
The Reader will create his own ending

"No matter how many times i pinch myself, the results remain the same. It really is the Flaura City huh?" said Blaze while looking around. Blaze Ignis (a 18 - years old high schooler) one day , suddenly wakes up to find himself in a field of beautiful flowers and soft grass. He remembered reading his favorite novel and wishing he would just transmigrate as one of the characters of the novel and get rid of his shitty life, before falling asleep. This novel was more precious to him than his own life (not exaggerating). it was what kept him going, when he almost gave up on his life too many times....His parents were pressurizing him because of the college entrance exam , and of course the high school graduation exams. Always comparing him to his cousins, in EVERY damn thing, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ignoring his own achievements and hard work. This has been going on for the past 5 years , since he was 13....his endurance was definitely at its limits. Anyways...seems like a god has granted his wish, except he is in his own body and he has a system which is not supposed to exist at "this" point in time. It also contains some skills he has never read about before...and the description box is just showing [???] , even some skill names are hidden in a similar way. His only objective is to prevent the tragedies that are to follow Frore (MC of the novel) and through a change of events , obtain the kind of ending he wants to see. But ,is it really as simple of a task as it seems to him??

TrishWalker · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Things that shouldn't have happened.

"I am glad that you are happy about it."

Blaze smiled.

His smile exuded the brightness of sun and made the three kids who were looking at him feel warm.

"You guys don't have to go for the audition. I have already decided to accept both of you, regardless of the results of the hunter licence exams."

He turned to Frore sitting next to him.

"Frost, can you do something for me?"

Frore nodded indiscernably.


" Bring these two to the clothing store, we saw on our way here."

Blaze took out a small pouch from his inventory and threw it towards Frore.

"Here. Some allowance, get them whatever they want. Get something for yourself too."

With the sound of coins colliding into each other, the pouch landed in Frore's hand.

Frore looked at him as if he wanted to stay and not go.

Blaze chuckled.

"You don't want to go, because you are worried about me?"

Frore nodded lightly.

"Don't worry, you know how strong I am. Besides, I would love to go out together with you guys. But the registration process is still underway and auditions will start in an hour or two, so I will have to stay here."

"You guys will probably return before the auditions even start. So go worry free. Oh! And don't forget to wear your hoodie and mask."

Blaze patted Frore on the head and he seemed to accepted Blaze's explaination.

Blaze turned his head only to see a teary eyed Anashvar getting comforted by his little sister.

Blaze was at a loss for why he was crying suddenly. Regardless, he patted his head and asked.

"What's wrong? Are you hurting anywhere?"

Anashvar tried to wipe away his tears with his fingers, but Blaze had already taken out a handkerchief from his pocket, bent down and started wiping the tears running down his cheeks.

He sobbed and answered in a low voice.

"No, not hurting...but, is it really alright to... accept this?"

He paused and continued, he was not crying anymore.

"Blaze, you are the first person to have treated us like kids...no, like human beings ever since our parents died. Can we really accept this kindness?"

Blaze felt bitter at the words of the fourteen years old boy in front of him. His heart ached.

He really, badly wanted to beat up those bastards who would torture these small and sweet kids for their greed.

Those bastards were pigs, no. They were lower than animals who deserved to get ten times the pain and suffering that they have inflected on these kids !

{I will definitely make those bastards pay, whether it's their relatives or Frore's parents. All of them, I will not let any of them escape.}

Blaze stopped wiping his face.

He opened his arms wide swept the two kids in front of him and Frore standing beside him in a hug.

"Of course, it's alright to accept it. You guys have been through too much, things that should not have happened.

But, I promise that nothing bad will happen from now on. I will protect you guys, so nobody can hurt you ever again."

Blaze said in a low voice genuinely.

Frore who was unexpectedly pulled in a group hug, put his arm around Blaze's waist and awkwardly placed his other arm on aakriti's back.

{In any case, Blaze has already decided to accept them as our siblings and family. I should accept them too.}

Anashvar put one of his arm's on Aakriti's head and the other on Blaze's back.

They stayed in that position for a while.

A few minutes later, a knock sounded from the door and they all let go and slowly got up one by one.

"Now, go and have some fun while shopping and get yourselves some ice cream too."

They nodded simultaneously and Blaze's lips curled up.

When Blaze opened the door, Evan was standing there.

"These are the applications for today's auditions, sir."

Evan handed him a pile of sheets.

"Oh..that was faster than I expected."

"The registration process is still ongoing for the remaining people. It is estimated that you will require a week for checking out all of these people."

"That's alright. I expected it will take at least that much amount of time. You can leave these with me, and tell them to get ready in half an hour."

"Ok sir."

Evan left again and Blaze turned around with the pile of sheets in his hands.

He put the pile on the desk, in the office and waved a goodbye at his three siblings.

Frore covered his face and the two blue haired kids returned the wave.

They left through the back door and went in the direction of the clothing store as, Blaze had told them to.

An extra chapter today, as a present for Christmas.

Merry Christmas, my dear readers! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡

TrishWalkercreators' thoughts