
the Queen become a white tiger

The daughter was Queen is tiger of bond with her power awakens beside that many years ago Tiger was killed of beast Queen names Elizabeth was protecting with family hidden were no ones know the Born daughter of family was two memories same different with power hidden behind was with family years agos but there one most powerful was her mother noble also there is diffentes two thing about her daughter know her mother was hidden but also happen the daughter awken her power to turn beast Tiger , Daugther is Queen Of tiger white most powerful different from those Mystery......

starslights24 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

1998 Born the daughter

the woman she was walking cross street but the car was drunk last night driving were there is woman walking cross street , and the woman is about pass out her deadline works.

man driving was drunk can't listen were driving to street and the people saw the woman .

people yell say : hey watch out!!

woman say : umm eh

the accident crush to woman ****

people say: hey can you hear me ! my God

please call emergency !

woman say: no I need call mom ... low voice

but the woman was pass out emergency.

the world another world of God and the woman was dead now , the God was chosen for her alive made another world and born and blessed to life ..

baby was about to wake and crying and the world another and the family was noble also the mother is sliver hair and eye blue , warm kinds and respect, the father is black hair eyes brown and noble rich , kind man and smart , also her bother was same likes her father but the baby was born on her family members of noble of another world ....

baby was wake : wah wah wah *

Luna Mother say : Baby it me mommy

*worries* *cry Joy happiness*

baby say :eh *clam down *

she shock and blank.....

Nick Father say: woah~ how beautiful same likes her muah ~ kiss her forehead baby *happy smile* *holding baby *

Baby was thinking am another world but she was sad and miss her family but also look am born another and new family *worries and cry*

The Son 5yearsold was waiting door bedroom her mom and little sister but the father was holding baby *stare waiting *

Luna Mother say: Tora come here do want see your little sister baby? * happiness and care*

Tora Brother : Mommy it that my little sister and what her name ? *look at her little sister **happy smile*

Luna Mother say : yes Tora but let me see humm .. her name is Lex and this you little sister and take care of her okay son .. *happiness smile*

Tora Brother say :okay mommy am big bother hehehe *smile giggle *

baby lex was think she happy about the new family and protect but mother was beautiful and father was strong also her little brother was cute.. *almost getting sleep and happy*