
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantaisie
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111 Chs

Chapter 5

This was truly a problem. He could not just run away. He would be easily caught since he was not fast enough. He also could not fight if he was caught because he was to weak.

All this time he had been planning on leaving home but he had not thought of a plan.

"I'll think about it later." Dan was smart but he did not like solving difficult problems that gave him headaches.

"System add all unused stat points to speed."

➡️ Adding 27 stat points to speed attribute.

Speed has increased.

➡️Speed (70/70)➡️(255/255).

This was good enough. The added stat would be practically useless in a foot race but it was better than not having any increased speed.

Dan drew on the remaining part of the cigarette and then threw the cigarette butt.

His family would not allow him to leave them. As strong as Fria was they still worried about her which is they would not allow Dan who was very weak to leave the village.

Dan had already convinced them that he had given up on this idea but they were still wary that he would try to leave.

Dan was resourceful and intelligent most of the time but at important moments he was naive and dumb. This was Dan's fatal weakness. Years of being subjected to Kliran's stupidity and naivety seemed to have rub of on him. A sharp mind once now a slightly sharp but blunt mind. He lacked experience and knowledge of the outside world. Dan decided to increase his stamina until he left school. A few more hours until it was time to go home.

Dan made his way to the school gym which was located at the furthest corner of the school on the first floor.

"Why did you not attend your lessons today Dan." A short lady was waiting for him in front of the gym. A caramel skinned lady with frizzy afro hair, Long blue high heels with tight stockings, a mini skirt and a red cardigan. The cardigan's back was open. On her back were four transparent oval wings. The wings glistened in the sunlight leaving a blue colourful impression. She was a fairy. She fluttered over to him and hovered in front of him.

"Oh...Hi Mrs Sinclair."

"Ms Sinclair." She snarled. Dan was tempted to ask her about her relationship but he didn't want to get chewed out. She was only the size of his forearm but she could be really annoying and her elemental control and magic was amazing.

"I heard rumours that you were in the gym the entire day. Those rumours seem to be true."

Dan turned his gaze away from her. She was hovering at his eye level and it was really hard trying to maintain eye contact with her nearly flat chest shoved in his face.

"Why are you turning around you bastard? Look at me when I'm talking to you. Why did you skip class today." Sinclair cared about her students so when Dan did not come to class she was worried that something happened.

"Are you getting bullied? Did you over sleep and woke up an hour ago? Are you feeling sick? Let me take your temperature." She reached out to touch his forehead but Dan misunderstood. He saw Ms Sinclair's smooth armpit and her solid like chest.

Dan slapped her hand away making her gasp "Get away from me you old flat chested cougar."

Sinclair did not like anyone talking about her body especially her breasts. She was known for putting people in a near death state after they saying her chest was flat. She knew this was true but she had an inferiority complex. She also thought the reason why her husband cheated on her was because she did not have a big enough bust.

She cast a giant electric bolt which hit Dan directly on the chest. Dan flew back all the way across the corridor and hit a wall. The wall formed cracked from the heavy impact.

➡️ Endurance (170/170) ➡️ (999/999)

Health (3/400)

Dan fell on all four as he coughed out blood. The pain ached all over his body. His body felt heavy and it was hard to breathe. The smoke that had been left in his body came out of his nose. His vision blurred from the blood and sweat on his eyes.

Dan reached out quickly to touch the screen but Sinclair was already in front of him. She grabbed his extended hand and broke his finger. He grunted from the pain of his finger breaking. It was painful but durable.

With his other hand Dan managed to touch the screen which instantly healed. His health also increased greatly and tremendously at a fast pace.

➡️Health (3/400) ➡️ (33/400) ➡️ (73/400) ➡️(113/400) ➡️ (153/400) ➡️(200/400)

His vision stabilized and his wounds closed but the broken finger did not heal.

➡️Emergency mission

Defeat Ms Sinclair

Reward level +10

Punishment on failure: Possible death, Cramps,

Dan gathered himself and managed to stand up. Ms Sinclair was still holding his finger. The difference in size was to big, Both of her hands were wrapped around his one finger.

Dan threw a punch to let her let go of his finger. The fist did not connect as there seemed to be layer of wind protecting her.

"You dare to attack your teacher."

"I'm gonna defeat you and increase my level."


5 minutes passed since Sinclair knocked Dan out. He lay sprawled on the ground with his ass in the air in a pool of his own blood.

Third degree burns all over his body. most of his clothes had been burnt leaving his body exposed. The scar on Sinclair's left cheek seared painfully. It felt like hot metal had been pressed on her cheek.

She recalled how Dan managed to land a blow on her. A well placed trap that managed to corner her by firing rock projectiles at a fast velocity. He then feinted by storing up energy but instead punched her.

In her 40 years of teaching she had produced students that were able to defeat heroes but not a single one of them had managed to hit her. One of her students were the present Demon lord Kingsley and his second in command general Kliran.

