

Pearl. A talented girl who is not from this world in which she is in now, is on her way to become the best master menar of this world . Different type of difficulties come to her and she deals with them in her own way . She got a blessing of the Purple lotus which helps her to completely know about every single person's thoughts who she meets. She also wants to find out about every single ability of the purple lotus and use it's real power . How did the Past Pearl died? How did she get this Lotus? Join Pearl in her amazing and interesting journey!

Bubbly_Fund · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2-> First day of this new life.

Pearl walked ahead of Sara and as soon as as she reached the class , She bumped into someone. "UH I AM SORRY!" - a sweet male voice said . Pearl looked at the boy carefully and remembered it was Razan , The topper of their class 1c . This university was for studies of the menas . People get their mena's the day they turn 17 . They graduate at the age of 18 and adapt the occupations they want to do.

"yeah yeah, be careful next time." -Pearl replied . As soon as Razan heard Pearl's voice he looked at her quickly . "Is something written on my face? Move." -Pearl said. Razan quickly moved away from there and looked at Pearl in shock, Then he suddenly remembered something and looked away.

Pearl entered the class with Sara and sat on a bench. "Aha look who's here , The cursed witch." -A pitched female voice said. The girl was lara , The bully of the class . Pearl remembered about the last time when a boy picked on her , She brutally harmed him. He was left crying and no one helped him since they were afraid of Pearl. After that incident no one dared to mess with Pearl. But little did this Lara girl know that it's not the same girl who she used to pick on. Pearl looked at Lara quietly with a grin on her face ."Hey what are you smiling at ." -Lara said a bit surprised by Pearl's reaction. Pearl ignored her for a few minutes while she kept her Blah Blah on and on. But then, Pearl had enough. "Fine, You want my attention." -Pearl said as she stood up . The whole class started looking at the drama . "huh-" -Lara tried to say but then suddenly a tight slap was on her face and she fell down . "Here's my attention . Anyone else wants my attention?" . The whole class looked at Pearl in shock , The girl who couldn't dare speak a word in front of anyone had just slapped a red menasy . The Red menasy was a rare menasy that was given higher rank in the power ranking of menas.

"What's going on here! and what happened to Lara. Why is she crying!" - a loud strict female voice was heard. "Miss Piansha, Lara fell by herself." -Sara replied. "No i didn't! She harmed me Ma'am!" -Lara said pointing her finger towards Pearl. Miss Piansha looked at Pearl and said " Is that true Pearl?" . " Mam you know that Lara bullies me alot . and this time she is blaming me for no reason." -Pearl said with an innocent face . "can anyone else tell what actually happened?." - Miss Piansha asked the class. No one in the class could say the truth anymore since they were so scared of Pearl. Then Miss Piansha asked a boy about what happened. "Mam Sara is saying the truth , Lara fell on her own." "He is lying Mam!. I-" -Lara tried to explain. "Stop that Lara , everybody knows the truth now. No need to lie. And you will be punished for blaming and bullying an innocent student ".

"Wow you have reached Neal stage 1 Pearl Thats good keep going and you'll be at the same level as the other students." -Miss Piansha told Pearl. "Yes ma'am. I will do my best." -Pearl replied with a sweet smile on her face.

After 2hours.

"Finally the class is over." -Sara said to Pearl . While Pearl was in a whole another world looking at the lotus in front of her (inside her head). "Pearl? , PEARL?" -Sara asked . "Oh yes?" -Pearl replied. " You are acting strange is something wrong?" -Sara asked. "Oh, No nothing's wrong i was just thinking about something." -Pearl replied " Well that was really cool how you shut Lara 's mouth haha!" - Sara said. "oh that was nothing ." -Pearl replied. " oh really?. Well let's go eat something." -Sara said. "Yeah sure I am starving." -Pearl replied . They walked towards the school canteen . As soon as they reached the canteen , something caught Pearl's attention. It was the same girl Pearl had met yesterday at night. She was talking with her friend group.

"How did it go?" -a boy asked the girl . "It went nice but i met a strange girl from class 1C , I didn't thought someone else would be outside at night." -the girl replied . suddenly she saw a girl walking towards her. "IT'S HER!. THE GIRL WITH BLACK MENA WHO I MET YESTERDAY!" . the whole friend group turned towards Pearl. "Hey there nice to see you again, What's your name?" -Pearl asked with a sweet smile. "is she the girl with the black mena ? She seems so kind and beautiful" -a boy from the friend group said while he looked at pearl's face . Seems like he had already fallen for her. "h-hi my name is Katarina." -Katarina replied while she angrily looked at the boy who had fallen for Pearl.

"Mhm, well can I ask you a question , If you don't mind?" -Pearl asked the girl although she thought what was the need of asking that . but still she just wanted to know. "yes you can?"- Katarina replied. "what were you doing outside after 11pm even though it's not allowed?." -Pearl asked. "uh- i was , I was meeting a friend." -Katarina replied. Suddenly Pearl's eyes glowed a little and she felt like she already knew everything. "oh okay, sorry." -Pearl turned back and quickly walked away.

The group looked at her as she walked away. "What's her name?" - the boy asked . "She is Pearl" -another girl answered . "how do you know Rana ?" - Katarina asked her. "i have a friend from her class ." - Rana replied.

"What were you doing?" - Sara asked Pearl . "Nothing, i just know that girl so thought about talking a little." -Pearl replied holding her head . "What's up with me , my head is aching and - the lotus it's spinning so fast. Does this has to do something with my power?" -Pearl thought .

"ok now eat." - Sara said worried about pearl a little as she looked at Pearl's face. "I don't feel hungry. Hey i just remembered a thing I have to do, i gotta go." - Pearl said as she walked away from there. "B-But-" -Sara tried to stop Pearl but she had gone.

"Katarina was lying! She was actually messing up the testing stone , But why?. How do I know that!?" - Pearl thought as she walked towards the girls hostel. The lotus in Pearl 's head stopped spinning and something came written. 'The Purple Lotus Stage 1 Rank 1, Ability to find out what's going on in a person's mind.' "I knew it ! It had something to do with my power.!" "That's so cool!" .- Pearl thought with a big smile on her face. "seems like this Lotus thing in my head has different stages. I am currently at the starting stage 1 Rank 1, This means maybe when it levels up I will get new abilities." - Pearl thought as she layed down on her bed.