
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter 17 Next Generation Part One


Summon Speech

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

"Excuse me Raikage-san, but who exactly are these girls?" asked Gaara, who like everyone else in the Suna and Konoha groups, was wondering who the three girls were and what their relationship to Naruto was.

"Oh yeah sorry about that…" said Naruto with a small smile, "…Hokage-san, Kazekage-san, everyone, allow me to introduce you to Nene (Green haired girl), Yoshiko (Pink haired girl) and Yami (Blonde haired girl)…my daughters."

-In Naruto's Office-

The very moment that Naruto said that the three girls were his daughters; the jaws of practically everyone in the two groups hit the floor.

"Naruto has kids!" thought a dumbstruck Kiba.

"Naruto's a father!" thought a stupefied Iruka, who couldn't believe that Naruto had three daughters.

"I don't believe it, the brat has brats of his own" thought Tsunade, who was about ready to hit the bottle after hearing this.

"When did this happen?" thought a surprised Kakashi.

"Who would've believed that the kid already has three daughters?" thought Jiraiya, who was already trying to guess who the mother of the three girls was.

"No way!" thought Ino.

"Well this was certainly unexpected" Neji thought when he heard this news.

"Troublesome" muttered Shikamaru, as if the girls were anything like Naruto, they would be hell raisers.

"So he has children of his own now" thought Danzo, believing that he may have found something that he could use against Naruto.

"Naruto-kun really does have a family now" Hinata thought sadly, since Naruto seemed even further away from her now, than he was when she learned he was married.

It was then at this point that the group were joined by an out of breath Uzumaki Kisaragi Yuffie. Who was another one of Naruto's wives and was accompanied by three of her wolf summons, who she had obviously been using to track the girls.

"Pant, Pant…Finally caught up to you three…Pant, Pant" said the tired Yuffie, who had clearly been chasing after the three girls.

"Yuffie, where have you been? You were supposed to be watching the girls" scolded Nanao.

"I tried, but you know how wily Nene and Yoshiko are, and they talk Yami into almost anything. Not to mention, you know how fast and good they are at hiding, hell even Soifon and her SHOCK division have trouble finding the three of them at times."

"That still doesn't excuse you for letting them run around, since they just barraged right into Naruto's office when he was having his meeting with the Hokage and the Kazekage" stated Nanao.

"Oh please don't you go all high and mighty with me Nanao or have you forgotten what happen two months ago when it was your turn to watch the girls. After they got away from you, they broke into the SHOCK and BOLT division locker rooms and bleached their uniforms and coloured their the BOLT-nins masks pink and the SHOCK-nins masks orange." (1)

After being reminded of this, Nanao blushed from embarrassment, even though Naruto wasn't angry over the incident and actually laughed about the whole thing. It was still very embarrassing for her, since she was supposed to keep the girls out of trouble.

When the Tsunade, Gaara and the others heard this, this further proved to them that the girls were definitely Naruto's daughters, since they had clearly inherited his love for pranks, or at least Nene and Yoshiko had.

Eventually after a few minutes, the Suna and Konoha representatives got over their shock, although could not help but stare at the three young girls and Naruto. Since many of them were still having trouble accepting the fact that Naruto of all people was now a father.

"So these are the representatives of Konohagakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Leaf) and Sunagakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Sand)" commented Yami.

"Yes, this here is the Godaime Hokage Tsunade and her party and this man here is the Godaime Kazekage Gaara and his brother, sister, wife and Sensei" replied Naruto.

"I am honoured to meet you both" said Yami in the same monotone like voice and expressionless eyes and did a slight bow.

"As we are to meet you Yami-san and your sisters" Gaara replied with a slight nod.

"Cool you're Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Sand Waterfall), Tou-san says you're super strong and can do loads of cool things with Sand" said Nene as she walked up to Gaara.

"Tou-san, also say you're just like him, Uncle Bee, Mama Yugito and Mama Fu" added Yoshiko, as she walked up to Gaara with her sister.

At this, Gaara and the others looked at Naruto in surprise at Nene and Yoshiko knowing that Naruto and others were jinchūriki. But Naruto simply replied that he kept no secrets from his daughters.

"Your father does me great honour in his praise and yes I hold a Biju, like your father and your mothers."

"Could you show us some things that you can do…huh, huh, huh?" Yoshiko asked excitedly.

"Yea can you, please, please pppllleeeaaaassseeee?" added Nene, where she did the same puppy eye dog look that she gave her father earlier, hopping it break Gaara.

"Now girls, this isn't exactly the time or the place for those short of things. Besides the Kazekage is not here to entertain you" said Naruto as she scolded his two youngest daughters lightly.

Unfortunately the girls ignored their fathers scolding and turned their attention to the Konoha members, where they started calling some of the member different names like Kiba Dog Breath, Kakashi Cyclops, Sakura Forehead, Lee Centipede Brows and Ino Pig.

This of course irked most of the members, where they turned and glared slightly at Naruto, who just gave a cheesy looking smirk.

But the most humorous was when the two girls turned to Tsunade, "And you're the Old Hag, Grama Tsunade"

At this remark, a very large tick mark appeared on Tsunade's head as she reigned in her temper, so not to cause an incident. Although she did hear some slight snickers coming from certain members of her company (). After which she then turned to glare at Naruto, who turned away as he fought back a growing smirk.

"Hey Nene-nee, is that who I think it is?" asked Nene as she turned to Jiraiya who was standing next to Tsunade.

"Oh yea, that's definitely him alright" stated her Pink haired twin.

"Oh so you know me" said Jiraiya thinking Naruto must have told them how he used to train him.

"Yea we've heard "lots" about you, you are…" said Nene with a devilish smirk, (that was all too much like her father), before she and her twin both cried "Ero-sennin!" together, which caused Toad Sage to fall flat on his face in disbelief.

"Damnit you got them calling me that too!" Jiraiya cried angrily as she slowly picked himself up off the ground and glared slightly at Naruto. Who just grinned, while nearly everyone else in the room snickered or laughed at the Toad Sage's expense.

"Listen carefully you two little smart alecks, I am the Great Jiraiya, a man among men, who can capture any maidens heart and have defeated the mightiest of villains" declared Jiraiya as he puffed out his chest.

At the end of this little speech, both Nene and Yoshiko looked completely unimpressed, where Yoshiko then turned their father.

"Yesh Tou-san you were right, he really does like the sound of his own voice."

At this remark everyone burst out laughing, which further irritated Jiraiya, causing him to mutter how disrespectful kids today were towards their elders.

"You know I've about half a mind to bend you over my knee a give you both a good spanking."

"Yea right, like a dirty old fart like you could, my sisters and I could take you down with one Jutsu" declared Nene.

"Hah, I like to see you try that brat!" laughed Jiraiya.

At this challenge, both Nene and Yoshiko once again had the same identical smirk that Naruto was known to have when he was young, which actually made Jiraiya worry a little.

"Hey Yami-nee, lets show Ero-sennin that "special" Jutsu that Tou-san helped us come up with" said Nene as she turned to her elder blonde sibling. While at the same time causing a confused look to appear on Naruto face not sure what technique Nene was talking about.

