
The Deal

I look around the old worn room, vines and weeds growing in the cracks of the cement walls, the air crisp and the smell of what can only be described as a body rotting away. "So... your god?", I ask still not fulling grasping how I can see my body on the floor Infront of me, my white shirt torn and blooded from what I'm guessing is mine. I look down at my arms not seeing a scratch on them.

"I have a deal for you"

"What is it", I ask confused not knowing what to expect. I look around a bit more before seeing a figure Infront of me. The person is glowing almost like the sun had fallen on earth and is sitting right in front of me, I have to look away because of how much it hurts my eyes. "What's the deal?", I squint my eyes trying to get a better look at the figure, but still can't. "let's get a change of scenery" he says before the world goes slow and right before my eyes the room changes; it becomes a beautiful garden with bright green trees and fruit everywhere, I look around a bit more seeing a waterfall in the distance, the water is as clear as glass. I look beside me, and a chair appears, "sit" he tells me, I listen still not understanding anything that's happening. "What the deal" I ask again, now very intrigued to what it is.

"You called upon me because you didn't want to die, so I helped you, but I can't just bring anyone back", I try to look at him as he speaks, he continues what he was saying "I made earth, I made the galaxy, I made the universe, but I also made something else", "okay" I gulp down hard wondering what he's going to say. His voice gets louder, "I made another universe almost Parallel to this one", I sit there shocked, not being able to speak, I had always guessed there was other universes, but to hear God say it to me, it feels overwhelming. "So, what's the deal then?", I ask.

"I want you to go to the other world and help fight there."

My eyes go wide, I start to sweat, I shoot my head up at him, but I burn eyes from looking directly at him. I bring my head back down and put my hand over my eyes, "why... why me?" I say groaning from the pain, "why choose me, and what about my family?", He speaks up again this time his voice a little quitter. "I chose you because I can see that you have what it takes to end the wars there". I sit there shocked not knowing what to say, I try to speak but can't form the words too. "And for seeing your family, that's where you getting there comes in". I calm down, taking deep breathes, "ok, so I'm still going to be able to see my family?". He responds quickly, "yes you are", I let out a big sigh feeling relieved that I could still see them. "So how do we get there?" I ask, "like this" God responds before snapping his fingers. In an instant I feel the world going slow again but something is different, I can feel my atoms moving, shifting, accelerating, "what's happening", I ask almost yelling, but I get no response. My atoms keep moving as they get to my eyes, I see nothing for a good second, then all the sudden I can see again, standing before me are a bunch of trees. I look at them, they look like normal trees, but the leaves are purple, they have a nice blue almost crystal tip to them, I look around and notice almost every tree has them.

I stand there speechless; I look at the ground seeing that it's green like in my universe, I look around a bit before noticing an open field with God standing in the center, I start to walk towards the open field smelling the air, "it smells amazing out here" I say to myself, I reach the open field noticing flowers everywhere. "What is this place" I ask him.

"A land from far and close".