
The Quintessential Quintuplets : A Tale of Five Routes and a Harem

A fanfic about The Quintessential Quintuplets. With each Quint having their own route and a different girl Fuutarou meets when he's just a kid, how will the story turn out? Ichika Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Nino Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Miku Route : Current Route Yotsuba Route : To Be Written Itsuki Route : To Be Written Harem Route : To Be Written - My first fanfic, go easy on me. I may not be the best storyteller, but I'd still like to share a story with you guys. - How do you all like the new title? Tell me in the comments. Formerly known as : 5 Cake Slices - Reposted because of reasons.

LoliConnoisseur · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 06 - Exam With The Quints 1

"Yo!" Ichika greeted while drinking coffee from Starloads(?), "Good morning, Fuutarou-kun~!"

"Good morning, Ichika." Fuutarou replied as he eyed Ichika's clothes and complimented her , "It looks great on you, Ichika."

"Hehe, thanks Fuutarou-kun." Ichika smiled at his praise, "Do you know why I'm waiting for you here?"

"Hmm? To walk with me to school?"

"Mou! Fuutarou-kun you're no fun..." Ichika pouted and stared at Fuutarou.

"Haha," Fuutarou laughed and continued walking.

"Yesterday after that, I told everyone about my job and yours." Ichika continued, "They were so surprised!"

"I'm sure they are." Fuutarou chuckled.

"Uhn! And I feel refreshed now!"

"That's good." Fuutarou said, "But I hope you would still join us in studying."

"Of course. And after school you'll hold a study group right? I'll call you then!"

"Sure." Fuutarou said, "Did you also tell your sisters about us?"

"Ehe, about that..."

- Flashback Start -

"Girls, I have to tell you something..."

"What is it, Ichika?"

"The reason I disappeared last night was because I started to be an actress."

"That's amazing, Ichika!"

"Sign, please..."

"No way! You'll be staring a movie?!" Nino exclaimed as she checked her Twitter. There's a lot of tweets about a fresh auditionee, already starting to cast in a movie. But something caught her attention, "Hmm? 'A link to Ichika Nakano's audition video'?" Nino mumbled to herself and viewed the video.

"I also have another thing to tell yo-" Ichika was cut off by her sister's sudden outburst.

"I-Ichika! What's this?!" Nino exclaimed and showed the video to her sisters.

-"I love you, Izumi."-

-"I love you too, Kazumi."-

The Quints were stunned seeing the video but it was short-lived as their brain started to process what they just saw. Miku and Yotsuba were blushing while muttering 'Awawawawawa' and it is the same for Itsuki but mumbling something different. Nino's face was red from both anger and shame.

Ichika was the one blushing hard because of two reasons. First, it is embarrassing enough to act like this but what is more embarrassing is when you see your own acting. Second, there is a video about her and Fuutarou's acting. A video! 'It's fine if only a few people saw it like the auditions but a lot of people already saw it! If there's a hole nearby, I want to crawl into it.' Ichika thought.

Ichika was having a hard time facing her sisters' questioning gaze. She was going to let them know but not like this! But as the older sister, she knew she had to face her sisters and make things clear. Ichika looked at her sister but did not say anything. Her sisters also did the same. Silence engulfed the whole room and what is minutes, felt like hours until it was broken by Nino.

"Did... Did you and Fuu-kun really kissed?" Nino asked as she looked at her sister with a glare, taking no for an answer.

Ichika nodded meekly as a hint of red crept up her cheeks. Nino looked at her sister who was blushing and shook her head.

"Do you have feelings for each other?" Nino continued.

"Yes," Ichika replied.

"And you didn't tell us!? You know what mom said right? If something good happens to one of us, then the happiness would be shared between the five of us." Nino said.

"Same with joy," Yotsuba added.

"Sadness," Miku continued

"Anger," Itsuki said.

"And love, too." Ichika meekly replied while looking at her sisters.

The whole room was swarmed with silence again. No one spoke. No one replied. It was so quiet that you can almost hear a needle falling down.

"How long?" Itsuki broke the silence.

"Ever since Fuutarou-kun and I were kids..."

"Kids?" Yotsuba inquired.

"Yes, he and I are childhood friends. We met at Kyoto 5 years ago. Miku also met him back then." Ichika said, still looking at her sisters.