"I do not believe "that" Jutsu would be appropriate here sister, especially considering the provocative stance it holds" replied Yami little to no expression.

"Oh come, it'll be fun, not to mention it'll put this guy in his place" urged Yoshiko.

After about a minute or so more of pleading from her younger siblings, Yami let out a slight sigh before relenting. "Very well then, I will capitulate, although I still hold my reservations of using it and do not see the value of it."

It was in that moment that Naruto, suddenly realised what the girls were talking about and tried to stop them, knowing what would happen to him once they did the Jutsu

Sadly before Naruto could stop them, the three girls each did a ram seal, where a puff of smoke covered each of them.

-Enter Naruto OST Sexiness-

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the rest of the people in the room could see that the girls took on new forms, which had strong similarities to a certain "Jutsu" they were all familiar with in some way.

The first of the girls to be fully seen was Yoshiko, who took the form of medium tall girl with long pink hair, which fell below her waist. But the thing that caught most people attention was that Yoshiko was naked, although thankfully a thin layer of smoke covered her chest and groin. But it still left enough to show that Yoshiko's new form was filled out in just the right places in both curves and chest. (2)

The next to be seen was Nene, who also took on the form of a medium tall girl, but had long bright green hair that reached down to her hips. Although unlike Yoshiko's form she did not appear naked, instead she appeared in a bright pink sexy bunny girl outfit, which helped to highlight her curvy figure and ample cleavage. (3)

And last but not least to be revealed was Yami, who took on the form of tall young girl with long Blonde hair and bright Crimson eyes, which gave her an exotic look. She was dressed in a sexy Black two piece bathing suit, which did not hide her impressive bust or her hourglass like figure. The fact that she still maintained an expressionless look on her face, gave her a sort of an allure, which made people want to stare at her constantly. (4)

Upon seeing the three girl's new forms, Jiraiya, Konohamaru, Kiba and Kankuro were blast back into some of Naruto's bookshelves, by large nosebleeds and all of them had perverted grins on their faces.

"HHHuuhhhh, I guess it true what they say, no matter how much things change some things always remain the same" though Kakashi with a slight sigh, as she saw Naruto daughter use the Jutsu he created when he was a kid.

After seeing the girls' forms, any remaining doubt that the other Suna and Konoha representatives had about the girls being Naruto's daughters left. Since only Naruto's children would know his Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique).

-End Naruto OST Sexiness-

As soon Jiairya and the others were blasted back by their nosebleeds, Naruto was on the receiving end of a three way bash onto the head by Yugito, Fu and Okatsu, who all shouted "BAKA!" at the same time. This was then followed by a furious Nanao, throwing her oversized book right into Naruto's face, causing him to fall backwards and slam his head onto the floor.


"And don't think for one second that you won't be punished for this. Since we told you quite clearly what would happen, if you taught the girls that deplorable thing you call a Jutsu" rounded an angry Nanao. Who had walked by Tsunade and the others and went up to join Yugito and the other girls and was towering over a now cowering Naruto.

Naturally upon seeing this, the remaining other representatives had large sweat drops on their heads. Since it wasn't every day that one would see Uzumaki Naruto, The Rokudaime Raikage and famed Raiden no Kami (God of Thunder and Lightning), who was now recognised strongest Shinobi and Kage in the Shinobi world, on his knees cowering before the wrath of his wives.

Some although (mainly male members) had sympathetic looks on their faces, as given what they were seeing, Yugito and the other girl's wrath was something to be feared and not taken lightly.

"B-B-But I d-d-didn't teach them i-it… I swear!" replied the nervous Naruto.

"The how the hell did they learn it?" rounded Fu angrily

"We learned it from watching Tou-san when he showed it to us that one time" answered Nene as she and her sibling returned to normal.

"WHAT!" cried the four wives together, before they turned back to Naruto and once again roared "BAKA!" as they gave him a four way bash to the head and then started to yell at him for showing the girls the technique.

At the same time Naruto's other wives Takara, Taira and Yuffie stayed back and watched the whole event. Both Taira and Yuffie had amused smirks, as they were enjoying the whole spectacle, Takara on the other hand just sighed, as something like this wasn't exactly unusual for their family.

Killer Bee although was enjoying the show about as much as Taira and Yuffie were and was laughing his ass off and talking to Hachibi inside his mind and saying how Naruto was whipped.

"You Knucklehead, what were you thinking when you showed them that Jutsu?" yelled Fu angrily.

"T-T-Th-They wanted t-to see it a-after I told them of some old pranks I did when I was a kid" replied the now fearful Naruto.

"Is this true?" asked Okatsu as she turned to her daughters with a frown. Making both Nene and Yoshiko very nervous, where both of them had the same cheesy grins and started scratching the back of their heads, not unlike Naruto when he was younger. Yami on the other hand, stayed completely expressionless.

"To be more exact, Nene-san and Yoshiko-san pleaded with Oto-sama to show them the technique. After he told us of some of his escapades when he was around our age, once they saw it, they asked me to help them recreate it, where we combined it with the special transformation technique that Unohana-sama taught us" answered Yami with her usual blank face.

"Wait! You mean the special Henge (Transformation) that allows you to transform into your adult forms?" asked Nanao as she turned to her daughter, where Yami just nodded.

"Ok, just hold on one second here…" spoke Kiba after waking up, "…you're saying that the forms they took just now, was what they'll look like when they are adult's?"

"When we're eighteen to be precise" responded Yami, surprising everyone.

"Damn," thought Kiba, since he knew once Naruto's daughters grew up, the three of them were going have boys coming after them, left and right.

At hearing this, a look suddenly appeared on Jiraiya's (who had also woke up from his short nap). But as quickly as this look appeared on his face, it disappeared when a small bolt of Lightning flew between his legs, narrowly missing a certain body part.

"Don't even think about using "MY" Daughters in one of your books Toad. Not unless you want your balls fried off" stated Naruto as he stood up and glared at his former sensei, while emanating some Lightning from his right hand to make his point clear.

And if that wasn't enough, Nanao, Yugito and the other girls (including Takara, Taira, Yuffie) all started to glare at the Toad sage and leak Killing Intent. Clearly indicating that they were of the same mind, even Yuffie's wolf summonses were with them, where they started growling at the Sennin.

Gulping Jiraiya nodded his head violently, telling them that he understood perfectly.

Eventually though, the excitement died down and Naruto told his daughters that they had to go and that he would see them later tonight.

"UUUUUhhhh, but we want to stay with you Tou-san" moaned Yoshiko.

"I'm sorry Yoshiko, but you two should know better, I've a lot of important things to do and you three would be very board just staying here with me" said Naruto.

"OOOkkkkaaayyyy, we understand stand" replied Nene sadly, "But if we can't hang out here, do you think you can summon out Mouko, Plllleeaaasseeee?" begged the green haired girl. As she used her infamous puppy-dog look and was joined by her sister Yoshiko, who did the same.

