
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter 16 New Kumo Part One


Summon Speech

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

For the next hour or so, Naruto and Anisu continued to talk about what to do for the Alliance Gathering and what else they had left to prepare. Eventually though they decided to call it a night, but before he left Anisu asked Naruto if there were any orders regarding to Sasuke when he met him.

At this Naruto just smiled and gave him order, where after hearing what Naruto wanted him to do, Anisu just smiled and said "With pleasure", before leaving the room.

Once Anisu, left the room, Naruto slightly chuckled to himself and thought, "Things will certainly become more interesting in the coming weeks."

-The Great Naruto Bridge, One week Later-

Two months after the Battle of Konoha, the representatives of Konoha arrived at the Great Naruto Bridge.

The group itself was larger than what most people would expect a diplomatic group to be, where it was made up of the members of the former Konoha twelve, along with the Godaime Hokage Tsunade, her former team-mate Jiraiya and her "advisors" Danzo, Homura and Koharu.

Also with them were Umino Iruka and his three month pregnant wife Anko and their now six year old daughter Aiko. As well as former team leader of team seven, Hatakae Kakashi, the former Head of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hiashi and a member of Danzo's ROOT division.

The group was also accompanied by the representative of the Fire Daimyo, who wished to form good relationship with his neighbouring nation and the growing super power.

The representative was none other than the famed Samurai General Takeda Shingen, cousin of the Fire Daimyo and leader of Hi no Kuni's (Fire Country) most powerful and influential Samurai Clan, the Takeda Clan.

Shingan was a revered General and Samurai, who was known and respected by all Shinobi and non-Shinobi and was known as Tora Hi no Kuni (The Tiger of Fire Country). But not only was he a master tactician and a brilliant leader of men in battle, but was also a capable diplomat, who knew the value of forging good relations with ones neighbours and knew when to compromise.

Shingen was a massive man, who had large muscular build and stood six foot six, well over everyone else in the group including Jiraiya, (who was six foot two). He wore crimson red armour and headdress dawned with large bull like horns on the top and carried a massive battle axe on his back, much like Choji. (1)

As the group made their way across The Great Naruto Bridge they were met by a squad of New Kumo Shinobi, who were part of the division that was stationed at Nami no Kuni.

Once all the members of the group had been searched, and were made to hand over their weapons. They were escorted to the village, where they met Inari and several of his Samurai.

"Greetings Hokage-sama, welcome to Nami no Kuni, my name is Inari and I am in charge of security here", spoke the young man.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Inari-taicho" greeted the Blonde Hokage with a kind smile, where she then held out her hand in friendship, which the young Samurai took. After which Tsunade then introduced Inari to the rest of her group (the ones he did not know).

After introductions were all done, Inari then lead them to the recently built fort on the outskirts of the village, which was where the other representatives were waiting

As they walked to the opposite end of the village, Tsunade decided to pose a question.

"I was told that you and Naruto were rather close, when he first arrived here in Nami no Kuni, with the rest of his team?"

"Yes, Naruto-nii was the one who inspired me to fight and protect what I hold dear and helped the rest of my village rediscover our courage", answered Inari, causing Tsunade to smile. Since Naruto had a knack for bring out the best of most people, when he was around them long enough.

"So, how long have you know the truth about Naruto being The Raikage?" Kakashi asked suddenly, as he walked next to Tsunade and Inari.

"Nii-sama, revealed himself to us, right after the invasion" replied Inari in a neutral tone.

-Flashback two and a half months, Nami no Kuni Invasion-

After walking up to The Raikage, both Inari and Tazuna fell to their knees and bowed their heads in gratitude to the leader of New Kumo.

"Thank you Raikage-denka, our Country is forever in your debt…We were starting to believe that you would not arrive in time or you did not accept our petition to join the Heavenly Alliance and would not come to our aid", said Tazuna and was followed by his Grandson.

"As my Grandfather said our people are forever in your debt, if there is anything we can ever do for you please do not hesitate to ask us. For our Country would surely have fallen had you and your Shinobi not arrived when you did."

Seeing the two men on their knees, The Raikage lowered himself down to them and looked directly into their eyes.

"Well you could always build and name another Bridge after me" said the Raikage in a low whisper and a wink, causing both Inari and Tazuna's eyes to widen in surprise and go pale white, realizing who The Raikage was.

"Naru-"said Inari, but before he could finish, he heard Naruto go "SSSSShhhh" telling him to stop.

"Listen both of you, I know you're both surprise by this, but for now pretend that nothing has changed, as I don't want Hatake or the others to know the truth about me yet. I promise that I explain everything later tonight, when we're alone, ok", whispered the masked Raikage, where both Inari and Tazuna nodded and got back onto their feet.

-End Flashback-

After a few minutes, Tsunade and the rest of the group arrived at the wooden fort, which was being guarded by several New Kumo Shinobi. After making sure that everyone was cleared, the group were escorted to the main building in the certain of the fort, where they found the representatives of most of the other nations and villages that were preparing to join or ally themselves with the Heavenly Alliance.

"Hokage-sama allow me to introduce to the other representatives of the other nations that will be traveling with you to New Kumo for the Alliance Gathering", said Inari as he introduce the Konoha group to the representatives.

The first group was the representatives of Nadeshiko no Sato (Pink Flower Village), which was represented by it leader Shizuka, who strangely enough had a connection with Jiraiya, as he knew her mother from long ago. The village itself had been a long term ally of the Heavenly Alliance and was now preparing to become a full member.

The second group was from Benisu-tō (Crimson Sandbank Island), who until recently had been a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance, just like Konoha was about to become, but was now becoming a full member of the Heavenly Alliance.

The third group was the Suna group, which was made up of Garaa, his wife Matsuri and his siblings along with their former Sensei Baki and an official from the Royal court of Kaze no Kuni (Wind Country).

The fourth and fifth groups were made of officials who represented Enkai no Kuni (Ocean Country), Umi no Kuni (Sea Country), who were all preparing to join the Heavenly Alliance as official members. The sixth group was from Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country ) and it's Shinobi village, Getsugakure no Sato (Village Hidden under the Moon), which was founded thanks to the help of New Kumo and was represented by the village leader, a middle aged man named Sado.

After introducing Tsunade and the others to most of the other representatives, who were going with them to New Kumo. Inari then introduce them to the last two groups, which was the most surprising to the Konoha group.

The seventh group was made up of none other than the new Daimyo of Mizu no Kuni (Water Country), Uesugi Kenshin and his bodyguard Kasuga and one other individual.

The new Water Daimyo was of course not what the Konoha group expected; he was a tall and rather skinny middle aged man and clearly looked unsure of himself. Something that was unusually for a Daimyo and it was obvious that he was very nervous about being surrounded by so many Shinobi. But it was not surprising given how the pervious Water Daimyo had used Kiri and its Shinobi, as his secret police, to eliminate anyone who would stand up to him or threaten his position as Daimyo.

At the same time, Shingen went over to Kenshin and greeted his fellow Samurai General, who he had found of several different occasions in the last Great War. During which both Shingan and Kenshin formed a mutual respect for one another's skill as fighters and Tacticians, where they developed a sort of rivalry.

The final member of the group was of course the most surprising to Tsunade and Jiraiya, who recognized him.