"I met Fuutarou?" Miku asked while trying to remember the day she met him.

"Yup, you did." Ichika answered but Miku was not listening anymore.

"Ichika! If both of you have feelings for each other and already kissed, are you dating now?" Yotsuba asked as put her hand on her chin looking like the thinker.

"No, we aren't. Not yet." Ichika answered while muttering the last part silently.

"Heh, so you aren't yet?" Nino said as she looked at Ichika mockingly, "That means I can steal him from you right?"

When Ichika heard what Nino said, she turned her head to Nino as quickly as possible, "You can try but you won't be able to steal him."

"Is that a challenge?" Nino asked while grinning, "Don't cry if I do alright?"

"Sure." Ichika replied while smiling but her eyes are not.

"Wow, Uesugi-san is lucky to have two girls liking him!"

"Fuutarou...", 'I will make Fuutarou like me!' Miku decided and looked at Ichika and Nino.

"Oh? It looks like Miku is joining us, Ichika." Nino said.

"You too, Miku?"

"Uhm!" Miku gave a nod of confirmation.

"Eh? It's three now?" Yotsuba said while holding hear head.

"What about you two?" Nino asked.

'What's wrong with my sisters? We are student and teacher. It's wrong! But why did my heart hurt when I saw Ichika kissing Uesugi-kun? D-Do I like him? I like him...' Itsuki thought. Her sisters saw her face change in different expressions, "I-I will ta-take Uesugi-kun from you three!"

'All my sisters like Uesugi-san... What's good about him? He's hardworking, smart, strong and handsome...' Yotsuba blushed as she imagined him smiling at her, "Shishi, I'll take Uesugi-san for myself!"

Ichika inwardly facepalm as she now has all of her sisters as rivals but smiled inward.

Nino smirked at Ichika but was annoyed inside. The reason is same as Ichika's.

Miku showed no interest as she racked her brain to form a plan to make Fuutarou fell in-love with her.

Like Miku, Itsuki also thought of a plan.

They were about to sleep as it is late but Yotsuba remembered something.

"Ah, Ichika!"

"Hmm? Yotsuba?"

"You said that it was an audition for actors right?"

Ichika nodded.

"Then why is Uesugi-san with you?"

Yotsuba's question made the other Quints look at Ichika. Curious about the reason.

"Well it's because of..." Ichika explained. After that she and her sisters finally went to bed.

- Flashback End -

"... After Yotsuba asked, I said why you're with me. I hope you're not angry about it." Ichika looked at Fuutarou with puppy eyes.

"I'm not really angry." Fuutarou said.

"Really?" Ichika asked.


"Thank goodness. I was wondering what should I do if you are." Ichika said while hugging his arm while thinking.

"You could give me a kiss."

"You're right maybe I sho-" Ichika realized what she said. She blushed and pouted at him. Fuutarou found her cute and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Ichika blushed hard at this and averted her eyes.

Fuutarou laughed and Ichika banged Fuutarou's chest with her fist softly in annoyance.


Arriving at Asahiyama High school, Fuutarou and Ichika was greeted by 4 of the Quints waiting for them by the school entrance.

"Ah, I knew it. You weren't getting coffee! You were waiting for Fuu-kun!" Nino said while pointing at Ichika accusingly.

"Fufu, jealous?" Ichika said while clinging to Fuutarou.

"Why you!?" Nino exclaimed as she was fuming.

"You didn't tell them Ichika?" Fuutarou asked.

"I forgot, Teehee~" Ichika said while putting her fist on her head, put her tongue out and letting out a small chuckle.

Fuutarou sighed and then gave the Quints his address. 4 of the Quints were beaming with smiles while Ichika was pouting.

All of them entered and headed for their own classrooms. Fuutarou and Itsuki went together. They talked about things that Ichika told them. Itsuki also asked Fuutarou for his likes and dislikes. Fuutarou gave her the answers to her questions and finally arrived at their room.

After a while, the bell rang and classes started. Itsuki were still having difficulties but it is not bad as her first day. When classes ended, Fuutarou and the Quints went to the Quints apartment and started studying for the upcoming Midterm Exams.


2 weeks before the Midterm Exams,

Fuutarou taught the Quints. Most of the days were spent trying to get affectionate with Fuutarou but failed as Fuutarou was serious about teaching.