It of course did not take long for them to break their father, where Naruto sighed and said "Fine!"

Naturally when Yugito and the other girls saw this, they could only smile in amusement, since both Yoshiko and Nene had Naruto wrapped around their fingers and they knew it.

After biting his finger, Naruto did some quick hand-seals and placed his hand onto the ground and cried "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!" After which a small puff of smoke erupted, where once it dissipated a small White Tiger cub appeared, and let out small but cut little cry, that others guessed was its roar. (5)

When the others saw the little Tiger Cub, several girls like Ino, Sakura and Temari had to fight hard to supress the urge to scream "KAWAII!" and squeeze the little Tiger Cub to death.

Once the small Tiger Cub appeared, Nene quickly went over to it and picked it up, where her twin then went over to her and started to pet the young cub, who purred, indicating that it liked it.

"Now play nice with Mouko, as he still only a cub, you don't what his father Byakko angry at you?" said Naruto.

"We will" answered Nene.

"Yeah we promise" replied Yoshiko.

Before the girls left with Yuffie, Yami turned to look back at Naruto, "Will you be coming tomorrow for the final exam and graduation Oto-sama?"

"I can't promise anything Yami, since I've an important meeting tomorrow with Iwa, but I'll do my best."

At this Yami just nodded, while still keeping her face void of emotion and said "I understand" before leaving with her sisters, Yuffie and her wolf summons.

Once the girls left and the doors to his office closed, Tsunade turned to Naruto.

"They are not your children really?" stated Tsunade, since she found it highly unlike for Naruto to be their father, since both Nene and Yoshiko were about eight. Meaning that Naruto had to be about fourth-teen when the girls were born, although it wouldn't be impossible for Naruto to be their father, she just found it highly unlikely. It was even less likely for Naruto to be Yami's father since she was twelve, meaning that she had already been born before Naruto was even banished from Konoha.

"They are my daughters, Tsuande" Naruto replied simply, as he went back his desk and picked up his chair, (which had been knocked down when Yoshiko and Nene jumped on top of him) and sat back down.

"No I mean…" said Tsunade but before she could finish speaking, Naruto held up his hand to stop her.

"I know what you meant Tsunade and yes you're right, biological speaking I'm not the girl's father, nor are Yugito and the others, the girls biological mother. But as far as we are concerned, they are our daughters and as far as they're concerned we are their parents."

"So you adopted them" stated Gaara.

"Yes, I adopted them during Civil War here" Naruto answered.

"So what happened to their parents?" asked Temari, who was curious as to why Naruto would adopt three girls.

At this question, Naruto sigh and for a moment a sorrowful look appeared on his visage before it quickly disappeared.

"Four months after Anisu, Okatsu and I joined the rebel factions in their war against the former Lightning Daimyo and the Godaime Raikage. I led a large team of rebel Shinobi, in raiding a small enemy supply base. We succeed in destroying the base and taking all the supplies, but soon after found ourselves being pursued by a large team of the Godaime Raikage's ANBU. When we realized this, I volunteered to led the team away from the others so that they could return to our base with the supplies", answered Naruto where he continued on.

"After a few days I lost the ANBU, but by then I was exhausted, as I hadn't slept for days or had much time to rest and eat and I was a long way from any friendly bases or hideouts. Luckily before I collapsed from exhaustion, I came across a small village, where they hid me from enemy patrols until I recovered. There I also met Nene's and Yoshiko's mother who was the one who found me and took care of me until I fully recovered. The girls were barely four at the time, but I grew quite fond of them during the few days I stayed there. A few months later though, as the war started to turn in our favour. The Godaime Raikage ordered the destruction of every village and town that supported the rebel factions or was believed to be harbouring them, hoping to intimidate them into stop supporting us. We of course did our best to protect as many villages and towns as we could, but couldn't save them all."

"The village that the girls were from, was it one of those villages that were destroyed?" asked Ino.

"Yes" replied Naruto sadly, "Somehow the Godaime Raikage forces learned that the village had hidden me from them and by the time I arrived, the village had been completely destroyed and the villagers slaughtered. When we searched the ruins of the village for any survivors, we only found the girls, who were crying underneath the ruins of their house. Their mother had use a trap door in their house to hide them from the Godaime Raikage's men, before they killed her. Soon after finding them, I decided to adopt them, as they had no other family left. Their father had been killed shortly after the Civil War started, just after they had been born, when he tried to stop the former Lightning Daimyo's men from confiscating the village's grain supply."

After hearing this, the mood of most of the two groups became sombre, given how much Nene and Yoshiko lost because of the Civil War in Kaminari no Kuni. They also knew, that Naruto most likely blamed himself for what happened to the girl's mother and their village, since in his mind it was his fault, since if he hadn't been in the village, it might have been spared.

"And what about your other daughter Yami, was she from the same village as well?" asked Kiba.

"No, Yami wasn't from the Nene's and Yoshiko's village, although I did adopt her not long after I adopted Nene and Yoshiko" answered Naruto.

"So why did you adopt her?" asked Kankuro.

At this question an unreadable look appeared on Naruto's face, where none of the members of the two groups could figure out what Naruto was thinking at that moment.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that question", replied Naruto. "Since not only is it a rather sensitive and personal question, but also classified."

Naturally at hearing this, the two groups became even more curious about Yami's past. Since the young girl was a curious enough person, given the way she acted towards people and how she remained almost completely expressionless, like a doll or something.

"Do they know that they're adopted?" asked Choji.

"Yes they do, as like I said earlier, I've no secrets from them" answered Naruto, after which he stated that they should get back to business and finish their earlier discussion.

Gaara and Tsunade and the others of course knew that Naruto was purposely changing the subject of their conversation away from girls. But they decided to not comment on it and complied with Naruto's wish.

After a quick discussion on where and how the talks were going to happen, the meeting ended; where Naruto told them that if they were still interested in the tour of the village. It would begin at nine o'clock tomorrow morning and that they would be accompanied by the Mizukage and her party.

Nodding their heads in thanks and stating that they be there, the two Kages left the room with their individual parties.

-The Next Day Conference room in The Raikage's Tower/Mountain-

Currently sitting at a large table in the conference room, Naruto was patiently waiting for the Representative of Iwa with his bodyguard/wife Yugito and Shinmen Uki, the Chi no Megami (Goddess of Earth) and member of the Go Genso no Megami (The Five Elemental Goddesses).

Like many of Naruto's subordinates and followers, Uki was not from either New Kumo or Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) she was in fact from Iwa herself. Uki was from a well-respected family of Shinobi, where her father held a seat as a Jonin Commander in the Iwa Council.

When Ryoku took power from the Sandaime Tsuchikage, Uki's father was one of the few people who openly opposed Ryoku's rule and tried to find proof that he was behind the death of the Sandaime Tsuchikage. Who was said to have died due to heart failure not long after he was force to surrender his position as Tsuchikage.

Naturally when Ryoku learned of this, he hired an outside group to kill her entire family and blamed it on foreign Shinobi. He then later discredit her family, stating that they were working with outside forces to overthrown Iwa, but were betrayed themselves by their allies.