The man in question was a relative tall young looking man, (about six foot two), with muscular man and long black hair that was gathered in a ponytail and parted so to frame his face. He wore a sky blue Karategi (2) with sandals and wore a large white cloak over it and carried a medium size Katana on left hip.

"Hiko, is that you?" asked a surprised Jiraiya, who had a look of utter shock on his face.

"It has been some time, Jiraiya-san, Tsunade-san or should I say Hokage-sama" replied the man named Hiko, with a small smile.

"I thought you were dead!" Jiraiya stated, as he tried to get over his surprise.

"That was a belief I wanted everyone to maintain after our last encounter, where I decided to retire from Shinobi life. But sadly I forced to come out, due to the Civil War in my village, where I could no longer stand by and watch the Godaime Mizukage's tyranny" Hiko answered.

"Hokage-sama, who is this man?" asked Sakura suddenly, since she was curious as to how her Sensei and Jiraiya knew him.

"This is Takeru Hiko, the first man to ever become a member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū (Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist), without ever training or using one of their special swords. He is also credited with being the greatest swords master to have ever lived in Kirigakure (Hidden Mist) and uses the Tenken (Divine Sword) fighting style", explained the Toad Sage.

At hearing this, most of the younger group were surprised, but none were as surprised as Tenten, who had heard of Hiko and couldn't believe she was actually meeting one of the Shinobi world's greatest sword masters.

"You haven't age a day since then" commented Tsunade suddenly, while at the same time wondering what the man's secret was.

"Some of us age more gracefully than other Hokage-sama" Hiko replied, with a small smile, which annoyed the female Kage slightly.

"Excuse me Hokage-sama, but what do you mean by him not aging?" asked Neji.

"What I mean is that Hiko is almost as old as Jiriaya and me" explained the female Hokage, where the eyes of the younger members of the Konoha group widened in surprise. (3)

"Fifty-three to be precise" Hiko replied, ignoring the shocked look on most of the Konoha members faces.

"No way!" cried Ino in disbelief, since at most the man looked like he was in his mid to early thirties.

Eventually after everyone had been introduce, and the excitement of Hiko real age died down, the Konoha group turned to the eighth and final group, which represented Kiri.

Naturally when Jiraiya saw the new Mizukage Mei, the Toad Sage went into Pervert Mode, but before he could try anything. Tsunade delivered a sharp elbow to his gut, causing him to keel over slightly in pain, making sure that he didn't embarrass Konoha by trying to hit on the Mizukage.

"It a pleasure to finally meet you Hokage-sama, I've wanted to meet you for a very long time" spoke the female Mizukage, with a smile and held out her hand to Tsunade, as a sign of friendship, which the Hokage took.

After shaking hands with her fellow female Kage, Mei then introduced the rest of her party to the Konoha group, all of whom were members of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū.

Once the introductions were all done, the representatives were joined by Tazuna, who would be going with them to New Kumo, as the representative of Nami no Kuni. He then went on to explain to everyone that, they would be traveling by ship to a port in Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country), and from there they would travel to New Kumo.

After a little while, the eleven individual parties left the fort with an escort of New Kumo Shinobi and headed towards the coast at the other end of the island, where they would meet the fleet that would take them to the Kaminari no Kuni.

When they arrived at the shore they found the Flag ship of New Kumo fleet, the Zennyo Ryūō, waiting for them, along with two other Fortress Ships, acting as escorts.

"So those are the Alliance Fortress Ships that we've heard about" commented Tsunade, when she saw the three massive ships and could not help but be impressed by them.

"That they are Hokage-sama" spoke an unknown male voice out of no-where.

When the groups heard this, they immediately started to look around to see who had spoken. After a few seconds of looking they saw a tall man (about six foot two) with long white hair that went down to his lower shoulder blades and face, where he had it parted on the left side of his face. He had a slightly narrow yet handsome face with bright blue eyes. He wore a Black shirt with a white trench coat over it along with black Shinobi pants and steel tip boots and carried a long Katana on his back.

"A pleasure to see you again Anisu-kun" said Mei with a smile, when she saw the young man.

"As it is to see you again Mizukage-sama" replied Anisu, with his own smile and a slight bow.

"Excuse me, but who exactly are you?" asked Hinata, since like everyone she was curious as to the identity of the man in front of them.

"Oh, yea sorry about that, I haven't introduced myself to most of you" said the slightly embarrassed Anisu. "My name his Seiwa Anisu, I am the Raikage second in command and I' am here to escort all of you to New Kumo."

At hearing Anisu full name, the eyes of Konoha members quickly widen in surprise, as they realized that Anisu was the one who Naruto said was almost as strong as him.

"So you're the one who led the invasion of Mizu no Kunai and Kiri, the infamous Koorisui no Kami (God of Ice and Water)" spoke Jiraiya, as he remembered the reports he heard about the man in front of him.

"That would be correct" Anisu answered rather coolly, as he did not have a great deal of respect for the famed Toad Sage of Konoha, given how he neglected his duties to his friend, as his Godfather.

"Now before we precede any further I like to introduce you to my wives, Kako, Saya, Seiko, Isaribi, Sun Li and my fiancés Fuma Sasame and Hokuto."

At hearing this, nearly everyone thought the exact same thing "He has five wives and two fiancés!"

"Damn and here I thought Naruto was a lucky bastard" thought Jiraiya.

"Ahhhh maaaannnn, first Naruto now this guy, what the hell those two have that I don't?" thought Kiba with a twig of jealousy as he looked at Anisu wises and fiancés. (4)

Once the introductions were all done, Anisu then turned to Sasuke, who had been staring intently at the white haired man ever since he first appeared.

As Sasuke stared at the man, he notice that Anisu did not give out the same kind of authoritative presence that Naruto could, which could make most around him submissive. But even though he did not have the same kind of presence, he did possess the same powerful aura that Naruto had, which spoke of immense power.

The two of them continued to stare off at one another for a minute or two, as if they were sizing each other up.

Eventually Sasuke decided to speak, "You look like you've something to say to say to me?"

"Yea, I have two words for you…get lost"


"You heard me, go back to Konoha you're not welcome in New Kumo."

"You've no right to make demands of us, as Uchiha Sasuke is part of my personal detail and I am a member of the Konoah representative team", stated Danzo as he stepped between Anisu and Sasuke and stared at Anisu.

"Well if you want these talks to go anywhere, you have to do what I say" Anisu answered as he stared at the elderly man, who did not back down.

"Is that a threat?" Danzo asked.

"No, it's a fact, now as I said if you want these talks with the Alliance to happen, you'll send him back home. Since we're well aware that Uchiha Sasuke attempted to assassinate our Raikage without provocation and we will not give him another chance to do so again."

After hearing this, Tsunade smiled, since she had never wanted to have Sasuke with them to begin with, for fear of him lashing out at Naruto. But unfortunately since Sasuke was still a member of ROOT she had limited control of him and ever since the incident with Naruto, Danzo has not allowed Sasuke to leave his side.

"Hmph, Sounds like the dope is scared of me" mocked Sasuke, which earned him the glares of many of the New Kumo Shinobi that accompanied the representatives. As well as Anisu's fiancés and wives, who gripped their weapons tightly in anger.