As powerful as they were they hadn't managed to hit her even once. She was faster than him, more experienced than him, she had wings and was even smaller than him which gave her better maneuverability than him. So what was it that made him able to hit her.

It definitely was not strength nor agility. It wasn't his experience either although it helped him greatly. Ms Sinclair came to only one conclusion. "Versatility."

He had the mindset and body of a skilled fighter and all the advantages and knowledge of a sorcerer. All her other students were either physical or magical fighters. They did not have both.

Sinclair wiped the tear from her cheek and then mixed it up with Dan's blood. She summoned a giant gorrila that was twice Dan's size. The gorrila licked the blood if her hand and then turned to Dan. It turned him around and put him on his back gently.

The gorrila interlocked both of his hands together and started chanting. "Pain is blessing, A blessing is a curse, Death is pain. May you find them all." Its hand started glowing a blue color. The air vibrated gently but then shook violently. The gorrila brought down his hands and hit Dan in the chest.


He raised them again and this time hit even harder.


The wounds healed quickly and before long Dan woke up gasping for air but the gorrila still hit him again.

It was painful but not to painful, kind of like a sweet pain. Pain that had a kind of sweetness to it.

The gorrila stood there and looked at Dan who was sprawled on the floor. He had been Sinclair's summon for over 30 years but he had never had to heal someone this much for a long time. He saw enemies laid to waste by Sinclair but he didn't have to heal them.

"Thank you Chink. You can leave now." Sinclair patted his back. Chink turned into smoke slowly disappearing into thin air.

Sinclair waved her arm, and the small the craters and damage to the floor and walls fixed themselves, the blood on the floor formed into a small ball. She beckoned the small blood ball to her putting it inside a small box that appeared out of nowhere. She threw it into the air and the box sped of somewhere else.

Dan managed to sit up "What did you do to my blood? You're not gonna try some black magic with my blood are you?"

"What kind of teacher do you think I am? I just disposed of it. You still have not answered my question, why did you not attend classes?"

"I'm sorry teacher, your classes were boring so I decided to dip." Sinclair bared her teeth at Dan who lit a cigarette. She smacked the cigarette out of his hand. "Thats bad for your health, Where did you even get the cigarette I burned your clothes."

"It was in my inventory. I found out about that a few hours ago." Sinclair looked at Dan with a weird puzzled look expecting an explanation.

"Spatial magic." Sinclair rubbed her cheeks against Dan's in joy. Having fluttered enough she sat down on top of Dan's head.

"Oh my God so you do pay attention in my class." Sinclair waved her hand, a metal necklace with a black and silver frame with the a giant D materialized in front of Dan. "You get your necklace back."

Dan grabbed the necklace that was floating in front of him. This necklace had been with Dan since he could remember except for the last term when it was confiscated by Ms Sinclair. This really was not a necklace but a pendant. Everyone said it was a necklace so Dan gave up on trying to convince them that it was not.

Sinclair decided that she would not teach her final lesson of the day, instead she would just watch Dan's training. She told him to get up and start his training. Dan hesitantly entered the gym while suffering from the aching pain that was cramps. He walked over to the wooden bull that was in the middle of the the gym. This bull was special equipment that was used to test and measure strength. You hit the bull, it would analyse your power and adjust its strength to match the person it was facing. Dan hit the bull with a punch with his full strength. A loud hitting sound was heard as Dan's fist smashed against the the bull's head.


The bull came to life with whirring sounds coming from all the levers and gears. It's lifeless eye turned into red satanic eyes. The muscles on its back and hind legs tightened to look like solid bricks. The golden horns on its head grew sharper and longer and in the end curled a little before straightening out.

The bull let out a loud bellow which could be heard across the entire academy. The students heard it but did not question it. They really wanted to see the fight earlier on but they had classes and no matter what students were not allowed out during lessons.

"Did you know I was the one who created the Alpha bull." Sinclair triumphantly said with a smug grin on her face.

➡️Murderous intent intended towards you has been detected.

Destroy the Alpha bull

➡️Reward upon completion: 60,300 exp (300 exp to next level.8700/9000 exp)

➡️Penalty upon failure: Death.

Dan looked at the screen with disbelief. Death. This was a first. Even when he fought Ms Sinclair it said possible death. Dan did not understand. Was the system going to kill him if he failed or would the bull kill him. Either way Dan did not want to find out.

The bull charged horns forward at Dan with murderous rage. Dan grabbed the horns of the bull and pushed as hard as he could. The bull exerted the same level of strength as he did but Dan had other advantages. He was faster and more Intelligent.

He slid slightly backwards from the bull's force. He did not think he would be this strong. Dan lifted the heavy bull and threw it behind him using the momentum the bull created.

Sinclair had not moved from Dan's head. She was hanging on to his hair very tightly.

