
The real problem in this world is the Heroines!

Hachirou Suzuki, the only child of a family of servants, is a boy with no dreams or ambitions, the young man in fact dedicates most of his time to working as a butler for two important Japanese families: the Inoue family, big piece of the yakuza and the family Nakajima backbone of the country. But one day while he was working, he was summoned to what at first glance would not seem like "paradise". There he is assigned an important mission that will decide the fate of a world.

FaTe · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Soldier goddess -


After Lay's last words, the young man, moved by his thoughts, signed the contract.

"Well, the time has come ..."

A magic circle appeared under Hachirou's feet.

"We are counting on you Hachirou ..."

At those words a white light covered the area circumscribed by the circle and a moment later Hachirou had disappeared inside it.

"Here I am!!"

A moment later a girl ran into the room.


The sky.

Few clouds invaded the clear sky, from the position of the sun it was clear that it was now afternoon.

A refreshing breeze moved the young Japanese's black hair.

At that moment Hachirou was lying in the middle of a field of white flowers.

"So this is teleportation?"

The experience just passed was incredible ... everything he had read in various fictional novels had just happened with him as the protagonist.

"And now? What should I do? ... I accepted after hearing those words but ..."

Hachirou got up from the ground and began to speak to himself in panic.

His was a choice decided by his feelings, and therefore he had not thought about the consequences.

(Not only do I risk death, but I also quit my job on the pending estate ...)

"As the perfect butler I had to first of all consider the risks ... but because of those stupid feelings I have not been worthy of the name I have given myself ... sorry mom ... sorry dad, your son is a failure ... Ahhhh "

With the feeling of being mad he took his head in his hands and screamed, but at that moment his screams were interrupted by new ones.


At the same moment a female scream interrupted the boy's moment of confusion.

Raising his head, Hachirou noticed a girl descending from the sky at high speed.

At the sight of the girl, the memory of the discussion with Lay came back to him ...

"That would be my partner?"

What Lay had introduced in the speech to rush things was rushing towards Hachioru.

The girl fell a few meters from him, causing a small crater on the lawn.

With this, the beautiful landscape was spoiled.

The flowers that lay around Hachirou were destroyed by the impact wind and some were crushed.

"Ouch ... that Lay ... jumping into her mind to push me ..."

She had long silver hair and golden eyes, she wore a camouflage uniform with the now known FCD crest on her arm.

While she was busy adjusting her cap, Hachirou approached her.

And because of her work-influenced character, the young butler held out his hand to the girl, trying to help her up.

Her golden eyes met Hachirou's normal black eyes.

The boy's heartbeat quickened.

But the girl ignored the girl's outstretched hand and rose from the ground.

"Suzuki Hachioru, right? Nice to meet you ... I am the goddess assigned to you for this mission."


Still with her head bowed, the girl introduced herself to Hachirou.

"My name is Yulia, I am a goddess belonging to the 11th division of the FCD and I will be responsible for this mission."

As suspected by the boy, the FCD was an association of gods with a military background. And under the command of lesser deities like Yulia, belonging to the various divisions, were the four senior officers, like Lay.

Since the latter Yulia seemed authoritarian and serious, if it wasn't for the soldier's clothing she could be considered a Goddess, wait she was a Goddess.

"Nice to meet you, as you already know I'm Su .. hey are you listening to me?!"

The serious behavior however ended with his presentation.

Ignoring the boy, Yulia began rummaging in a bag.

The leather bag was the size of a hand and was placed on the side of the Goddess.

"Where did I put it ?! I can't find it!"

The goddess who initially looked like the spitting copy of Lay now looked just the opposite.

She was worriedly emptying the small container, which strangely contained a series of objects not suitable for its capacity.

"Um, if I may ask you ... what exactly are you looking for?"

Hachioru intrigued by the concern of the Goddess approached intent to peek, until ...

"... FOUND!!"

With a victorious stance the girl screamed and held up a folded sheet of paper.

"As you already know, you have no unusual powers or abilities unlike our goals."

Yulia, as if reciting a script by heart, hastily began to explain.

"This was the first question I wanted to ask you, how does it work? Will I have a skill too?"

"Not really, [unknown] is a criminal, so he broke the laws. You must know that we gods are forbidden to interfere with the lives of ordinary people by giving them luck or power, even if the destruction of a world is still gone. a violation of a sacred rule. Those who break it will be sentenced to death. "

(Can gods die? Aren't they immortal?)

Even with that the questions circulating in his head he decided to go further.

"So how am I going to deal with them?"

"Thanks to this ..."

Yulia pointed to the folded paper.

"As mentioned we cannot give powers to ordinary people but there is no rule that forbids us to seek them".


"This is world map 37."

The map, just like the bag, was small, but only in appearance.

The goddess spoke words in Latin and as if by magic the map began to glow.

A moment later the two were teleported to what appeared to be another dimension.

Everything was black, but suddenly a huge blue world map appeared around them, like a hologram.

"Wow ... would this be world 37?"

It looked much larger than the earth but just like the latter it also had seas and oceans.

Words appeared on what appeared to be continents.

"Elfhir ... are these continents?"

"Exactly, I see that you are quite intelligent ... maybe my sleep won't have to wait any longer."

"Wait what did you say?"

When asked by Hachirou, Yulia changed the subject.

"Thanks to this we can find the legendary weapons."

"Legendary weapons?"

"See those blue dots on the world map? Each dot equals a legendary weapon and for now they are your only resource to defeat the twelve."


The girl, looking at the map, continued talking.

"As you can see, they are found in various structures around the world, the latter being called [Dungeons] ... our job before fighting is to find these weapons and upgrade you."

"The further we go, the more it feels like the plot of a book or a game."

"Well, with this I have finished the explanation ..."

"Wait ... there are other things I would like to know about this mission ... your commander told me you would clear up my doubts."

Hachirou wanted explanations.

With a snap of her fingers, Yulia removed the world map.

And the two went back to the flowery meadow.

"What else do you want to know? I'm sleepy ... * yawn *"

(I have a bad feeling ...)

Yulia leaned on the ground.

"I would like to know more about this world, about the legendary weapons and the powers of the twelve ... also you haven't told me what will happen in my world after my disappearance ... hey, you are listening to me. .. hey ... sleep ?! "

Before he knew it, the girl had already fallen asleep.

(Damn what do I do now ?!)