Seeing how the situation was turning, Anisu acted quickly and held up his hand, telling his people to calm down.

Once they did, the young man then turned back to Sasuke and glared coldly at the young Uchiha, who didn't even flinch at the cold glare.

"I suggest that you hold your tongue when you speak of The Raikage in front of us Uchiha" said Anisu as he spat out Sasuke's surname. "We do not take kindly to people who insult's our leader, especially from the likes of you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" asked Sasuke with a cool glare.

"To put it simply Uchiha, your reputation precedes you", Anisu answered. "Besides you should be grateful that you're being forbidden in entering our village, since there are many Shinobi in our village who would love to get a piece of you."

"Tsk, like I care about those losers, they can hate me all they want" scoffed Sasuke, not the least bit worried that there were those in New Kumo that wanted him dead.

"Well aren't we the confident one" commented Anisu. "Ok then, if you're so sure of your skill, how about I make you a deal?"

"What sort of deal?"

"You go one on one with me right now" explained Anisu. "If you win, you can proceed with the rest of us to New Kumo. But if I win, you go back to Konoha without incident."

When Sasuke heard this, he raised his eyebrow with interest, as Anisu offer made for an interesting opportunity, since after the invasion and seeing Naruto's battle with Orochimaru, his allies and the revived Hokage's. Sasuke had put himself under intensive training and pushed himself future than he had before, in the hopes of reaching Naruto's level and defeating him. Hence if he fought and defeated Anisu, he knew he be one step closer to defeating not only Naruto, but also his brother Itachi.

Sasuke was of course, not the only one who thought this would be an interesting opportunity. As Danzo believed it would be a perfect chance to see what the famed Koorisui no Kami was capable of with his own eyes.

"Fine you got a deal"

"Good" Anisu answered, as he smirked in victory at how Sasuke had taken his bait, where he could now follow Naruto's orders towards dealing with Sasuke, which were to kick his ass.

"Now just to make things more fair, we'll follow the same "rules" that you and Naruto had at the valley of the end. All you have to do to win is scratch this head-band" stated Anisu, as he untied his Kumo headband from his arm and tied it to his head.

Sasuke of course glared at this, as he could read the underline insult from Anisu's remark.

"I'll do more than just scratch your headband" replied Sasuke as he glared at Anisu, who just smirked again.

Quickly the New Kumo escorts and the other nation representatives, moved away from the beach and to the treeline, where they would watch the match.

Once everyone had moved to a safe enough distance, Sasuke drew out his new chokutō (5), which had been returned to him, along with the rest of his gear after he agreed to Anisu's challenge.

At the same time, Anisu grabbed the handle of the sword on his back and drew it.

The sword was quite long, where its blade was about one point four meters long and had a usual guard shaped like a four-pointed star.

As soon as Anisu drew the Katana, a massive and powerful pulse of Chakra was felt by everyone in the surrounding area, which was familiar to most people.

"This power, it's just like when Nii-san drew his sword" commented Konohamaru.

"He's right" replied Kakashi,

"Could that Katana, be another one of the Three Celestial Swords?" asked Tsunade.

"It is" answered Sun Li, who was standing nearby.

"Which one is it?" Jiraiya asked, although he already had a clue, given what Clan Anisu was from.

"Hyōrinmaru" replied Sasame, confirming Jiraiya's suspicions.

Naturally, nearly everyone was surprised to hear that Anisu possessed one of the three Celestial Swords, like Naruto.

But as surprised as everyone was, there were those who became very concerned by this revelation. These people were none other than Danzo and Koharu, since it was troubling enough to them that Naruto had one. But now after learning that Anisu had one as well, their concerns of New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance only grew more. Since by having two out of the three Celestial swords in their possess, New Kumo had two weapons capable of turning the balance of power even more into their favour. Making them that more powerful than they already were, as well as making it that much harder for anyone to stand up to them, let alone defeat them.

It also made Danzo and Koharu wonder what other secrets New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance have and how powerful were they really?

"Tenten, do you know anything about this sword?" Neji asked, as he turned to his former female team-mate, who knew a bit about the three Celestial swords.

"Not much, but according to legend, Hyōrinmaru is incredibly powerful, like the Sword of Tengu and is said to have the power over Water and Ice, which is why it's sometimes called the Sword of the Ocean. It said that it can create a tidal wave large enough to wash away a small nation or freeze an entire castle and turn it into a giant block of ice. Some say that it even has the power to affect the weather, like the Sword of Tengu"

"If that's true and if what we've heard about Anisu-dono being the last remaining Hyoton holder. Then it would make for an extremely powerful and beneficial weapon for someone like him to have" stated Neji.

"But where could he have gotten it?" Sakura asked openly, which was what most people were wondering.

"I believe I can answer that" spoke the Rokudaime Mizukage suddenly, gaining everyone's attention.

"What do you mean Mizukage-sama?" asked Shino, as he and everyone else turned to face the female Kage.

"As all of you known, during the Great Shinobi Clan Wars and before the rise of the Shinobi villages, Shinobi Clans in many nations fought each other constantly over missions or Clan feuds. During that time, the Seiwa Clan rose up to become the strongest Shinobi Clan in Mizu no Kuni, which was thanks not only to their powerful Hyoton Bloodline. But also because of their Clan head, who was said to wield a powerful weapon, which enhanced his ice powers to unimaginable levels. Although never confirmed, many believed he wielded one of the three Celestial swords, or to be more precise Hyōrinmaru. When Kiri was eventually formed, many in my village including the Shodaime, Nidaime and Sandaime Mizukages investigated the Seiwa Clan, in the hope of discovering if the Clan really did possess Hyōrinmaru. Their investigations of course turned up nothing, but regardless, there were many my village that still believed that the Seiwa possessed it and it was because of this belief that the Seiwa Clan were the first Bloodline Clan to be attacked. Since the Yondaime Mizukage feared that one of the Seiwa members would use it against him in his war against Bloodline holders."

"But if the Seiwa Clan really did have Hyōrinmaru, why didn't they use it to defend themselves?" Ino asked.

"More than likely, for the same reason why no-one could use The Sword of Tengu before the Nidaime Raikage and Naruto-dono. The sword did not accept anyone else who tried to use it, given how it is sentient and only accepts certain people" stated Neji.

After a few minutes, the discussion about Hyōrinmaru died down and everyone turned their attention back to Sasuke and Anisu, who were about to start their battle.

Sasuke made the first move, where in a feat of incredible speed, he disappeared within a blink of an eye and reappeared right above Anisu, and swung his chokutō in a downward slash in an attempt to cut Anisu in two.

Seeing this, Anisu quickly jumped backwards to avoid the slash, where the only thing Sasuke hit was the ground, causing a large cloud of sand from the bleach to rise up.

Not to be deterred, Sasuke chased after Anisu and attempted a horizontal slash across Anisu's chest, which Anisu skilfully avoided.

This went on for the next few minutes, where Sasuke continued with a series of relentless attacks on Anisu. But each time Anisu would skilfully evade the Uchiha's swords slashes and stabs.

Eventually Sasuke's and Anisu's swords clashed with one another, where Anisu was force to block and powerful downwards strike from Sasuke. He then maneuvered his sword to push Sasuke back and then went on the offensive, where he attempted to stab Sasuke with a forward thrust.