Fortunately Uki was able to escape the slaughter of her family, along with her younger sister and thanks to help to some friends of her father; they were able to leave the village and country without being discovered.

After travelling for some time, Uki knew she and her sister needed to join a new village, which could protect them from Ryoku's followers who would come after them. Naturally she knew she couldn't go to Suna and Konoha given their past history with her village and Kiri was too far away. So she decided to join New Kumo, given how she had heard that the Civil War had just ended at the time and that they would need more Shinobi to replace their loses.

When she first met Naruto and learned who he really was, Uki had naturally become fearful of what he might do, given how she and her sister where from the village that was his father's swore enemy. But fortunately, her fears had been proven wrong, where Naruto accepted her without incident and gave her a chance to prove herself, where she became a loyal Shinobi for New Kumo.

Uki was tough, assertive person who was not afraid to speak her mind; but at the same time had a very compassionate side, which she showed mainly to her younger sister. She was a woman of action and would often be in the front lines of any battle and proved herself to be a skilled user in Doton Jutsu, which resulted in her becoming the Chi no Megami of the Go Genso no Megami. She also had a very loyal spirit, which she had proven on many missions for New Kumo, where she saved the lives of many of her comrades at the risk of her own life. Yet she also had a mild tendency to hold grudges, especially when it came to the Yondaime Tsuchikage Ryoku and his family.

Uki had short brown hair and brown eyes and an average looking face. She wore a heavily armoured green kimono, making her look almost like some kind of Samurai.

Eventually after a few minutes, the Iwa party entered the room; the main representative of Iwa was none other than Kokimi. Daughter of the former Yondaime Tsuichikage Ryoku and sister to the current Godaime Tsuichikage Berugu and was accompanied by two Iwa Jonin.

Kokimi was extremely attractive women, with dark violet hair with hair pins in it; she wore a purple and black elegant, yet slightly revealing kimono that showed off her figure.

When Naruto saw Kokimi and her party enter the room, he raised his guard. As he had done his homework on Kokimi, who according to Uki's and Masato's (Head of CIND division) reports, she was a highly intelligent and cunning person and was equally ambitious. She was also said to be a very good manipulator and a skilled diplomat. Yet as skill as she was in diplomacy, she was twice as deadly in battle, as she was extremely deadly in the art of assassination and was highly skilled in combat and in using Genjutsu and Poisons. It was even rumoured among the higher ups in Iwa, that she had been the one who killed the Sandaime Tsuchikage by poisoning him.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you Raikage-sama, I've heard a great deal about you" said Kokimi as she walked over to Naruto, who stood up from his seat and shook her hand.

"The pleasure is mine Kokimi-san, I've been looking forward to our meeting for some time" replied Naruto. After which Kokimi smiled and nodded, where she shook hands with Naruto.

It was then at this point, that she finally took notice of Uki, (who was standing next to Naruto), and quickly recognised her, where she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly.

Eventually though, Kokimi let go of Naruto's hand and went over to the other end of the table and took the seat there.

"I must admit I was rather surprised when I first received your message calling for a ceasefire and asking for peace Kokimi-san, given how I killed your father" said Naruto.

"I believe you're mistaken Raikage-sama, although my father received serious injuries from his battle with you, he is still alive and is recovering. Also it was he not I who asked for the ceasefire" responded Kokimi.

"Please Kokimi-san let us not start off with lies already and do not treat me like a fool. I know your father is dead or at the very least, is in a state where he can no longer rule your village. The injuries he received from battling me would've been too extensive for him to survive and even if by some miracle he survived. The damage from my Fūton: Rasenshuriken (Wind Style: Spiralling Shuriken) alone, would've crippled him to the extent where he could no longer use his Chakra or be a Shinobi."

At hearing this, Kokimi frowned slightly, since she hadn't expected Naruto to know that her father was dead. As she had hoped to keep her father's death hidden from everyone for a while, so that Iwa would look stronger than it really was.

"Also…" continued Naruto, "…Your father would never have wanted to make peace with me, since I'm the living reminder of my father, who he despises more than anyone else. He said as much, when we fought one another and he would not rest until either one of use was dead."

Kokimi of course frowned further when she heard this, and silently cursed her now deceased father. She thought about denying it and trying to convince Naruto that her father was still alive, but knew it would be futile.

"I apologise for my deception Raikage-sama, but I'm sure you of all people can understand that to protect one's homeland, you need to be deceptive at times."

"Yes I do understand, which is why I will look past the matter" replied Naruto.

"I'm very pleased to hear that Raikage-sama, since the First Great Shinobi World War and your surprise attack on our forces. There has never been a major conflict between out separate villages and it would a great tragedy for both sides for another conflict to erupt" stated Kokimi.

"Do not try and make us as the guilty party for attacking your forces, since we aren't the first to do something like that and we certainly won't be the last. Besides Iwa itself is guilty for attacking suddenly without warning, or are you forgetting the Claw Valley incident in Hone no Kuni (Bone County) (5)" stated Yugito rather angrily, as she heard the underline remark in Kokimi words.

At the mention of the Claw Valley incident Kokimi remained expressionless, although silently cursed herself for forgetting that incident.

The incident itself was well known, since it was the closest time since the First Great Shinobi World War that Kumo and Iwa came to war.

During the Third Great Shinobi World War, both villages were involved in a separate war with Konoha. At the time Kumo was battling Konoha's forces along Hi no Kuni (Fire Country) northern boarders, while Iwa was fighting Konoha in Kusa no Kuni (Grass Country). After the destruction of Kannabi Bridge, (6) Iwa attempted a daring manoeuvre to win the war, where they sent a massive army numbering about ten thousand Shinobi across Taki no Kuni (Waterfall Country) and into Hone no Kuni. The plan was to enter Hone no Kuni and cross the border between it and Hi no Kuni and head straight for Konoha, bypassing it main forces and destroy the village with one massive attack.

At the same time, the Sandaime Raikage, (who was leading a platoon of Kumo Shinobi), who to many was known as Fumetsu (The Immortal), (due to his body incredible durability, which some called the perfect shield), was returning to Kumo from making a successful raid on several Konoha bases in Hi no Kuni. Wanting to avoid being ambushed by Konoha forces, the Sandaime Raikage and his Shinobi took the long way back to Konoha, where they made their way to Hone no Kuni and planned to make their way back to Kumo from there.

By nightfall the Sandaime Raikage and his men crossed the border between Hi no Kuni and Hone no Kuni and made their way into Claw valley. There they encountered several Iwa teams, who were sent ahead of the main force to scout things out. When the Iwa teams came across the Sandaime Raikage and his Shinobi, they mistook them for Konoha Shinobi and attacked them.

Soon after their attack, the main Iwa forces arrived. By the time the Iwa Commander realised the mistake that had been made, he could not stop the battle as the Sandaime Raikage and his Shinobi began attacking the rest main force. Believing that the Iwa force had purposely ambushed them, in an attempt to kill the Raikage and weaken Kumo.

