when I am just being honest?' Asterin shot the thought directly at Hera, who cuts her eyes toward Asterin. It was still shocking that Asterin could communicate with whoever she wanted through her mind. It wasn't a very common gift.

'Because little moon, that is how most people are. It is alright.'  Asterin nods subtlily and turns her attention to Aphrodite who had her eyes glued on Morpheus like he was a piece of meat. Asterin rolls she eyes dramatically, wanting to badly to snatch her book from her Mother so that she could ignore Aphrodite and Morpheus is she was honest. There was no way that he would look at her and not think that she wasn't beautiful. Everyone did.

Aphrodite had been another reason why she hadnt dated. Anyone who Asterin was interested in was interested in her sister and she couldn't trust them not to get close to her just because they wanted to be around Aphrodite. It was safer just to stay away from all of it.

Morpheus sensed the shift in Asterin's demenor. He eyes her curiously and notices the book next to Hera. Had her Mother taken her book from her because of this visit? Did she not know anything about it?

"Lord Morpheus, are you single?" Asterin choked on her own spit at Aphrodite's blunt question. Asterin covered her mouth as she coughed her lungs up. Morpheus leaned closer to Asterin to check on her. His hand resting on the arm of her chair.

"Are you alright starlight?" She blushed crimson and nods, inhaling a slow deep breath. Nyx eyed the girls for a moment and then lifted her eyes to look at Hera. Who seemed confused by Aphrodite's behavior.

"And to answer your question princess, yes I am." Asterin bites down on the inside of her cheek, trying to ignore the shift in conversation.

"Are you looking for a wife?"

'De De! ENOUGH!' She screamed at Aphrodite through her mind link with her. Aphrodite smirks but never takes her eyes off of Morpheus.

"Do you plan to do what your brothers did and invite Noble ladies to stay in your castle for a period of time to find a wife?" Morpheus kept is composure. But he wasn't sure why she was asking all these questions so suddenly.

"By the Night Gods! De De that is enough! It is utterly rude to ask a guest such questions." Asterin finally blurted out, getting everyone's attention. Nyx gives her a curious smile. The girl was standing up for him without knowing him..How strange.

"It's alright Starlight. I don't mind the questions. Would you like to know the answers?" Morpheus teases lightly. Asterin's eyes narrow as she realizes that he was teasing her now. She shakes her head and stands from the table turning to look at Nyx.

"It was nice meeting you, Your Grace. If you will excuse me, I have the sudden urge to stab something. So I will be off to find my brother." Asterin didn't wait for anyone to answer her or stop her. She turned on her heels and stormed away from the table.

Hera's mouth fell open in utter shock. Asterin usually had a good temperment and never spoke like that in front of guests. Aphrodite snickers under her breath. She needed to push her sisters buttons to let this young King know that she maybe shy but she didn't take shit.