Sasuke of course avoided the stab by jumping backward, where he then threw several Shuriken at Anisu. Who skilfully deflected the projectiles with his sword as he charged at Sasuke and attempted to cut the raven haired boy with a downward slash.

Like the last attack, Sasuke jumped back to avoid it, but when Anisu's Katana hit the ground. The young white haired man lifted his sword up, causing the sand to rise up and into Sasuke's eyes, temporarily blinding him.

This created an opening, which Anisu exploited by thrusting his sword forward at the young ROOT captain.

Acting on his instincts, Sasuke quickly jumped up into the air and avoided the stab, where he then swung his right leg at the side of Anisu's head. Who avoided the kick by disappearing and reappearing several meters opposite Sasuke.

-With the Observers-

"It seems that dickless has improved since the Battle of Konoha" commented Sai.

"Indeed" replied Shino, "Judging by how battle has gone so far, both of them are about even."

"I wouldn't go that far just yet, since Naruto openly stated that Anisu's power rivals his own, so obviously he hasn't even gotten started yet" stated Tsunade.

"You got that right, since Anisu-kun is only playing around" said Sun Li, gaining everyone's attention, "Since he didn't become the Raikage's tag-team partner simply because of his good looks."

"Tag-team partner?" Sakura repeated not fully understanding it.

"It's an old tradition that goes back to when Kumo was founded" explained Jiraiya. "You see in Kumo, the Raikage has always had a tag-team partner, who not only brings out the Raikage's full power, but defends him or her as well."

"That's correct" replied Kako, "Together Anisu-kun and Naruto are an unbeatable team; where together they're known in New Kumo as the Sōshin no Arashi (Twin Gods of Storm)."

None of the representatives were too surprised when they heard this, since they were all familiar in some way of Naruto abilities and power. The same also went for Anisu, since rumours had also begun to spread of his abilities and how his power rivalled Naruto's. Hence it wouldn't be a surprise that together, the two would be a powerful team.

-With Sasuke and Anisu-

"Hhhmmm, not bad, evidently the rumours of your skill are true" commented Anisu as he stared at Sasuke. "Naruto told me you were good and I can see that he was right, it's actually a shame that you're such a piece of work. You would've made a powerful ally if you haven't become so full and hate and anger."

"Are you just going to keep yapping like the dope or are you going to fight?" asked Sasuke, not caring what Anisu had to say.

As the two faced off again, Anisu began to see a dark aura former around Sasuke, filled with murderous intent. When he looked into the Uchiha's eyes, he could see the same cold darkness in his eyes, indicating that Sasuke was intending on killing him, if not main him,

"This guy may be more off the edge that we thought, as he actually trying to kill me" thought Anisu as he stared at Sasuke with a blank look.

"Die!" cried Sasuke as he charged forward with his chokutō, while Anisu did the same.

When the two clashed, they began to exchange blows with each other's swords. This continued for the next few minutes, until eventually they broke apart.

During the fight, Anisu proved that he was much faster than Sasuke and used his superior speed to keep Sasuke on the defensive for most of the time. Sasuke although was able to keep Anisu at bay, by activating his Sharingan and using it to track Anisu's movements.

Soon after breaking apart, Anisu recommenced the fight by using his superior speed to disappear and reappear on Sasuke's left and attacked from the side with a high speed slash.

Acting quickly, Sasuke used his Chidori Nagashi (One Thousand Birds Current) to stop the attack, where he created a Chidori in his left free hand without using any hand seals and released it in every direction. This created an electrical discharge that went in every direction and hit Anisu, stopping him in his tracks.

Seeing his opponent momentarily distracted by the Lightning running through his body, Sasuke quickly spun around and slashed at Anisu with his sword, cutting the young man in two.

But before Sasuke could take pleasure in his victory "Anisu" turned into a wooden long, revealing that he had used a Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique) to replace himself.

As soon as Sasuke realized what had happen, Anisu appeared behind Sasuke and attempted to stab the ROOT captain from behind.

Seeing Anisu appear behind him, Sasuke immediately spun his sword backward and held it in a reverse grip and then stabbed his sword backwards and into Anisu's stomach. Who could not see it until it was too late thanks to Sasuke's Black cloak blocking his view (6).

But as soon as Sasuke stabbed the white haired New Kumo-nin, Anisu turned white and the shattered in large pieces of ice, revealing that the Anisu Sasuke stabbed was a Hyoton: Koori Bunshin (Ice Release: Ice Clone) (A).

Seeing that the Anisu he stabbed was a clone, Sasuke immediately started to search for Anisu. Who appeared out of the water (on Sasuke right side) and attempted to slash at Sasuke again.

Acting quickly, the young Uchiha jumped backwards to avoid the sword slash, but was unable to avoid it fully, where his right sleeve was cut.

But as soon as he landed back on the beach, he was put on the defensive by Anisu, who delivered a powerful downward slash at Sasuke, who barely blocked it with his sword in time.

Anisu of course did not let up the pressure, as he continued to attack Sasuke with powerful slashes and strike, that he barely blocked each time.

Knowing he needed a distraction, Sasuke ripped off his torn sleeve and threw it in front of Anisu's face, so to block his line of sight for a second, which it did, where he then pushed it out of the way with his sword. But as soon as he did, Sasuke then went of the offensive, where he started attacking Anisu with a relentless series of slashes and strikes with his sword, leaving Anisu little opportunities to counterattack.

As Anisu continued to be forced back, he activated a small seal at the bottom of his sword hilt, which released a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain.

Once the crescent-shaped blade and chain was released, Anisu threw the chain and wrapped it around Sasuke's chokutō and pulled in back, causing Sasuke to lose his balance. After which Anisu swung him around and into one of the nearby trees. But before he could hit the tree, Sasuke flipped himself around in mid-air, so that he would hit the tree feet first and used his Chakra so that he could stay on the tree. He also then freed his chokutō from the chain that was wrapped around it, which retracted back into the Anisu's sword.

"Impressive, you're a lot better in Kenjutsu than I originally thought. I'm guessing you've been training intensely these past few months" commented Anisu, as he stared at Sasuke. Who used the Hi-Shunshin (Fire Body-flicker) to disappear in a whirl of fire and reappear at the other end of the beach opposite Anisu

"But still, I believe it's time to get serious, since we can't play around all day, as I have a schedule to keep and out of respect for your skill as a Shinobi. I'll give you this one chance to concede, there'll be no shame in giving up, but if you refuse, be warned I will not hold back on you."

"You can stop acting so tough, as you're not only one who has been holding back and I've no intention of quitting" replied Sasuke.

"Very well then, but remember Uchiha, you're the one who forced me to do this. I gave you the chance to walk away" replied Anisu, with serious tone and look. After which his eyes started to glow bright white and both he and his sword began to release a massive amount of Chakra, which could be clearly seen by all.

-The Observers-

"Heh, looks like this battle is about to end" commented Seiko.

"What do you mean? Is he going to use Hyōrinmaru true power?" Tenten asked.

"Yes he is and when Anisu-kun unleashes Hyōrinmaru true power, he becomes every bit as dangerous as the Raikage", replied Kako.

