
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
111 Chs

Chapter 3

Dan ate his food quietly. He hated attention. Whether it was at home or anywhere else. He appreciated their efforts though. So he thanked them.

"Thank you everyone for celebrating my birthday with me. Thank you mother for all the food you made, and thank you Fria for coming back from your adventures just to celebrate with me."

Martha and Fria were touched. During his other birthdays he had never said thank you. Kliran was still waiting for his thank you but it never came. "Why are you not thanking me?" he bursted out saying.

Dan didn't pay any attention to him and he asked Fria, "Why are you here? I feel like you came here for something other than to celebrate. "

"Yes that is true, I actually came here because I have some information about the human nation of Kingdom."

Dan was surprised at this. Who in there right mind would name their country Kingdom.

"Stop ignoring me," Kliran said as if he didn't here anything that was going on.

"They have summoned heroes from another world." The room became silent for a minute.

It became so silent that that even a pin dropped could be heard.

The silence was broken by Kliran. "I don't understand Is that a bad thing?"

Martha nodded her head."Heroes are usually summoned here under the pretext of saving the human kingdom and killing the demon lord. The last heroes that were summoned was 20 years ago and they were killed by Lord Jayrim. Even though the heroes were killed the damage was to large. How can you not remember? you fought one of the heroes yourself."

"The human are scared of the demon Lord's army. They will use the heroes to attack us under the pretext of defending the kingdom. They will kill our people and take our land. They are no heroes they are just soldiers with a lot of avarice's" Martha continued explaining.

"Well then why do we not kill them right now? While they are weak and inexperienced. I heard the last heroes had to adventure and train for 5 years before even going anywhere near the demon Lord's castle." Dan asked.

Fria thought for a while before answering her brother's question. "No one knows where they are. They were summoned here 3 months ago. The only person who knew this were the king and his magician. There were eleven heroes summoned unlike last time where it was only three."

"Well it does not matter because I will destroy them all." Kliran said confidently as he chuckled mightily.

This really complicated everything. If the kingdom nation wanted to attack the nation of Azair and won it would collapse the balance of power.The only thing stopping other nations from attacking each other was the Kingdom of Azair. They held power and it was at the centre of the continent. The biggest nation in terms of size and military might. So to attack another nation you would need to go through the Azair nation which was a terrible idea since the demon lord banned the attack of any country through his country.

"Changing the subject, Why is there a goat missing? Do you know anything Fria?" Martha asked.

Fria looked at Dan with loathing eyes,"You ratted me out,didn't you? I thought we were family. Why would you do this to me?"

Dan just kept on eating his pumpkin pie before answering "I did not rat you out or anything, you just admitted it yourself."

Fria's eyes became soft and apologetic but her mother and father's gaze became ice cold instantly. They jumped out of their seats and tag teamed Fria. Kliran held her down while Martha used a wooden stick to hit Fria's behind.

The wooden stick broke due to Fria's firm muscles but they did not let go. Martha started spanking her and fria let out a loud moan.



Martha and Kliran punched and kicked her instead. What was that? What kind of person would moan from being hit. As if answering Dan's question the system sent a message.

➡️ Would you like to scan the three individuals?

Scan. Dan thought that if he scanned he would be able to see the things wrong with their bodies or diseases.

Dan nodded and looked at the information on display in front of him.


Relationship: Adoptive sister






Endurance: (S+)

Stamina: (SS+)


➡️Special abilities

Spearmanship (S+) Heavy weight (C+) Massacre (S+) Pain tolerance (B+) Stealth (A)

Assassination (S+) Lie detection (A+) Charisma (S+) Firebreath (A+) Telekinesis (A+)

Finger control (SSS+)







Endurance: (A+)

Stamina: (S+)

Potential:(Already hit limits 90,000,000)

➡️Special abilities

Cooking (SSS+) Cleaning (S+) Charm (A+) Luck (S+) Archery (S+) Sex positions (SSS+) Beauty(S) Sucking (SSSS+) Hand control (SSSS+)







Endurance: (SSS+)

Stamina: (SSS+)

Eyesight: 400/4000

Potential:(Already hit limits 8,000,000,000)

Second form yet to be released.

➡️Special abilities

Swordsmanship (SS+) Fighting spirit (SSS+) Creativity (B) Rage (SS+)

Fire resistance(SS+) Sex positions (SS+)

Licking (SSS+) Finger control (SSS+) Martial artist (SSS+)

Dan was shocked at what he saw. How could they be so strong. If he compared his stats to anyone's it would be like comparing a new born babies strength to a fully grown martial artist.

Was everyone in the village this strong. Kliran's strength was SSS+! How could that be. He surpassed (S+) completely long time ago.

What also shocked him was not just the strength of his family but the fact that everyone had some kind of sex related skills. He now wished that he didn't read it.

Sucking, Licking, hand control, finger control. Things weren't as they seemed. Kliran and Martha sat down after beating Fria together. Fria laid down chest on the floor with smoke coming from her body.

"Why are you not wearing your glasses?" His mother asked. Dan hadn't thought of an excuse as to why he was not wearing his glasses anymore. So he said the thing that was mostly believable.

"I have been training my eyesight the past 2 weeks. Now my eyesight is so much clearer that I do not need my glasses."

