

Date - ???

Location - ???

I wake up feeling as if I got crushed by a boulder, no... heavier, as if I was crushed by a mountain. I'm paralyzed, my limbs won't move, my arms are sprawled out and so are my legs. I want to scream but I can't. "Is... this... hell" I ask, tears starting to form, "I... I can't go like this" my voice cracking, I swallow down hard, my mind shooting from thought to thought. "God if you're listening" I say barley able to speak above a whisper, I pause for a moment thinking about what I'm going to say. "I want to ask a favor".




I say as loud as I can, feeling my throat start to bleed from what feels like a normal speaking tone. I close my eyes feeling the tears run down my face, even that hurts. 


I shoot my eyes open, looking around the room but I see no one. "Who said that?", I ask coughing up blood. I dart my eyes around the dim lit room, looking for the source of the sound. I want to be able to get up and run out, but all my limbs are in pain that can only be described as someone cutting them off while I'm awake.


After hearing it for a second time I weirdly feel at peace, as if all my worries were attached to a string and someone pulled them away. All the pain I was feeling vanished as if it was never there. I feel my body lifting off the ground, I'm able to move my limbs. I turn around and see that my body is still on the ground, "how is that possible, I'm standing up right here". I say not really feeling scared or confused.

"You wanted a favor, so I gave you one."

I hear the voice again but this time, I'm not startled, "who is this", I don't really expect a response, but I get one anyway.

"I'm who you called upon".