"You're also in for a special treat, since you're about to see with your own eyes how Anisu-kun earned the moniker Kumo no Aisuryu (Ice Dragon of Kumo)," added Sun Li with a knowing look.

-With Anisu and Sasuke-

-Bleach OST Storm Centre-

As his power started to grow, Anisu suddenly raised his sword up high and shouted out "Reign over the Frosted Heavens, Hyōrinmaru!" After which a massive roar of some massive beast could be heard coming from the sword by everyone in the surrounding area, which forced many people cover their ears from the loudness of it. Soon after, the sky began to darken as storm clouds suddenly appeared, while the sea became rougher from the high winds that were blowing.

"What's going on? How is he causing this?" thought Sasuke, as he saw the effect of Anisu's sword was having on the weather. "Is that sword causing all of this? Could it be another one of the three Celestial swords, just like the dopes?"

Suddenly Anisu then jumped up into the air and roared out "Hyōryū (Ice Dragon)! (B)" where a massive Chinese Dragon, made out of ice with glowing red eyes erupted from the sword and circled around Anisu.

"What the hell!" cried Sasuke in disbelief, when he saw the giant Ice Dragon appear out of Anisu's sword and charged straight for him.

Acting quickly, Sasuke jumped into the air to avoid the Ice Dragon, where it crashed onto the beach and exploded into a massive wave of Water and Ice.

The sear mass and velocity of the attack was so great that it encompassed much of the area that was behind Sasuke, including the coastal Water, which was frozen solid up to several yards. Even the trees that were to Sasuke's right, (which were opposite the sea) were unable to remain unaffected by the attack, as many of them were blown off the roots and frozen solid.

"Shit! There was too much Water and it was coming into too fast for me to avoid completely" thought Sasuke angrily, as he landed next to another tree that was facing Anisu when he landed.

He then glared coldly at the male ice user, while at the same time he glanced down at his right leg, which was now frozen in ice. Since he was unable to avoid the attack completely and some of the Water hit his right leg and froze almost instantly.

Knowing that he would be unable to move fully with his leg like this, Sasuke charged his sword with Lightning and struck the ice with it. But much to his surprise and confusion, the ice did not shatter

"That won't work I'm afraid" commented Anisu, when he saw Sasuke trying to free his leg. "That ice is no ordinary ice, it is specially created by Hyōrinmaru itself, where it is as strong as steel and is extremely resistant to most Katon Ninjutsu. Meaning it'll take much more than a simple tab from your sword there to break it and the ice won't melt for three days."

"But still, that won't matter much, since I'm ending this match now" stated Anisu, before he swung his sword again and roared out "Hyōryū!" creating another massive Ice Dragon from his sword.

Knowing he couldn't avoid the attack this time, with his leg like this. Sasuke knew his best chance was to block the technique, where did several hand seal and brought his two front fingers to his month. He then inhaled deeply and thought, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique)!" where he then exhaled a massive ball of fire.

Sadly though, when the Fireball collided with the Ice Dragon, Anisu's Dragon easily overpowered the Fire attack and turned it into a ball of ice, where it shattered into pieces. After which the Ice Dragon continued to charge towards Sasuke, who could do little other than watch in horror as the Ice Dragon came at him and hit him.

When the attack hit Sasuke, the young Uchiha blasted back through several trees, which were frozen solid by the attack.

By the time the attack ended, a large portion of the area behind Sasuke was now a frozen wasteland, with the ground now covered entirely by ice. The most of the trees that were behind him were now frozen, where the ones that fell from the force of the attack, littered the area stuck in odd looking positions. While those that were able to stay rooted, looked like glass ornaments.

After the attack, Sasuke found that he was unable to move, where with the exception of his head, his entire body was covered in ice.

-End Bleach OST Storm Centre-

Seeing his situation, Sasuke tried to summon his Chakra to free himself from the ice, but quickly found that he could not.

"I wouldn't bother trying to summon your Chakra if I where you Uchiha" said Anisu, as he appeared over Sasuke.

"This ice…it somehow seals away my Chakra…doesn't it?" said Sasuke as his body started to go numb with the cold of the ice.

"Correct…you catch on quick, the ice generated by Hyōrinmaru is not only strong, but also suppresses the Chakra in a person, making it near impossible to break out of" answered Anisu.

Soon enough, Sasuke and Anisu were joined by the representatives and their New Kumo escort, all of whom (Minus the New Kumo members) were shocked by the level of power that Anisu sword had.

"Incredible" Tsunade remarked as she looked around the now ice covered area that was created by Anisu's attack.

"Damn, he took down Sasuke without breaking a sweat" said Kiba, even though he didn't like the Uchiha. Kiba knew that Sasuke was no pushover and that he was stronger than him.

"Like I said earlier, you haven't seen anything yet, when it concerns Anisu-kun and excuse an corny phrase, but what all of you've seen right now is only the tip of the ice-berg" stated Sun Li.

"He certainly an impressive Shinobi, he has the swiftness of the wind, the coolness of a mountaintop and the fieriness of the raging sea" commented Shingen. Who was beginning to see that it would indeed be wise to ally with the Heavenly Alliance, if they had Shinobi like Naruto and Anisu.

"Now then Sasuke-san, I believe in accordance to our agreement, you'll go back to Konoha without incident…like a good little Uchiha."

Sasuke of course growled angrily as this, especially at the last remark.

"And how do you even expect me to leave like this?" growled Sasuke.

Anisu just smirked at this question, before he tapped the ice that covered Sasuke with his sword, causing it to shatter and break.

Once the ice around Sasuke was broken, Anisu stabbed his sword into the ice covered ground causing cracks to appear on the ice and spread throughout the ice all around and then eventually shatter into pieces and break.

When Sasuke and the others saw this, they realized that not only could Hyōrinmaru created unique ice; it also had the power to destroy it.

Soon after the ice had broken off him, Sasuke slowly stood up.

"I trust that you know you're way back" stated Anisu as sheathed his sword back into his sheath on his back and turned his back to Sasuke and started to walk away.

Seeing this of course infuriated Sasuke, as he remembered his fight with Naruto at the Memorial Stone or more specially his words.


After being defeated by Naruto, Sasuke looked up at the blonde Raikage, who was standing over him with a cold mocking smirk.

Seeing the angry look on Sasuke face, Naruto's smirk grew.

As he looked down at Sasuke, Naruto enjoyed how he brought down his former best friend and rival.

"I want you to do me a favour for me Sasuke, I want you to remember this day, I want you to remember how the class dope and loser was able to kick you sorry ass, without even breaking a sweat. I want you remember how I could've killed you with ease, but I let you live because…you…weren't…worth…killing", said Naruto with a cold smirk, while saying the last part slowly.

-End Flashback-

After remembering his past humiliation and how familiar this scene was to the one in Konoha, Sasuke began to leak Killing Intent.

Seeing the angry look on Sasuke's face and feeling his Killing Intent, Tsunade and the other Konoha members prepared to move in and stop Sasuke from repeating the event at the Memorial Stone.

But before any of them could intervene, six ice spikes burst out of the ground around Sasuke and pinned him in the middle of them and had their deadly points pressed against all sides of his neck.

