
The Quintessential Quintuplets : A Tale of Five Routes and a Harem

A fanfic about The Quintessential Quintuplets. With each Quint having their own route and a different girl Fuutarou meets when he's just a kid, how will the story turn out? Ichika Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Nino Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Miku Route : Current Route Yotsuba Route : To Be Written Itsuki Route : To Be Written Harem Route : To Be Written - My first fanfic, go easy on me. I may not be the best storyteller, but I'd still like to share a story with you guys. - How do you all like the new title? Tell me in the comments. Formerly known as : 5 Cake Slices - Reposted because of reasons.

LoliConnoisseur · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 07 - Exam and Treats

Later that afternoon, Fuutarou and Ichika were sitting in a cafe, discussing their experiences from earlier. Just as Fuutarou was about to share something, a car suddenly pulled up and the rest of the Quints emerged.

Now at the cafe, he could freely tell her what he had been about to share.

"Memories? Alternate universe?" Ichika was clutching her head. Not from the shock of the things he told her but from the explanation he gave.


"Let me get this straight. You think it's a memory from our alternate selves, but you don't know why we saw it?"

"Sounds about right."

"I don't get it at all!"

"Okay, let me explain from the very beginning."

"A–Actually I have to go now." Ichika stood up but Fuutarou

"Hold on." Fuutarou grabbed her arm, "You aren't trying to escape right?"

"O–Of course not..."

"Good." Fuutarou smirked menacingly.

At that sight, Ichika gulped nervously.


"..and then if you do this."

"Wow! I can understand it now. Thanks Uesugi-san!"

There were only two weeks left until the Midterm exams. Fuutarou didn't need to spend extra time teaching the Quints beyond their usual tutoring sessions; they absorbed everything he taught like sponges.

Fuutarou couldn't help but wonder why they were improving so quickly, as all he had done was thoroughly explain the lessons. Whenever one of the Quints struggled, Fuutarou would go to them and explain it in a way they could understand.

The days flew by. There were only three more days until the exams. He made them take a mock exam at the end of the week to test their knowledge. The Quints improved very quickly, and on the mock exam, which consisted of 100 questions, the scores ranged from 68 (the lowest) to 74 (the highest).

And since he didn't have to teach them on weekends, he studied on his own to maintain his perfect scores. Though sometimes, Nino would come to visit him, and the other day, all five sisters visited. Fuutarou enjoyed their company.

During those weeks, Fuutarou and Ichika were on guard. Ever since they saw the memories and because of it, they had been on guard, expecting more memories to come to their minds.

And when they almost gave up, suddenly a memory came to their minds. A confession and a kiss they had shared. Both of them were worried, worried that Fuutarou's feelings for Nino might waver. However, their worries were uncalled for as Fuutarou realized that his feelings for Ichika were familial ones, not romantic.


Today was the day of the exam. Futarou woke up, ate breakfast, took a bath, and then prepared to go to school.

After arriving at the school and entering his classroom, he saw that there were barely any people in the room. He decided to study. His classmates soon began to enter the room. He looked around, thinking that Itsuki might already have arrived, but she was nowhere in sight.

Fuutarou was worried. Itsuki usually arrives early. Worrying, he sent a message to Nino, inquiring about Itsuki's absence. Two minutes later, he received a reply from Nino. The message read: 'It's not only Itsuki who isn't there yet.'

He then received another message: 'We're on the way.'

Fuutarou sighed and left the room. He went towards the school gate and waited for the Quintuplets. There was still thirty minutes before the start of the exam. They would arrive before the start of the exam, right?


"Ah! Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba waved her hand to Fuutarou as she approached the gate.

"Yotsuba... was it?" Fuutarou made a guess. Well it wasn't really a guess as he can see her green ribbon.

"Uhn!" She responded.

"Where are your sisters?" He asked. While looking behind her.

"I left them." Yotsuba puffed out her chest and proudly said.

"You left them?" He asked again.

"Itsuki went to the convenience store, Ichika went to get her coffee, Nino's applying her make up and Miku is helping an old lady cross the street." Yotsuba told him what they are doing.

"What are they doing?! Well, should we wait for them?" Fuutarou shouted and then calmed himself.



Fuutarou and Yotsuba were waiting for the rest of the Quints. While Fuutarou and Yotsuba were talking to each other, the rest of the sisters arrived at school. She also told him the reason for their lateness.

They woke up early. When they looked at the clock, it said 5:47 am. They took their time getting ready. When Itsuki looked at the clock, she noticed that the hands had stopped moving. She wondered why it had stopped, but quickly realized why. She then took her phone and saw that the time was 7:50 am. Good thing they had already prepared their belongings.

Eventually, just three minutes before the exam started, the other Quints arrived, panting from having run when they realized how late it was. Futarou thought.

"Good thing you guys arrived on time." He said.


Each one of them went to their own classroom. Fuutarou and Itsuki went to the same classroom together.

The exams then started. Futarou answered the questions with no difficulty. However, if someone were to see him, they might think that he's worried about his own exam. Though, they aren't wrong, but also not entirely correct. Futarou was worried for the Quints, not himself.

Even though he had confidence in the Quints, he still couldn't help but worry. 'Do your best,' Fuutarou prayed for each of them.

On to their side. Each Quint had their own struggles during the exam, but they were all able to answer the questions.

Eventually, the day ended, and as it did, so too did the exams they had taken. The six of them walked together towards the Pentagon, where the Quintuplets lived. They played games among themselves.


Today was the day when the results would be given. As always, Fuutarou's score was perfect, and the Quintuplets' scores indicated that they had passed. The Quintuplets high-fived each other, and since today's event was worth celebrating, Fuutarou took them out to treat them.


Author Section :

1012 words. Sorry that the chapter came a little late. I'm in a hurry so I won't say much. Thanks for reading this and actually, it has been 5 months not 6. August 11 makes it 6 months.

Thanks for everyone who is reading this fanfic. No, I'm not saying goodbye.

This chapter is very special. Why? Because sometimes after I post this chapter, the views on Webnovel will become 100k! We've come so far. I'm happy. Thank you everyone.

That's it for now. See ya later(?)!

Next chapter, Quintuplet Mary-san