
The pure pain

Do you ever wonder if your alone? Who isn’t alone Today day being alone is normal But who lives in your story Who is your main character? Well I know who this main character is It’s you These short stories are very personal Some even a little to much in detail into my life But I’m the end you’ll know who the main character is in these short stories Care to take this journey?

Bloodyrosetiger · Sports, voyage et activités
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Story one


Do you ever feel alone?

Do you ever feel like there is darkness around you?

You know it's close to you

It watches you

It hears and feels your fear

You may ask

Who is watching you?

But you know who is

He is the man in the dark corner of your room, school, work, anywhere you go he goes

Remember him now

That shadow that you couldn't get your mind and thoughts away from

He's ready

Don't you feel those goosebumps

That chill down your spine

If you listen closely he is whispering in your ear right now..