The next thing he or anyone knew, Anisu was directly in front of Sasuke with his sword once again drawn and pointed right between the Uchiha's eyes, giving him a cold and deadly look.

At seeing this, most of the representatives were surprised at Anisu's speed, as within a second Anisu had performed a jutsu that pinned Sasuke, then drew his Katana and appeared right in front of the Raven haired captain.

"It seems that Sun Li-san was correct, Anisu-sama is indeed stronger than he lets on or at the very least, faster" thought Neji, since to do all that in the space of only a second was no small feat.

Once Sasuke was at Anisu's mercy, a cold chill began to fill the air, making everyone shiver slightly from the cold. At the same time, Anisu began to leak out a potent and powerful Killing Intent, which made what Sasuke release a moment ago, look meek in comparison.

"Do not test me anymore than you already have Uchiha, unlike Naruto, I will not let you live, simply because I think you're not worth killing" stated Anisu in an icy tone. "Now you've two choices you can return to your village of your own accord or you can go back feet first. It entirely up to you, as I don't really care, but either way, you're leaving this land."

At this threat, Sasuke just glared at Anisu, not showing an ounce of fear. But before things could go any further Danzo suddenly intervened, where he stepped forward and looked directly at the young man who glanced at the old man.

"That's enough Sasuke! You've lost and will honour your agreement with Anisu-san…Do not disgrace our village any more than you already have."

Upon hearing Danzo's orders Sasuke relented…reluctantly though.

Seeing this, Anisu then sheathed his sword and had his ice spikes recede.

Once the tension died down, the temperature began to return to normal, Danzo went over to Sasuke and told him that he was to return to Konoha. He even went so far as ordering his other ROOT operative to accompany Sasuke back to Konoha, so to make sure that the Uchiha return home.

At the same time, Anisu called over four New Kumo-nins and told them to accompany Sasuke and the ROOT agent to the Great Naruto Bridge and make sure they leave the island without incident.

Once Sasuke, the ROOT agent and their New Kumo guards left the area, Tsunade went over and apologised for Sasuke's actions, and assured Anisu that she never wanted Sasuke to come in the first place, but could not prevent it since he was part of ROOT. She also assured Anisu that none of the other Konoha representatives would act out of line and would act with the utmost professionalism.

Anisu of course accepted Tsunade apology and said he understood, which relieved the woman.

After the excitement died down, Anisu went on to explain that for security reasons the representatives would only be allowed in certain sections of the ship. Also because of these reasons Hinata, her father Hiashi and cousin Neji would all have to wear Chakra supressing seals, so to ensure they could not use their Doujutsu to spy.

Naturally Danzo and Koharu objected to this, but Anisu said that was how things were and unless they agree, none of the Hyuga members could board the ship or journey to New Kumo.

Eventually Hinata and the other agreed to the conditions (despite arguments from both Danzo and Koharu) and allowed Anisu to place the seals on their foreheads. He of course assured them that the seals would be removed once they reach New Kumo and allowed Jiraiya to examine them. So to ensure that they did only what they were supposed to and that there were no other affect. After the seals were placed on Hinata and the others, Anisu warned them not to tamper or try to remove them, since they could only be remove by him.

Once everything was taken care of, Anisu and all the other representatives went over to the small boats that were waiting for them, which would take them over to the Zennyo Ryūō which in turn take would take them to Kaminari no Kuni.

-Unknown Location in Ishi no Kuni (Stone Country) -

Deep in an underground base, the former Shirohebi no Konoha (Konoha's White Snake) Orochimaru sat on a large throne-like chair, allowing his right hand man Kabuto to remove the bandages around his left arm.

Once the Bandages were removed Orochimaru began to flex his arm and move it around.

"It's seems that you've made a full recovery Orochimaru-sama" commented Kabuto as he stood up and saw his master mover his arm about.

"Yesssss, no thanks to that blasted Kyubi brat" replied Orochimaru, as he remembered his humiliating defeat at the hands of Naruto and how he lost his main base of operations in Ta no Kuni (Rice-field Country). Not to mention the funding he received from the Daimyo, who he had successfully manipulated into doing his bidding.

"Have you received any word for our spies yet?" the Snake Sannin asked.

"Yes, it seems that Kiri, Suna and several other Shinobi villages, along with some of the other Nations are planning to ally themselves with the Heavenly Alliance. Even Iwa is planning to make peace with the Alliance, in the hope of avoiding destruction. Representatives for those Villages and Nations are now traveling to New Kumo for a special gathering in the village. There they'll meet the representatives for all the other Villages and Nations that are part of the Alliance and discus whether to allow those who wish to ally with the Alliance or join it."

"And what of Konoha?" asked Orochimaru.

"They are also sending a group of representatives to the village although unlike Suna or Kiri, they are not allying with the Heavenly Alliance. Seemingly Naruto-kun or should I say the Raikage, has been launching a smearing campaign against Konoha. For the past few months he's releasing several of Konoha dirty little secrets, and openly telling about his life in Konoha as a child, putting Konoha in a bad light with other nations and villages."

Interesting…" replied Orochimaru, "…but if Konoha is not allying with the Heavenly Alliance then why are they sending representatives?"

"Well according to rumours they did try, but the Raikage denied them an Alliance, and then made them pay compensations due to incidents that happened after the battle of Konoha, along with some others things. He also made them a counteroffer for the Alliance's help, stating that if they wanted the Alliance protection. They would have to make some concessions to the Heavenly Alliance and that they would have to become a protectorate."

"And they agreed?" asked Orochimaru is mild surprise.

"It seems so" answered Kabuto.

As soon as Orochimaru heard this he began to chuckle and could not help but enjoy how the mighty Konoha was now being reduce to a mere protectorate state of another nation, which was founded and co-ruled by the former village patriarch. It made him "almost" want to applaud Naruto for humiliating Konoha so much and then have them "beg" for his protection from the other Shinobi Villages, something he would've love to have seen.

"So Orochimaru-sama what do you plan to do next?" asked the silver haired man.

"For the time being we shall lay low and gather our strength. Given the recent war, our fighting strength is extremely limited, we also need to gather as much information on our new enemy as possible, before we move against him" replied Orochimaru.

"New enemy, I would hardily call Naruto-kun a new enemy Orochimaru-sama."

"This is not the same boy you and I know from ten years ago Kabuto!" Orochimaru rounded angrily. "He is exceedingly more powerful than he ever was before and is more intelligent and cunning. He also has the support and the resources of New Kumo and a dozen other Shinobi villages and who knows what else. Therefore I cannot and will not underestimate that brat anymore, since it has cost me too much already."

At hearing this Kabuto just nodded, knowing that his master was correct, after facing against Naruto in Konoha. He knew that Naruto was not the same person he was ten years ago. He was more dangerous and powerful than anyone he had ever heard of before. Not to mention more manipulative as he had heard what had happened to Kiri, Iwa and Kusa, where in one master stroke. Naruto had shifted the balance of power in the Shinobi World from Konoha to New Kumo and made the Heavenly Alliance the dominating force on this continent.

"Orochimaru-sama if I may," spoke Kabuto. "I believe you should think about relocating to our more secure bases, the ones that Guren was unaware of. Since Naruto's forces captured her and it very possible that she would give them the locations of most of our bases."