When daybreak broke and the Kumo-nins saw the force they were up against. The Sandaime Raikage order what was left of his platoon to retreat, while he acted as a rear guard and held back the Iwa army, knowing that they could not win against such overwhelming numbers.

Despite being hopelessly outnumbered, the Sandaime Raikage fought heroically and did the impossible, and held back the massive army of Shinobi for three consecutive days and nights without halt, before collapsing and dying from exhaustion. This resulted in the Sandaime Raikage being praised not only as a hero of Kumo, but also as the Greatest Raikage to have lived, for singlehandedly holding back an entire army.

Soon after the battle ended, the Iwa Commander ordered his force to return home, given the losses they suffered and how they no longer had the element of surprise on their side. As Konoha quickly became aware of the enemy army not long after the battle started and once the battle ended, they were prepared to counter the army.

After the battle, tensions between Kumo and Iwa rose, but before a war could erupt, both sides signed a peace treaty. As neither side wanted to fight the other, given how they were both fighting a separate war with Konoha and feared if war erupted between the two. One of them would make peace with Konoha and ally with it and Suna and destroy the other or Konoha and Suna would simply call back their forces and let the two fight it out and take advantage of their weaken states later on.

"With all due respect…" replied Kokimi as she turned to Yugito, "…that was a tragic mistake. It was never our intention to attack the Sandaime Raikage and his party and our forces paid for that mistake, as we lost many our finest Shinobi in that battle."

"That may be true, but it does not change the fact that our village lost one of its greatest leaders because of an unprovoked attack by your Shinobi" spoke Yugito rather angrily. Since even today, there were still some hard feels among New Kumo Shinobi towards Iwa. Who like Yugito regard the Sandaime Raikage as a hero of Kumo.

Before Kokimi could respond to this, Naruto intervened, saying that they were here to talk and make peace, not to fight or start another war.

At this remark, both women nodded in agreement, but not before they glared at one other for a minute or two.

For the next few hours, Naruto and Kokimi discussed the terms and details of the peace treaty. As expected, Kokimi proved that she was a skilled diplomat, where she was able to skilfully avoid falling into Naruto's trap, where he tried to restrict her village's fleet movement, (which was currently being rebuilt). She was even able to manoeuvre herself to become the new ambassador for her village and be given residence in New Kumo. Since following one of the terms that Naruto agreed to earlier on, Iwa would be allowed an ambassador in his village to represent it, so that both villages could better communicate with one another.

Naturally Naruto couldn't refuse her, since she had the right to choose who would represent her village, even if that person was herself. But still it did present the opportunity for her to be used a political hostage should the Alliance and Iwa go to war again.

But as skilled as Komiki was, Naruto was still able to force some restrictions on Iwa. Like preventing them from rebuilding their fleet to its original size (which was a hundred and fifty), and restricting them from only having thirty ships. He was also able to force Iwa to abandon and dismantle all their major bases and forts along the borders of any Alliance member. So in the event of another war between them, Iwa would be unable to launch any major invasion on any member nation or village of Heavenly Alliance. It would also severely weaken any kind of first line of defensive for them, should they be invaded by the Alliance.

"I'm afraid that I must refuse your request Kokimi-san" replied Naruto rather coolly, after hearing Kokimi's latest request, which she suggested under the guise of improving relations between Alliance and Iwa.

"I do not see problem Raikage-sama, Uki-san's sister is a citizen of my village and Uki-san herself is a former Shinobi and she is wanted for conspiring with her family to overthrow my father. Surely as sign of good will, you will hand her over to my village" stated Kokimi.

At this, Uki slowly started to growl, as her temper began to rise, but before she could say or try anything, Naruto stopped her by raising his hand.

"I'm afraid even if your claims were true Kokimi-san, I will not handover either Uki or her sister to your village. Uki is a valuable Shinobi to my village and her sister is about to become one herself and I will not hand them over to be tortured and executed, even if it was for better relations between our separate villages."

"But surely Raikage-sama, you can see the value of handing over Uki-san at least. As it would go a long way to mending relationships with our villages. I can also assure you, that Uki-san will be given a fair trial and if found innocent, she will be returned to your village if she wishes to."

"I still must refuse your request Kokimi-san, as when Uki-san and her sister first came to my village. I agreed to give them sanctuary in my village and I never go back on my word and there is not a thing you or your village can do to force me to hand them over to you. Nor do I believe that your village is willing to start a war over this" stated Naruto.

"Well if you're unwilling to hand over Uki-san and her sister. Perhaps, there is another way that could mend our village's relations with one another" suggested Kokimi, as she maintained a blank face.

"And that would be?" asked Naruto, knowing that he probably not like the answer.

"We would like a written apology signed by you, for attacking our forces"

"An Apology?" repeated Naruto with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I don't believe that much to ask for?" replied Kokimi, with a small smirk indicating she was up to something

"But Kokimi-san, it was war and in war people fight and die."

"I'm aware of that Raikage-sama, but our two nations weren't a war with one another and there are many in my village, who feel that your attacks were unwarranted. But should you give a written apology for attacking our forces, I'm sure that it would go a long way of mending the wounds between our two villages" answered Kokimi with an all too sweet smile.

"I'm afraid an apology is not possible Kokimi-san" said Naruto calmly without giving anything away.

"And may I ask why? Surely it's not about pride? Since you made a point to acknowledge that the incident involving the Hyuga Clan was entirely your village's fault, and openly apologised for it and even paid the Clan compensation."

"Certainly not…The reason I cannot apologies is simply because of this!" said Naruto as he took out a medium size folder from his inside pocket coat and slide it across the table to Kokimi, who pick it up.

"What is it?"

"This folder is one of several that my Shinobi found in a recent raid on one of Orochimaru's bases. This folder describes in detail a joint attack on our neighbours, Yu no sato (Hot-spring Country) and Shimo no Kuni (Frost Country) by Kiri, Oto and Iwa once Konoha was destroyed. It also goes on to detail that after the countries are invaded, they are to be used as staging points for a massive invasion on my village. The reason why I'm showing you this folder is that it is specifically linked to your village, as this was planned by your father."

"I'm disappointed Raikage-sama, I would've expected better from you than fabricating evidence to justify your unwarranted attack on our forces. Even if this folder wasn't fabricated the fact that you found it in Orochimaru's base should indicate that he was the architect of the plan, not my father. There is no proof that my father was behind the creating of this plan or had any knowledge of it what's so ever or even supported it. For all we know, Orochimaru planned this himself, believing he could convince my father and the others into attacking your Alliance after Konoha was destroyed."

"Oh I can assure you this is authentic and it was indeed formed by your father, for if you look to the last page you'll see your father's signature and the stamp of the Tsuchikage on it."

When Kokimi turned to the last page, she did indeed find her father's signature and the stamp of the Tsuchikage at the end of the last page. This proved without a doubt, that her father was indeed the architect of this plan against the Heavenly Alliance.

When she saw this, Kokimi had to bite down her own frustration, as she never expected Naruto to actually find proof that her father was indeed planning to attack the Heavenly Alliance with Orochimaru and the others.

