
Time to find The Luna

Adam POV

As the sun rose and the sky turned a pretty pinkish orange sky. I laid in my big empty bed dreading what the day held ahead for me. I still had 3 more properties around the area to search and a meeting to still hold this afternoon. After about an hour I decided to get up and around to make sure all that needed done could get done.

I decided to move the meeting to Tomorrow morning, because finding this girl was important. I was also able to sense that she was not just any regular human, I could tell she was half wolf but I couldn't figure out why she was so different.

She had the voice of an angel and her voice soothed me, but he wondered how she would feel to touch. Her soft skin, rosy pink cheeks as she blushed when she thought someone had heard her singing as she enjoyed nature.... As he started to day dream about what life might be like with her, his door slammed open. It was his Beta, Joe.

"Hey Adam I was just checking Schedule today and I saw we had a meeting. Are we still on for the meeting.." asked my Beta Joe. No Joe, we are not... I am still searching for my mate. I moved the meeting to tomorrow morning around 11 am. Figured that would be enough time. His Beta Joe just stood there for a minute before he bowed his head and left. One more thing Joe, please knock next time before bargaining in again. Next time I will not be so kind if you do so again.

The door shut and all you could hear in the piercing quiet sound a small click. Shortly after I left and started my search again. One of the other properties was abandoned so once again I marked it on the map and made a note to see about buying the property later along with the other one. It was close to noon already and I had searched 2 of the 3 places that were left and had no luck still. I felt so confused and conflicted.

After sitting in his truck for half an hour with his head laid back and his eyes closed taking in the air around him he decided to finally make his way to the last place on the map to find his mate.

The day seemed to drag on until he finally reached the farm and then his eyes lit up at the fact that he knew she was there. He could smell the scent of vanilla and roses. A smile slowly crawled across his face and he made his way to the front door.

He knocked 3 times, but no answer. Just as he turned around he heard the tractor pulling up. He waited on the porch as the man jumped down from the tractor. He just stared as the man walked up to the porch. "Can I help you?" Alpha Ron asked ever so gruffly.

I extended my hand and he shook my hand. I'm sorry sir, my name is Adam. I came looking for someone. Her name is Athena. I hope I have the right place I've been looking for her since I saw her in the woods.

Ron's words came out shakily but surprisingly very stern, " My daughters name is Athena and she told me she saw a wolf with human looking eyes, but not once met a person."

"Um sir if I may, I came looking for Athena. I would like to talk with her if that is ok." as Adam replied Calmly. "She has stolen my heart in a way."

"You mean she is your chosen mate then?" Asked Ron. Shock written all over his face as Ron continued to tell him. "I know you're the wolf she was talking about. My Daughter is part wolf. Although her wolf has not awakened yet. I am not sure why, I don't know if it has something to do with me or her mother."

"Her mother is Half wolf, although she is no longer with us. Some hunters came after her while she was in wolf form. They used silver bullets as if they knew who and what she was. She barely made it to the hospital when she had Athena that night, and her last words were to protect her with all my might until she found her mate. I never knew what it meant until now. My wife was a princess and my daughter does not know that. All she knows is her mother was my mate and she is part wolf. Athena has powers that we are not aware of yet." Ron spoke softly.

I bowed my head knowing that I was about to meet my Luna, my mate. "I am so sorry sir. I didn't come to harm anyone. I just wanted to find my mate. She is a gorgeous woman and I would love and be honored to have her as my mate." Adam spoke softly.

Ron bowed his head at Alpha Adam as they began talking more and more to get to know each other better.

Athena was walking up with buckets full of eggs and a shovel in hand. Adam rushed over and grabbed the buckets from her gently. As he took those buckets from her they both felt a spark ignited as their hands brushed up against each other. She smiled and walked with him side by side smiling the whole time. She never asked a question the whole time.

Athena POV

Why do I feel such a connection with this man I know I'm part wolf but he feels like he's my other half I've been missing. I feel like he is my mate.....

How do I know though? How do I find out?


"Hey daddy, can Mr. Adam stay for dinner?

Maybe we can get to know him." As the question grew in her eyes they began to swirl a green and gray mixture.

"Only if Alfa Adam doesn't mind, he has a pack to get back to as well. Alphas are not supposed to be away for too long." responded Alpha Ron.

The night flew by as quickly as the day had started. Alpha Adam stayed for dinner but had to leave shortly after. Over dinner all three of us talked about me becoming his chosen mate and I could feel everything just as much as he could.I could feel his excitement, sadness, and more. The sincerity in his voice and eyes made me feel and see so much more.

That evening he left to give me time to think, but I already knew I wanted to leave. I wanted to go. The question was would my dad be ok if I did. We have not been a part of a pack in a long time.

What would happen to the farm? How would my daddy take care of himself if I am not here. It's just been dad and I for so long I truly worry how we would be, and if we would be ok.

With a deep sigh... I guess I should go talk to him. I have to know

My time has come and I need my mate.

Dad has known I won't change or have my true potential without a mate. I just hope he will be ok.

As I walked down stairs I tried to think of how I would talk with my father.

ahahhmmm.... Daddy can I talk to you?

With a smile on his face Alpha Ron patted the couch right next to him. " Honey I have waited for a long time for the day you would find your mate. You are 18 and you've found him. I just want your happiness. He told you to think about it and you can come and visit anytime. I was thinking about selling the farm and going back to pack life. I will always miss your mother, and she gave me the best gift before she passed on. I love you so much more." he replied.

With joyfulness filling up the air I hugged daddy and ran upstairs. So much to do so little time, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. this is all so sudden, but I know he is the one. I have only been on 5 dates and I have never felt the way I do when I am with him. I really wish I didn't have to leave daddy on his own but I know I can see it anytime. He is my best friend, and my dad. I really hope he will be alright. Now to make my lists for leaving and To do lists.

To Do List:

Leaving here list:

*Buy 2 new laundry baskets. *Leave my dresser for when I come to visit

*Go talk to Alpha Adam. *Leave the T.v.

*Pack my clothes. *Leave the bed

*Gather up boxes

*Make sure to not leave anything behind