"I find that unlikely, since I've placed special mental blocks on her, that prevent anyone extracting information from her mind and she has been trained to resist interrogation. Short of her willingly telling them the location of our bases, they'll never find all of them. Since Guren is as loyal to me as Kimimaro was, and would sooner die than betray me. Besides if Guren had betrayed me, New Kumo's forces would've attack us already."

"That may be true Orochimaru-sama, but as you said earlier, we cannot afford to underestimate the Raikage again. Not to mention he has the Library of Benzaiten and who knows what Jutsu's, Seals and other things he has available there. That would help them break Guren and make her reveal our secrets to them.

At this remark Orochimaru frowned, since Kabuto had a point, "Hhhmmmm, Perhaps you're right Kabuto, perhaps we should move to a more sec-" said Orochimaru but before he could finish there were several massive explosions.

"What the devil?" cried Orochimaru, before he turned to Kabuto and told him what was happening on the surveillance cameras.

Within seconds, Kabuto went over to the surveillance station and activated the monitors to show them what was happening in the base. After going through several different sectors of the base, Kabuto stopped at one camera, where he saw a large hole in the ceiling of one sectors. But the thing that concerned Kabuto and Orochimaru most was the dozens of STORM, BOLT and regular New Kumo Shinobi. Who were jumping down into the base through the hole and attacking and killing the Oto guards.

"New Kumo!" stated Orochimaru in surprise.

"It's not just there Orochimaru-sama" Kabuto stated, as he began to go through the other cameras of the other sectors of the base. There he showed that at least five other sectors now had large holes in their ceilings with New Kumo Shinobi dropping down into them.

"Blast! Guren's betrayed me!" cried Orochimaru angrily, as he slammed his fist onto the monitor device. Knowing that the only way that Naruto's forces could have found him here was if Guren gave him the locations of all their bases.

-Enter FMAB OST Xing Symphony-

After enter the base, the New Kumo Shinobi broke up into teams and started racing through the base at high speed, cutting down any enemy Shinobi that they encountered.

"That's as far as you go!" roared one Oto-nin accompanied by several other Oto Shinobi as the intercepted a team of BOLT-nins. But before they could attack, a BOLT Shinobi wearing a Lion mask threw several smoke bombs filling the hallway with smoke. Using their training in the art of the Blind Assassin, the BOLT Shinobi quickly cut down the OTO-nins before any of them knew what was happening.

In another sector several Oto Shinobi tried to halt a team of STORM shinobi advance, but similar to what the BOLT-nins did. The STORM threw several flash bombs at the enemy Ninjas, blinding them.

Once the Oto Ninjas were blinded, the STORM-nins sped past them and left several exploding notes on the walls and ceiling of the hallway around the Oto-nins, where before they could do anything, the notes exploded, destroying the hallway and killing them.

In a different end of the base, several regular New Kum-nins found their path blocked by a large earth wall created by one of the Oto guards.

Not wasting a moment, the New Kumo Shinobi placed several medium level exploding notes on the wall and activated them, destroying the wall.

Before the enemy Shinobi behind the wall could recover from the blast, one of the New Kumo Kunoichi did some hand seals and thought "Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Wild Water Wave)!" gushing out a massive stream of water from her mouth, flooding the hallway.

At the same time another New Kumo Shinobi did some hand seals and generated a large amount of Lightning in his hand. After which he then sent the Lightning he created into the water that his female partner spat out and cried "Raiton: Kangekiha (Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration)!"

When the two attacks combined the Lightning enhance wave filled the hallway and washed away the Oto Shinobi in front of them, and electrocuting them at the same time, leaving them completely disabled when the attack ended

In the lower levels of another hallway in the base, several New Kumo Jonin found themselves pinned down at the hallway corner by a group of Oto guards.

Fortunately a member of the Yuki Clan (Phasing through objects Clan) appeared from the ceiling from one of the upper levels and dropped several smoke bombs on the Oto-nins.

At the same time another Yuki Clan member appeared from the ceiling and threw a dozen or so shuriken at the Oto guards, killing two of them.

With the enemy distracted, the New Kumo Jonin that were pinned downed, came out of the corner, where one of them did some hand seals and took a deep breath before thinking "Katon: Obiki (Fire Style: Blazing Fire)! (C)" and exhaled a massive wave of fire.

At the same time another New Kumo-nin did three quick hand seals and cried "Fūton: Kami Oroshi (Wind Style: Godly Wind from the Mountain)!" before bringing his two hands forward and releasing a vortex of wind. That combined with the flames increasing them ten-fold.

Within seconds, the massive Wind enhance wave of Fire enveloped the Oto-nin, where all they could do was scream in pain, as their bodies were reduced to ash.

Once the Oto Ninja were dealt with, the New Kumo Shinobi preceded to move on to the next level of the base.

-End of FMAB OST Xing Symphony-

-With Orochimaru and Kabuto-

Seeing his men being slaughtered by the New Kumo Shinobi, Orochimaru knew he needed to escape as trying to defend the base would be futile. Since the base was compromised and more New Kumo were entering the base.

"It's time to take our leave of this place Kabuto" order Orochimaru, while at the same time, silently cursing Naruto and Guren.

Before either of them could walk five feet away from the monitor, the door to the room exploded open, narrowly missing Orochimaru and Kabuto.

When the two looked at the now blown open door, they saw a tall man with long black hair wearing sliver samurai-like armour with a white cloak, carrying a long Katana attached to his left hip. But the thing that stood out most with the man was his bright narrow yellow eyes.

Kabuto of course recognised the man immediately, since he could never forget the man's face or his Doujutsu, the Takagan (Hawk-eye).

"Akechi Mitsuhide", muttered the by-spectral man, as he readied himself.

"SSSSSSooooo, this is the infamous Akechi Mitsuhide, who you've told me some much about Kabuto-kun" spoke Orochimaru, as he gleamed in fascination at Mitsuhide's Doujutsu, which was said to rival the Hyuga's Clan Byakugan (White Eye).

"Orochimaru, it seems fortune has smiled upon me" spoke Mitsuhide as he walked into the room. "By order of the Rokudaime Raikage of New Kumo and the Council of the Heavenly Alliance, you're hereby charged with crimes against the Heavenly Alliance, its allies and member Nations. Surrender now and you'll be given a fair trial, if not, I've been authorised to use deadly force."

"Crimes against the Heavenly Alliance, how amusing" said Orochimaru, with an amused smirk. "But I'm afraid; I will have to deny your generous offer, as I've no intention of surrendering to you or your Alliance."

It at this point, that Kabuto suddenly caught a gleam of light at the corner of his eye.

"Orochimaru-sama, watch out!"

Acting fast, Orochimaru quickly ducked under a pair of curved swords, that were about to cut his head off like a pair of scissors.

Once Orochimaru had rolled out of the way, a crimson red mist flew by the former Snake Sannin and next to Mistushide, where it the reformed as medium tall red haired woman.

"AAAhhhhhh, I missed" said the woman with a slightly disappointed look on her face.

When Orochimaru got back up onto his feet and saw the woman, he narrowed his eyes.

