
The Raven Trials

'How far would you run from your problems?' For European wolves, Retra Silbermond, and her older brother, Allestair, the answer is simple. They would run to a completely different country. Though, fortunately for them, it seems that they can never run from the Fates themselves. When an incident nearly kills Ret, it attracts the attention of newly promoted, Alpha Jensen Lawton. Her mate. It doesn't take long for Jensen to realize that these two siblings are hiding from something, and he won't rest until he finds out what.

RavenSisters2320 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


A small golden wolf whined as she was thrown the length of an alleyway. Its call trailed out only for a short while, as the animal's jaw was likely either broken or unhinged. As the canine began to shift back into a short, blonde girl, her screams echoed all the way down the Broken Ash Wolf Pack's shanty blocks.

Soon though, the distant sound of footsteps could be heard as a tall and filled out young man came running up to the alley, his eyes wide and panicked. He looked a lot like the wounded and bleeding girl lying on the ground, but his golden hair was tinted with streaks, as if his skull were on fire. "Retra!" His voice was primal and raw as he raced down the dark, wet street. "Ret, Oh Goddess, are you alright?!" He fell to her side and lifted the girl up into a sitting position, then gently wiped a streak of blood from her cheek.

Swiftly, the golden man skimmed his copper-red eyes over the limp creature lying beside him, worriedly, taking in her appearance and making sure she wasn't wounded too mortally. "Are you still conscious? Speak to me." He quietly commanded, turning her malformed face to the side, as if to compare either portion of her head for further injuries.

As a matter of fact, the woman was no longer a part of the waking world. Though, her brother didn't seem to realize this, as small, pained groans had not yet ceased to leave her throat.

A small panic rising in the man's chest, he exhaled deeply as he bent over and lifted the so-called Ret to his chest and stood to his full height. Turning to leave the dank alleyway, he began to think of any place this dear woman could go as soon as possible. He pondered over the nearest hospital, but decided against it since the place was over ten miles away. Eventually, though, a brilliant idea came to mind. Only about half of a mile's walk from them, the Alphas' manor made itself known.

So that's the direction he chose to take, and swiftly began down the street, a jog in his gait. After far too many long, exhausting minutes, the golden man finally made it to the large onyx building. For a moment he wondered how expensive the creation of the glorious place was before returning his attention to the bleeding woman in his arms.

Entering the estate, the rescuer decided to alert the house's host that he was here, and of the recent occurrences. 'Alpha, we have an issue.'

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