"As you can see, apologising for my attack on your forces would be pointless, as this proves that my village was acting in the defence of the Heavenly Alliance."

"It seems that I am the one who owes you an apology Raikage-sama" apologised Kokimi. "I had no idea that my father was planning to attack the Heavenly Alliance with Orochimaru and the others."

Naruto of course didn't believe a word that Kokimi said, since he found it highly unlikely that that Kokimi didn't know what her father had planned.

"That quite alright Kokimi-san" replied a smiling Naruto, who was enjoying his little victory over Kokimi. "But still in the name of mending fences, perhaps you could send us a written apology for planning to attack the Alliance."

At the mention of this, Naruto was gratified to see a slight twitch on Kokimi's face, before she smiled, (which was clearly forced), and said "Of course Raikage-sama."

"I'm pleased to hear that, now if it alright with you, I would like to end the talks early today, since I've a very important event that I must attend."

"Yes, I believe that would be a splendid idea" replied Kokimi, with another force smile, before bidding Naruto a good day.

Once Kokimi left the room, Uki and Yugito turned and smiled at the blonde Raikage.

"Well played Raikage-sama" said Uki, who had enjoyed seeing Kokimi being caught off guard and being put in her place for once.

"Agreed, you sure showed her who was in charge here" said Yugito with her own smile. "But I still don't understand why was so eager to get you to sign that apology, it's not like it could really hurt us."

"Maybe not physical, but if I had agreed to sign a written apology it would have caused us a great deal of political problems further down the road" answered Naruto.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Yugito.

"What Kokimi's real objective was, to have us admit that our attack on their forces was unwarranted" explained Naruto. "By writing up this apology and signing it, Iwa would have written proof of us admitting that the actions we took against their village was uncalled for and unprovoked. This would then give them a great deal of political leverage to use against us. They could even use this apology to get the other nations and Shinobi villages, who are not allied to us, to side with them against us at another time, when they are ready. Since the apology could be used to convince those nations and villages, that we will attack anyone who does not stand with the Heavenly Alliance."

At hearing this both Uki and Yugito frowned, as they had no idea how a simple written apology could do so much damage in the wrong hands.

"It seems that she is more cunny than I gave credit for" commented Uki, where Naruto just nodded in agreement.

"But how did you know that she would try something like this?" asked Yugito.

"Well it was pretty obvious that Iwa would try and use our sudden attack on their forces to try and gain some kind of advantage or compensation in the talks. That why I had Mitsuhide and the other groups that were attacking Orochimaru's bases, to look out for these files or something to prove that Iwa and the others were going to attack us. It was only a stroke of good fortune that these files arrived before the talks."

"But even if you hadn't these files, you still could've refused to give a written apology, since we knew they were planning to attack us from the beginning" stated Yugito.

At this, Naruto just shook his head, "If I had refused, Iwa would still have used our sudden attack on them to gain sympathy from other nations and villages, who aren't with us. Even if we said that Iwa and the others were planning to attack us, it would be simply our word against theirs. This would then make us look like villains and them victims, where they would slowly manipulate other nations and villages to siding against us. By playing on their fears of our growing power and being invaded and stating that it would only be a matter of time before we start invading all the other nations that aren't with the Alliance."

"You've thought this through" stated Yugito.

"I've had to, since despite our growing strength and recent position as the strongest force on the continent. The Heavenly Alliance is only in its infancy, as it is only a few years old, which means it is still fragile and can easily break from one careless mistake. That's why we have to be careful with every decision we make."

"Then why are you letting her stay here in New Kumo" asked Uki, as she didn't like the idea of Kokimi staying in New Kumo, knowing she would cause her new home trouble.

"I've no choice, since I agreed earlier to allow both of us to pick whoever we wanted to be the ambassador to our villages" explained Naruto. "I just never expected her to pick herself."

"But still…" continued Naruto, "… there is some advantage to having her here, we can slowly feed her false Intel on New Kumo and if war should break out again between us and Iwa, she could be a useful political hostage. Also to quote Sun Tzu "There is wisdom in keeping your friends close and your enemies closer"."

At this Yugito and Uki nodded, after which Naruto told Yugito and Uki that they should get going or they would be late, where the two women just nodded again and left the room with Naruto.

-Earlier this morning with the Konoha group-

Currently waiting in the hotel lobby to escort the Konoha, Suna and Kiri groups on their tour of New Kumo, were Uzumaki Kisaragi Yuffie, Uzumaki Tatara Tomoe, Uzumaki Ayane and Hayabusa Kasumi. With them as well were Killer Bee's former students Karui, Omoi and Samui, as well as veteran Jonin Darui and C.

When the three groups arrived, the Kiri group were surprised at meeting several more of Naruto's wives. Konoha and Suna groups although weren't as surprised, since they already knew Yuffie and Tomoe, who were with Naruto at the battle of Konoha. But they were surprised in meeting Ayane and learning she was another of Naruto's wives.

As always, Jiraiya started to ogle at the young women in front of him, or more especially at Samui, Ayane and Kasumi and their impressive busts, which rivalled Tsunade's.

This of course resulted in Tsunade bashing him head first into a nearby wall, after which she apologised and promise to pay for the damage. But was quickly told by Ayane that there was no need, since if Tsunade hadn't done it, she would have, which of course made the female Kage smile and start to like Ayane.

Also joining the group was Anko and Aiko, who had been staying in the hotel since they arrived and were eager to see more of New Kumo.

Once everyone had arrived, Tsunade turned to Tomoe, who was leading the New Kumo escort.

"Now that we are all here, shall we begin the tour?"

"Not just yet Hokage-sama, as we are still expecting one other Shinobi who will be assisting us in escorting you around New Kumo…and here she is" said Tomoe. Before she turned around to see another Shinobi enter the room.

When the groups looked up to see who had entered the lobby, many of them were shocked to see, that the person was none other than the former lieutenant of Orochimaru, Guren. They were even more surprised to see that she now wore a Kumo headband.

"What the hell is she doing here?" declared Sakura angrily, as she and several other members of the Konoha group took up fighting stances when they saw Guren.

Fortunately before anything could happen Tomoe placed herself between Guren and the Konoha members and held out her right arm in front of the Konoha-nins.

"That is enough, there will be no fighting here, if you attack Guren-san the talks between Konoha and the Heavenly Alliance will be cancelled and you and your people will be sent back home."

"But she is one of Orochimaru's followers!" stated Kiba angrily, as he glared at the former Oto Kunocihi.

"That is no longer the case, in return for valuable information on Orochimaru and his organization. The Raikage has granted Guren-san amnesty for her past crimes as a member of Otogakure (Hidden Sound) as well as allowed her to become a Shinobi of New Kumo."

After hearing this, The Konoha, Kiri and Suna groups were surprised, since it was one thing to give amnesty for a former enemy Shinobi in return for information. But it was a completely separate matter to allow said Shinobi to become a member of your village.

Many of the Konoha members of course, could not help but wonder what exactly did Naruto do to Guren to get her to betray Orochimaru? Since according to the reports they had on her, she had been fanatically loyal to Orochimaru, to the point where she would have gladly died for him.

