
The Queen of Elves Goes to a Human School?!

One day, an elf wanted to go to school. A human school for that matter. Non other than the princess herself. The other elves were shocked, no elf had dared to go to a human school. She was soon to be queen. How crazy?! Why?! ****** Lilith Salem. The next in line to become queen, a great queen. The entire elf society adored her. She was kind, and calm. She was an only child. She was a happy child, but also perhaps a little too curious. She was a beautiful elf, the most beautiful in the world. One day, she made an announcement to her family and the entire Kingdom. "I will be going to a human school!" She will be going to school?! ****** Will she regret this choice? Can she handle it? Will the humans recognize she's an elf? Will they find out? How will they react?

Harleena_ · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter One

Lilith Salem, the next queen of the elf kingdom. She was young, beautiful, kind hearted, shy, and elegant. She may be kind, but she was extremely strong. Taught by her father.

Lilith was known, between the elves at least, to be the most stunning woman in the world.

Her eyes were unique, just like her brothers. Grey eyes. In the royal family of elves, eyes are grey, or there is another distinct characteristic.

Her eyes were a dark grey, not black but not normal grey.

Her hair was long and wavy, down to her waist. Her hair was white, as white as an arctic foxes fur. She mostly had her hair up in a pony tail. Her hair was soft, almost as soft as a bunny.

Lilith came across a human girl walking to a huge building. The elf watched from afar in amazement.

"Why does school have to be so boring? Can't it, like, not exist!"

"C-Calm down! It was made to make us smart."

"But I'm serious, like really serious. Who decided it was fun? Its so boring."

"Listen, school is needed, you wanted to own a business in the future, you need to go to school!"


The elf oddly was fascinating by such behavior. What she found most interesting was their outfits. It wasn't like an elves outfit. Elves wore longer dresses, and unlike what most people believed, they cover most of their body. They still showed skin, and they could choose to be revealing. Most chose not too, because it was uncomfortable to them, or just to fit in, or even because they don't want to.

On the other hand, the human girls and boys outfits showed a lot of skin. Some bad, some not.

Lilith looked at their outfit. The girl who was complaining about school was wearing a short sleeved black shirt, that was tucked into her pants. Her pants was a black, also over sized, with chains hanging off her waist.

'so cool'

The nervous one, she had a light blue skirt that went mid-thigh. Her shirt more of a ocean blue with a flower in the middle of the shirt, a cute match. What was most interesting, she dressed the complete opposite than her friend.

"Hello? Miss?"

Lilith jumped out of her skin. She spun around and clung onto the tree she hid behind.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! Do you perhaps go to this school? Its just weird that you're watching kids going to school. How old are you? I love that outfit!" The voice smiled brightly, obviously suspicious.

"A-Ah. I don't go to this 'school'. I was just walking by, you see, I've never been to a human school before. I'm..." Lilith hesitated to answer, not wanting to state her real age, she lied, "I'm sixteen!"

Elves are immortal to a certain extent. They don't live forever, but they live much longer than humans. Elves live to be over 10,000+ years, on the other hand, humans live up to 100.

Lilith let go of the tree slightly. Releasing her grip, not even seconds later, she gripped back on. She hugged the tree and closed her eyes.

"Human school?"

"Nothing!" Lilith, finally gain the confidence after a few minutes of silence. Lilith bolted back to the forest, not daring to look back.


She finally got far enough away. "Princess? What's wrong?"

Once again, she jumped out if her skin. "O-Oh?! Yes, of course..." she fell silent, "where is my mom?"

Lilith smiled bright, just like usual.

"Shes....with your brothers," the elf pointed to the palace that was faded.

Lilith bowed and thanked the elf, who was left confused.



Lilith ran to her mother and gave a tight hug. The mother, who was happy to see her daughter, squeezed her tightly in return.


"Yes darling?"

"I want to go to a human school! It looks so fun!" Lilith couldn't care about anything at this point. She was to focused on her mother.

"Miss Koria?" One of the maids walked over to the empress, worried about her.

The empress, or the current queen, stood in shock like everyone else.

"Is something wrong, mom?"

Koria* couldn't believe her ears, nor her brothers. Her own daughter wanted to go to a human school, A HUMAN SCHOOL! No elf has ever wanted to go to such a place. It was to much for them, it was to disgusting for them. Too much humans and their weird desires. It wouldn't be much a of a shock for a regular elf to say so, somewhat not, but a royal family member wanted too. How?!

(Koria*: Koria sounds like Korea, actually. I felt it was necessary to spell it differently. Just so you know how to say it.)

"Lilith?! You must be joking?!"

"I'm serious, Kai! It looks so interesting. The humans look so different, and they don't have pointed ears. They all looked so different!"

"This is just a phase, she'll get over it," Another man spoke from behind Kai, who was still bewildered.

"Mica! Its not a phase!"

"Mica, support your sister!"

"You also agree with me, you just don't want to admit it," Mica sipped his favorite tea.



"Mom! He's being mean! I just want to go to a human school! Make friends! Maybe they aren't so bad," Lilith went to a mumble at the end, avoiding eye contact. She knew the ruckus it would cause.

"Darling....let me think about it,"

"Yes mom!"

Lilith ran off into the distance, leaving the trio alone.

"Mom! You really aren't considering send her to a human school, right?! You know how dangerous they are!"

"Sweetheart. Its been two thousand years since the last elf went to that kind of school. I think.....we should consider it. She has never been much out with humans, she's watched from afar, but never interacted," Koria smiled ever so slightly.


"Mica! I'm serious! If you want to go with her to protect her you can! Please, stop!" She interrupted her son, taking a breath at the end. She looked at her to sons with an apologetic smile, "please just support her. She's the only daughter of mine, and you know how much of a curious cat she is."



The crowd fell into a deep silence. You could hear a pen drop.

Whispers started with many shocked faces. How in the world?!

"I know this might be shocking for most of you, but I saw a few humans going down to school and decided I needed to go."

"But princess! You realize how dangerous it is?"

"They didn't seem too dangerous," Lilith had completely forgot about the confrontation with that girl.

The elves can't fight the princess, its against the law. After some whispers, and minor arguments with other elves, they finally agreed.

The next queen of elves was going to a human school!