The bull gave Dan a scowling look before charging again. Dan was ready for it this time. He extended his arms to grab the bull's horns.

At the last second the bull stopped killing it's momentum. Dan stumbled forward after not colliding with the bull. The bull turned around and kicked Dan in the face with it's hind legs.

Dan stumbled back and recovered quickly but it was to slow. A whip like tail with a spike on its end hit Dan in the face with a resounding smack that echoed through the gym.


A red mark appeared on Dan's soft, tanned skin.

With the corner of his eyes Dan saw the bull charging forward horns protruding ready to impale Dan.

Dan regained his senses lowered his knees and delivered an uppercut to the bull's chin. The bull flew several feet away.

"It really is sturdy isn't it? It can exchange blows with you because it measure's your strength but not your endurance. Therefore the winner of the fight will come down to whoever is more durable." Sinclair shouted from the top of Dan's head. Dan disliked this. He knew she would not be hurt but the thought of someone on top of his head while fighting greatly annoyed him but he kept this all to himself because he did not want to be struck by lightning again.

"I ...I...know ...that... already.." Dan huffed hard.

The bull was equipped with auto-learning in which it could learn from the fight.

The bull charged forward again but this time even faster than before. It was going to fast for it to stop. Dan punched the floor completely clean into 2 separate pieces. The bull could not stop. It didn't stop and it showed no since of stopping.

It ran on the pebbles floating in the air from the destroyed floor and rammed into Dan. At that tremendous speed going along with the it's heavy weight Dan should be out of commission or heavily damaged. That's what the bull thought.

A hand grabbed the bull's horn and broke it leaving it only one. The bull jumped back in terror but the hand was to quick. It grabbed it's other horn and completely destroyed it.

As the smoke cleared the bull saw Dan Holding its golden horns.

"These horns are really annoying." Dan crushed the horns into small tiny pieces in front of the bull.

It felt rage and fear but mostly anger and animosity. It could not just charge blindly now since it had lost it's main weapons but it charged in anyways. All of it's anger enabled it to reach a faster pace than before. It bellowed loudly rushing in at speeds reaching 300 horses/km. (Authors note: This is used to measure speed. 1 km/h equals to 3 h/km.)

Dan was ready for this and cast the final blow. A dark blue energy blast flew out of Dan's hand and hit the bull completely destroying it. The shards of glass it had in its eyes, the wooden framework and the metal were all destroyed. Pieces flew all over the gym and finally the core of the bull was exposed wide open. The steaming emanating from the core was to hot for Dan to go any closer to it.

Sinclair fluttered over to the core and examined it. She was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. The core was intact. As long as the core was intact and not to damaged the bull could be rebuilt.

But beyond that "I'm proud of you Dan. I always thought that you never paid any attention in class, but you actually did. Your making your teacher proud." She rubbed her cheek on Dan's cheek just like before.

"That is seriously rude." Dan replied.

➡️Destroy Alpha bull. (Suceeded)

rewarding 60,300 exp.

➡️You have leveled up!!!

➡️You have leveled up!!!

➡️You have leveled up!!!

➡️You have leveled up!!!

➡️You have leveled up!!!

➡️You have increased in 5 levels.

➡️All stats increase by 10.

➡️You have 25 unused stat points.

Your endurance has become E-Rank after reaching 1000 endurance. To reach D rank gain 2000 more endurance points.

➡️New skill gained: Sword technique Limited series: Pain and Sorrow;First form (Mythical)

(Authors note:Sorry about this but in case you did not understand every single stat point increases attribute by 5 for example if you have 5 speed and you increase it with 1 stat point then it will be not be shown as 6 speed but as 10 speed.)

Dan looked at the screen in front of him with his mouth open. Sinclair ruffled his long afro hair to get his attention but his mind was somewhere else.

E-rank, New skill,A mythical rates skill, increase in 5 levels? All this just for defeating bull shaped doll.

A smile formed on Dan's face as he wondered what he would gain if he fought and defeated creatures in dungeons, towers and caves.

➡️Player ID:432378

Time: 2:13: A.m. Level:14

Name: Dante Oak Aliases: D, Dan, Dri.

Hp:410/410(F) Potential:♾

Speed:265/255(F) Endurance:1009/1009(E)

Intelligence:70/70(F) Stamina:180/180(F)

Strength: 260/260(F) Vision:31/31(F)

Magic knowledge: 40/40(F)

Unused stat points: 25


Beginner Magic (Proficiency 99%)

Intermediate Magic (Proficiency 82%)

Elite Magic (Proficiency 4%) Street fighting (S+)

Martial arts combat (Proficiency 12%)

quick thinking (Proficiency 8%)

Swordsmanship (S+)

Sword technique:Limited series:Pain and sorrow; First form (mythical)

Chaos energy (A+)

➡️ unique skills

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Level 1

➡️status: Satisfied, energetic, sweaty, In pain, cramps

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