Once the excitement of Guren new allegiance died down a bit, Ayane suggested that they began the tour of New Kumo, which the three groups quickly agreed to.

As the large group were shown around the different areas of the Civilian district, many of the Konoha members were still curious as to why Guren switched sides. Some like Danzo guessed that she did it for survival, knowing that she would most likely be killed for what she knew. While others, like Koharu thought that she was only pretending to switch sides and was waiting for the right moment to make her escape and return to her master.

Eventually Kakashi decided to ask Guren the question that most of the members of the three groups were thinking.

"Excuse me Guren-san, but if you don't mind me asking, why exactly did you betray Orochimaru and join the Raikage?"

At this question Guren just smile and said, "To put it simply Hatakae-san, the Raikage can be a rather persuasive."


Currently sitting in a small unground windowless room, Guren sat chained to a small chair and table that were nailed to the floor. The chains themselves had specialized seals carved into them, which suppressed her Chakra and prevented her from using her Bloodline.

When Guren woke up from her drugged induced coma, she found herself in a large unground prison. It of course didn't take a genius to figure out that she had been captured by New Kumo, given how she was chained up and had been defeated by the Commander of the SHOCK division Soifon. Who also happened to be married to the Raikage.

About a week after waking up Guren was brought out of her cell by two guards and into the room she was in now, which was clearly some kind of interrogation room.

Eventually the door to the room opened and a tall man entered the room. He short bright blonde hair that was slicked back (by gel or something) so that it was spiked up at the back and had bright blue highlights in the shape of Lightning bolts, which travelled up the spike ends of his hair. The man also wore a Blue long coat with White Lightning like pattern on the right side of the coat and wore a pair of black fingerless gloves and carried a medium size book in his right hand.

Once Guren saw the man, she instantly recognised him from old photo's she has seen of the man, although his outfit hand and his hair style had changed, there was no mistaking it.

"The Yondaime Hokage" muttered Guren in surprise, at seeing the legendary Shinobi, who led Konoha to victory in the Third Great Shinobi World War and was known throughout the Shinobi World as Kiiroi Senkō (Yellow Flash).

"I'm afraid not, my name is Uzumaki Naruto" replied Naruto coolly, as she sat down in the chair in front of Guren.

"Uzumaki!" relied Guren is surprise, "But you're supposed to be…"

"…Dead, afraid not, for as you can see, I'm alive and well and before you ask, the reason why I look like the Yondaime Hokage is because I'm his son."

"His son?" repeated Guren is disbelief, where Naruto just nodded.

For the next few minutes Guren remained silent as she tried to adjust to this new information, as she couldn't believe that the jinchuuriki that Konoha banished over ten years ago was in fact the son of the Yondaime Hokage and was now the Rokudaime Raikage.

Eventually though, the information settled and as she thought about it more, it slowly made sense, since Orochimaru had once told her. There was an unspoken tradition between the Shinobi villages, where a jinchuuriki would be related in some way to the leader of the village.

But even with that matter settled, she still found it hard to believe that Naruto was the infamous Rokudaime Raikage or as he was more commonly known as the Raiden no Kami (God of Thunder and Lightning). She especially found it hard to believe that someone like him could be someone so powerful, as she remembered the power Naruto emanated during the Battle of Konoha. Even if he was the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yokai (Nine-tail Demon Fox), it didn't make any sense to her, since she never felt any of the Biju's Chakra when he was powering up or battling Orochimaru. Another reason why it didn't make any sense was because according to Kabuto and Orochimaru, the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi was a talentless, loud-mouthed simpleton, who had more guts than brains or common sense.

Soon enough though, Guren was brought out of her train of thought, when Naruto cough loudly to gain her attention.

"Ahem, if you're ready Guren-san, we shall begin with your interrogation."

"Wait! You're interrogating me?" asked Guren, where Naruto just nodded.

"Well this is certainly an ego boost, having the infamous Raiden no Kami interrogating little old me" Guren said with an arrogant smirk.

Naruto of course did not respond to this remark and remained silent and stared at the woman.

"You might as well just kill me now, as I will tell you nothing about Orochiamru-sama and I would sooner die than betray him."

"Really and what has Orochimaru done for you to deserve such loyalty?"

"He saved me from those who shunned me and made them pay for what they did to me. He also made me more powerful than I ever would've become without him and gave me a purpose for living."

At hearing this remark, Naruto maintain a neutral face, preventing Guren from guessing what he was thinking.

"So if he asked you to become his new vessel you would agree without hesitation?"

"Of course, that's why I'm one of his most trusted subordinates and it would be my honour to do so" replied Guren with a sneer.

"If that is true then why did he not make you his new vessel long ago? He had plenty of opportunities" Naruto answered.

"It's not my place to question Orochimaru-sama, he has his reasons." Guren responded.

"If you ask me, I think the reason why he never made you his vessel, is because you no longer interest him and as far he was concerned you were nothing more than a disposable tool to him. He cares more about Sasuke and his Sharingan than he does you."

At this remark, a low growl could be heard coming from Guren, as she glared angrily at the blonde Raikage. "Don't you dare insult Orochimaru-sama, you're nothing more than trash compared to him."

"Really? So it would surprise you to hear, that trash like me, sent him slithering back to whatever rock he crawled out of, with tail between his legs."

"You're lying; there's no way Orochimaru could lose to you!"

"It's true, your forces have be wiped out, most of your allies have either surrendered or have been conquered by us, including Oto no Kuni (Sound Country) or should I say Ta no Kuni (Rice-field Country), since it's returning to its original name. (7)"

"I don't believe" said Guren, as she refused to believe that Orochimaru had been defeated by Naruto or that Oto had fallen.

"It's true, as if I wasn't I wouldn't be standing here."

"Even if what you say is true, I will not tell you anything…I'll never betray Orochimaru-sama."

"Really even if it's to help Yukimaru, the one person that you actually care for?" asked Naruto.

"What?" cried Guren angrily.

"You heard me, Yukimaru, the young boy who you've taken into your care. My forces captured him when we attacked one of your bases in Ta no Kuni."

"I don't believe you" replied Guren, as she was certain that Naruto was bluffing and that he only knew about Yukimaru because of one of the Oto Shinobi prisoners he took talked. Since it was no great secret that that she cared for Yukimaru, which was also the reason why no-one ever tried to harm the boy, for fear of earning Guren's wrath.

"Really…and what if I were to show you this…?" asked Naruto he took out a crystallized flower from his coat pocket, "…Would you believe me?"

When Naruto showed Guren the crystallized flower, the blue haired Kunoichi instantly recognized it, as the one she gave to Yukimaru long ago as a gift.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH...!" roared Guren as she lunged at Naruto, who remained perfectly calm and still, as the chain that bound her to the chair and table, kept her from reaching him. "…IF YOU'VE HARMED SO MUCH AS ONE HAIR ON YUKIMARA'S HEAD, I'LL KILL YOU! EVEN IF IS THE LAST THING I DO!"