"Miyoshi Saiyuri" hissed the Snake Sannin, with an annoyed tone, as he recognised the former Kiri Kunochi. Who was the first and only woman to ever join the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū (Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist). He was also familiar with her Clan and their bloodline, the Shitaikiri Kitai (The Mist Body Vapour), which allowed Saiyuri to her to turn her body into a mist like vapour. (7)

"Oh I'm so glad that you know me" said Saiyuri with an evil look smile. "It wouldn't be any fun if you didn't know the person is about to take your head."

"You're welcome to try my dear, but I believe I shall be the one who will take yours, and I will enjoy wringing that pretty little neck of yours."

As soon as Orochimaru finish that remark, Mistsuhide drew his sword from his sheath like Lightning, creating a crescent shape blade of Wind in the same instant.

Acting on pure instinct, Orochimaru side-stepped the high speed attack, although was unable to avoid it completely and lost his left arm.

"Well…it seems I've touched a nerve with someone" remarked Orochimaru. When she saw the cold murderous look on Mitsuhide's face, before he then used his Body shedding technique to regurgitate a new body.

"Saiyuri, please take care of Kabuto and leave Orochimaru to me" said Mitsuhide in a clam emotionless tone.

Normally the red headed woman would've argued this, but this time she decided not to, given the mood her friend was in right now. Since despite his express-less face, she could see the cold murderous rage in Mitsuhide's eyes and knew well enough not to cross him when he was like this.

With their opponents decided, the four Shinobi eyed their opponents and prepared to attack.

"Today Orochimaru, the hawk shall devour the snake" spoke Mitsuhide.

"We shall see about that" replied Orochimaru, as he fell into a fighting stance.

Mitsuhide was the first to make his move, where out of nowhere, three Kunai appeared in his hand and he threw them at high speed at Orochimaru, who barely avoid the Kunai. But what he was unaware of was that the Kunai were a distraction. The next thing Orochimaru saw, was a crescent shape blade of Wind flying towards him at frightening speed, where it severed his lower half from his upper half.

But as soon as he was cut in half, Snakes appeared out of the two halves and brought them together. Although when the two halves of Orochimaru were reconnected, Mistuhide suddenly appeared on the left side of the Snake Sannin and delivered and powerful kick to the side of the man's head, sending him flying into a nearby wall.

Orochimaru of course recovered quickly, where he spun himself around, so that his feet would hit the wall and channelled his Chakra to them, so that he would stay on it. He then raised his hands up and cried "Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)!" launching several snakes from his sleeve at Mistsuhide.

In an instant, Mitsuhide countered this, where several Shuriken appeared in his hand and he channelled his Wind Chakra into the Shuriken to increase their cutting power and range. He then threw the Shuriken at the Snakes, where they cut the long reptiles in two.

Orochimaru naturally evaded the Wind enhanced Shuriken, where they embedded themselves into the wall. But what he was unaware of was that Mistuhide had used the Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique), where hidden in the first set off shuriken was a second set. Like the first set, they were enhanced by Wind Chakra, where they cut Orochimaru to shreds

But as soon as the Shuriken shredded the Snake Sannin, "Orochimaru" reverted into mud, revealing that he had replaced himself with a Doton Kage Bunshin (Earth Style: Earth Clone).

As soon as Mitsuhide realized what had happened, a large Snake appeared from underneath the floor and wrapped itself around Mitsuhide, preventing him from moving

At the same time the real Orochimaru emerged from the wall began to chuckle.

"Kukukuku…it seems that this time the snake will devour the Hawk, Mitsuhide-kun" said Orochimaru, before ordering his snake to kill the former Mist swordsman, where the large snake bit down on Mitsihide's neck.

But when the large Snake bit down on Mitsuhide's neck, it fangs shattered, causing the large snake to scream in pain.

When Orochimaru heard his pet scream in pain, he immediately noticed that Mistuhide had replaced himself with a large stone block. Furthermore he noticed a low level exploding note attached to the block, which exploded before he could do anything, killing the snake and causing it to disappear in a puff of smoke.

After the explosion, a large cloud of smoke filled the room, before it could dissipate, Orochimaru saw the smoke disrupt as a fast moving blade of Wind flew at him.

Knowing he couldn't avoid the attack in time, Orochimaru quickly used his Body shedding technique to regurgitate a new body for himself and to escape the attack, which cut his previous body in two.

Once the smoke fully dissipated, Orochimaru saw Mitsuhide standing directly in front of him in Battojutsu stance.

Seeing this, the Snake Sannin narrowed his eyes, realizing that this battle would not be quick or easy. He also noticed that Kabuto was having difficulty with his battle with Saiyuri, where despite the short disruption by the smoke, both of them proved to be evenly matched.

Furthermore, things became even more difficult with the arrival of a dozen or so STORM-nins.

Seeing that the situation had turned completely unfavourably, Orochimaru, who had now been joined by Kabuto, decided it was time to make a tactical retreat, given how they were now surrounded.

"Surrender Orochimaru, neither you nor Kabuto can win or escape" spoke Mitsuhide.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Mitsuhide-kun" replied Orochimaru before he stepped down on a floor stone, which sunk down.

Once the stone sunk down, Mitsuhide and the others began to feel the ground rumble and see the walls and ceiling starting to shake,

"What the hell have you done?" yelled Saiyuri.

"Just a little insurance precaution, as we speak this base is about to be destroyed with all of you in it" replied Orochimaru with a slight sneer.

"But's that's insane you'll die along with us" spoke a female STORM-nin wearing a Blue and Black fox mask.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that" stated Kabuto with an arrogant smirk before he stepped on stone similar to one Orochimaru stepped on.

As soon as Kabuto did this, a large trapped door opened up in front of them and shut right after they jumped into it, before Mistsuhide or the others could follow after them.

"Oh no you don't!" cried Saiyuri as she prepared to turn her body into Mist and follow after the two rogue Shinobi. But before she could, Mitsuhide stopped her by grabbing hold of her arm.

"No Saiyuri, you can't go after them alone, we need to get out of her now!"

After stopping Saiyuri, Mitsuhide then turned to the fox masked STORM-nin and told her to order all their forces to evacuate the base immediately.

Within minutes the underground base came crashing down. Fortunately by that time Mitsuhide and his people were able to escape along with a few of the remaining Oto guards, who surrendered.

"It seems we failed another mission" said Saiyuri as she walked up to her co-commander.

"Regrettably so, but by now our other forces will have attacked Orochimaru other remaining bases across the continent. This will cripple his organization for years and sooner or later Orochimaru will answer for his crimes" replied Mitsuhide, while Saiyuri just nodded.

Soon after, a BOLT-nin appeared in front of them, "Mitsuhide-sōsai (Commander) we were able to recover the reports that you had us look for" spoke the BOLT-nin as he handed some files to raven haired man.

"Very good, now inform all our people to move out in thirty minutes" ordered Mitsuhide, where the masked Shinobi just nodded and walked away.

"Are those the files that Masato (Head of the CIND division) told us to look out for?" asked Saiyuri, as she looked at the files with Mitsuhide.

"Yes, these will be very useful to Naruto for the negotiations in the Gathering. We should send them a head of us so that they will arrive in time before the representatives arrive" answered Mitsuhide, where the red headed woman just nodded again.

Half an hour later the company New Kumo Shinobi moved out and made their way back to their village.