1 week before the Midterm Exams,

Fuutarou taught them to the best he could. He noticed that because of just studying, the Quints won't learn anything. So he decided to make studying interesting. He would give reward to a Quint who have done great in the Midterm Exams.

Hearing this, the Quints gave their best.

1 day before the Midterm Exams.

The Quints proposed to Fuutarou to stay over. Fuutarou accepted it. He went home to get some stuff and went back to the Quint's apartment. After the tutoring session, they had dinner and watched a movie. When it is time to sleep, he told the Quints that he can sleep on the couch but Ichika refused, saying that he could use her bed instead and she that she'll sleep with Miku. He refused her refusal but Ichika insisted. She also told him that he can use their bathroom. Fuutarou then took a bath and went to Ichika's room.

In the middle of the night, Ichika went to the bathroom. After that, she went back to her room. When she lied down, she felt a big huggable pillow. She hugged it and went back to sleep.

Day of the Midterm Exams,

Fuutarou woke up and saw Ichika hugging him. But what he was really surprised of is that he is hugging her back, tightly. He quickly shook her to wake her up and fortunately, she woke up. Because she was still half asleep, when she saw Fuutarou she hugged him and said, "I love you, Fuutarou-kun." While rubbing her cheeks on him. She really woke up when Fuutarou replied, "I love you too, Ichika."

Ichika blushed when she heard that.

The door of Ichika's room was suddenly opened.


Miku was looking for Ichika when she found out that Ichika was not sleeping beside her. Miku went to Ichika's room and barged in. She saw Ichika awake while Fuutarou was still sleeping.

She called Ichika and went out. Ichika gave a look on Fuutarou and went outside.


After Ichika left, Fuutarou stood up and waited for few minutes. After that he went outside and brought his extra pair of clothes and took a bath. After changing he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and saw Nino cooking. Nino saw him and greeted him. Fuutarou also did the same. Nino told Fuutarou to sit down as she prepares breakfast. While waiting, Ichika, Miku and Itsuki came to the table and Fuutarou noticed that Yotsuba are not here.

Fuutarou asked the other Quints about Yotsuba, and Nino said that she already left. Nino put the food on the table and all of them started eating. After eating, Fuutarou looked at the time and what he saw left him stunned.


"What is it, Fuutarou-kun?"

"What time is it?"

"Hmm? Can't you see the clock Fuutarou-kun? Look it's 12:53..." Ichika said and realized that the clock stopped moving its arm.

"Tell your sisters."

"Got it."


"Mou! I can't believe that the clock stopped working!" Itsuki said.

"Hmm." Miku let out a sound and nodded.

"Can we stop by a convenience store? I'm still hungry!" Itsuki said while holding her tummy.

"We can't Itsuki, we're almost late-"


"Please visit us again." The cashier said.

Fuutarou, Ichika, Nino, Miku, and Itsuki went out of the convenience store and started walking towards the school.

When they arrived, they saw a guy guarding the entrance. He thought of a plan. He then remembered that Yotsuba was already in school. Maybe then can do that.

"Ichika, call Yotsuba."

"Okay. What is it for, Fuutarou-kun?"

"I call it, Operation : Doppelganger. " Fuutarou said.


Author Section :

2000 words. Here, a slightly longer chapter to compensate chapter 6 which should have been posted on February 27 2023, Monday.

I tried a lot of different writing techniques here, such as flashbacks and third person POV in another character that is not the MC.

I was also close on quitting to write not because of writer's block but because of time. But I remembered those times where I was really frustrated because a good story wasn't continued. I went to read a great story, I came out disappointed. So expect that no matter what, I would continue to write the story I started. Well except if I got into an accident (I hope it won't happen).

I'm really lacking on time. Projects, homework, etc takes up my time. I actually stopped watching anime in months. I want to rewatch Gotoubun No Hanayome but I can't find a good time to do it.

So before I do any other story, I will finish this first. I can't be trusted on making a 300 or more chapters story if I can't finish something below 100. Yeah that's right, this story won't be seeing 100 chapters unless I want to. Oh wait maybe it can. Meh, not sure.

Next chapter, Exam with the Quints 2.

Power stones pls. Add it to your collection pls.

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