"I suggest that you calm down Guren-san, Yukimaru is perfectly fine, as unlike what some people in Konoha would tell you. I am no monster and I do not harm innocent people to get what I want" Naruto stated, while secretly pleased that the first phase of his plan had worked

At hearing this, Guren slowly started to calm down, although continued to glare at the Blonde Uzumaki.

Once Guren had calm down, Naruto then continued to speak to the Shoton user.

"Now as I was about to say, obviously you care a great deal about the young man (8) and he cares a great deal about you as well and you would want him to be both safe and happy. So it would be in his best interest that you tell me everything I want to know about Orochimaru" stated Naruto.

"Or what?" asked Guren "You said so yourself that you won't hurt innocent people and Yukimaru has done nothing wrong."

"That is true, and because of that I cannot detain him for long, but he cannot stay in my village and roam it freely either. Since he was once part of your organization and he refuses to answer any of our questions, which might make me reconsider my decision in allowing him to stay. That is why I would have no choice but to send him out of my village…" explained Naruto. "…And once he leaves my village he'll have no money, no food and no shelter. He'll be all alone and there be no-one to protect him from people, who have been hurt or had people close to them hurt by Orochimaru and his followers like you Guren-san."


"Perhaps, but I'm sure like me, you can understand how deep some people's hatred can run, where it won't matter to them whether he had a hand in the things that Orochimaru and others like you did. All that will matter to those people is that, he was a member of Otogakure."

At hearing this, Guren glared with utter rage at Naruto, where if looks could kill, the young Raikage would be a smoking crater right now.

When Naruto saw this, he knew he was getting close and just needed to push a little further. "Maybe before he leaves, I'll also tell him the truth behind what happened to his mother and how you killed her, after she helped save your life."

As soon as Naruto has mentioned Yukimaru's mother, Guren's eyes widen in shock, where all of the colour drained from her face.

"H-H-Ho-How do you know a-ab-about that?"

"You'd be surprise at how much I know Guren-san and I know for certain that this news would be quite devastating to that you man, since he considers you like a mother. But if you tell me what I want, I will never breathe a word of it to him or anyone else."

"Bastard" muttered Guren angrily as she glared at Naruto, and struggled what to do, as on one hand she was loyal to Orochimaru. But on the other hand she cared for Yukimaru and what happened to him and didn't want the truth of what she did to his mother revealed. At least not until she herself was ready to tell him of what she had done.

Seeing that Guren had still not decided what to do and was struggling with her loyalty to Orochimaru, Naruto frowned slightly and decided to move to the second phase of his plan.

"I don't know why you are heisting so much? The choice should be simple enough, you either choice Yukimaru or Orochimaru. Although personally I don't see why you're so loyal to a man like Orochimaru, who doesn't deserve anyone's loyalty to begin with. He demands everything from you and expects you to do whatever he says without question and yet he shows no concern or loyalty to you in return."

"Don't you dare speak of Orochimaru-sama like that, you wouldn't understand why I would give my life for him" Guren retorted.

"Oh I understand better than you might think, for most of your childhood you were shunned and hated by your village, because they feared what you could do. They treated you like an outcast or some kind of disease, saying how they would all be better off if you were dead and how you were some kind of monster. Then one day, Orochimaru came along, he punished those who scorned you and was the first person to truly acknowledge you. He then took you in and made you feel special and helped you gain power that you never had before, he made you feel strong."

"How did you…?" said Guren in surprise, but could not find the words to finish, since Naruto had described her childhood perfectly.

"Like I said, you'd be surprise of what I know; besides I'm jinchuuriki, so I know a thing or two about what it is like to be shunned and hated by people for something that you've no control of. I can also tell by looking at a person, if they gone through the similar kind of life that I went through, since the emotional scars from back then, never truly go away."

At this remark Guren remained silent, as she didn't know how to respond to that.

"Regardless of what Orochimaru has done for you in the past, he doesn't care about you. The only person that he cares about is himself. Once he is finished with you or you're no longer any use to him, he'll throw you away…just like Kimimaro" said Naruto, where at the mention Kimimaro, Guren looked up at Naruto is surprise.

"If you still don't believe me, take a look at this" stated Naruto as he hand Guren the book that he had been carrying since he entered the room.

"What is this?"

"It's one of Orochimaru's journals, we found it when we raided one of his bases in Ta no Kuni…Go to page seventy-four, it has something you should be very interested in" answered Naruto.

As Guren looked over the book, she glanced through some of the pages, where they mentioned different types of experiments and plans Orochimaru had done. The dates on the entries indicated that the Journal was at least a few years old, which Orochimaru must have forgotten about in one of his bases, after it was filled. When she finally reached the page that Naruto told her to go, she was shocked to learn that Orochimaru had planned to have Yukimaru killed, since he was no use to him, as the Akatsuki had captured the Sanbi (Three-tails). But as she read on, she learned that Orochimaru later changed his mind. As he saw how close she (Guren) was to Yukimaru and planned to use him as leverage, in the event that she ever disobeyed him (Orochimaru) or try to leave Oto.

Naturally Guren tried to deny this evidence, stating that it was a fake, but could not, as she recognized her master's handwriting. Also some of the things mention in the Journal could only be known by Orochimaru. Not to mention, it would not be unlike her master to plan such a thing, as he had done so before. When he learned that she let Yukimaru's mother go after she saved her life. He ordered her to kill Yukimaru's mother to prove her loyalty and commitment to him.

Natural she had done it, but it was a decision that came back to haunt her many times, especially whenever she looked at Yukimaru.

Seeing Guren's resolve breaking, Naruto decided to make his final move. "As you can see, you owe Orochimaru nothing, as like everyone else he used you. Now I ask you again; will you tell me everything you know about Orochimaru and his organization?"

Guren did not answer Naruto at first and just continued to look at Orochimaru's Journal and at the page that stated that Yukimaru was Orochimaru's insurance over her. Eventually though, she closed the book and stared down at the table, Naruto also noticed at the same time that Guren tighten her fist in anger. As if she was enraged at what her former master had planned to do or was struggle with what to do.

Seeing this Naruto was about to ask Guren again, but before he could, Guren suddenly spoke.

"If I give you what you want, what exactly will happen to Yukimaru?"

"If you agree to help me and tell me everything you know about Orochimaru's organization, including the location of all his bases throughout the continent. I'll give Yukimaru sanctuary here in New Kumo and I will see to it personally, that he is given citizenship in Kaminari no Kuni and New Kumo and will be well taken care of. I'll even see to it, that he is allowed to visit you whenever he wants to, but only if what you tell me is true" answered Naruto.

"And what assurance do I have, that you will hold up your end of the deal?"

"You have my word and if Orochimaru or Kabuto have told you anything about me, it is that I always keep my word no matter what."

When Guren looked up, she stared at Naruto eyes intently, to see if she could see any deception in them, but could find none.

After a minute or two, Guren let out a sigh and decided to take a chance on Naruto.

"Fine I tell you everything" replied Guren and began to tell Naruto about Orochimaru other operations, personal and his bases across the elemental continent.