Kliran puffed his chest proud of his son who had started training. "Why did you not tell me? I would have trained you myself."

Martha looked at Dan weirdly as if she didn't believe him. 'But you can't train your eyesight you dumb idiots.' She didn't want to get into arguement with these two at this hour. "Well anyways, I suggest you go get some rest. You do have to go to school tommorow." She pointed at Fria. "Also if your going upstairs can you drop her of at her room."

Dan walked over to Fria who was knocked out on the floor and tried picking her up but failed. "Heavy!" This was the first thing that came to Dan's mind. 'Just what on earth does she eat to be this heavy?' Dan was strong enough to lift up to 200kg without any problems but this was something else. "SHOW ME THE RESULT OF YOUR TRAINING DAN. CAN YOU NOT EVEN PICK UP A WOMAN ON THE FLOOR."

Dan clicked his tongue. This fool's loud mouth would probably wake up the neighbors.


Take Fria to her room

Reward upon completion: +1 strength.

Failure: Explosive diarrhoea.

'Hmmm, A challenge. Very well then.' Dan grabbed Fria by the hand and pulled with all his might. He exerted all his strength but barely lifted her of the floor.

"Tut tut tut, all that training was for show then."

Kliran had a smug look on his face as if he just witnessed his mortal enemy experience pain.

"I could lift her for you, if you admit that I am stronger than you."

Dan knew Kliran was stronger than him but he never admitted this to his face. Dan tried again. He grit his teeth and lifted with all his might. Every vein in his arms were showing. You could see all the veins in his face. He looked like he was about to burst a vein.

"HAHAHA, you look like you're constipating." Kliran burst out laughing as he slapped his knees. Martha bonked Klian on the head and gave Dan words of encouragement.

After a few times of nearly bursting his veins he managed to pick Fria up. He places her on his shoulder and staggered all the way upstairs.

He kicked her room door open and flung her on her bed. His shoulders really hurt. This was only natural after lifting something weighing over 200kg with his shoulders.

"Thanks for carrying me." Fria said. Dan looked over at the Fria who had woken up. "You were awake the whole time?" Dan asked.

"Its hard not to wake up after all that commotion."

Dan cursed under his breath and went to his room.

➡️Mission complete

Take Fria to her room.(completed)

Reward:+1 strength. +1 Strength has been added to your stats.

Dan lay down on his bed. Had he always been this weak. He was stronger than most humans. That's what Martha and Kliran told him. But were humans this weak. He had never met a human so he would not know. He touched the screen and felt the gentle sensation on his body.

He knew that Kliran was strong but he did not know he was that strong. The gap between him and Kliran was like the ground and the sky.

'Why am I getting disturbed?' Dan asked himself. He had never cared about whether he was strong or not. So why was it that he wanted to become stronger. At school he was nowhere near the strongest but he still won most of his fights. 750 out of 830 fights. Most people considered Dan a madman. He never fought fair. He would always use some dirty tactic, but that was three years ago. His fighting days were over.

He recalled Kliran speaking to him once when he was 8 years old. "Why do you want to grow stronger?" He asked Dan.

"I don't know."

"Listen Dan, there has to be a reason why you want to grow stronger. People become stronger to protect their loved ones, some to get revenge and some grow stronger to achieve their goals."

"What is the best reason?"

"To protect your loved ones." 10 years passed and Dan still did not find an answer. He just wanted to grow stronger with no goal in sight, with no one to protect and no one to get revenge on.

He summoned the system and asked questions. "How do I gain skills? What is this symbol next to potential?"

➡️You can gain skills from monsters or repeating a process several times over and over. If you workout for a long time you will receive exp which let's you level up. After you have reached a certain level you can gain skills. The closest level with a skill is level 10. The sign next to the potential means infinite. So in Layman's terms you have infinite potential."

Infinite potential? That was some straight up horse crap. Dan thought. If he had infinite potential he would have not hit his limits already.

Dan decided to go to sleep since he had to wake up early. It started raining gently but before long it turned into a giant downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The next morning Dan woke up at 6:00. He brushed his teeth with natural plant based toothbrush.

He got ready for school. His lessons started at 8:00. He had to 2 hours to get to school. He put on his school uniform and ate the eggs and bread that was prepared for him. He put his packed lunch into his bag and left for school.

➡️ Daily mission

Run 5km (0/5km)

Throw 1000 jabs (0/1000jabs)

Curl something weighing 20kg or above 100 times(0/100)

Do 100 squats(0/100)

Do 100 pushups(0/100)

Do 100 kicks (0/100)

Reward:500 exp. 3 stat points.

Penalty upon failure:Severe muscle cramps.

Time left until completion: 18 Hours.

Dan decided to do his daily mission while on his way to school by the time he reached the 5km mark he only had the curling mission left.

His hands were muddy from doing pushups on the ground. He washed them in a small stream.

He decided to run all the way to school at full speed. 40 minutes passed and he reached the school an hour early

➡️Level (2)➡️ level (4)

Speed (60/60) ➡️ (70/70)

Stamina (70/70) ➡️ (85/85)

Dan looked at the screen and a smile started to slowly form on his face.

This was good news for Dan. The more he worked out the stronger he would get.

Dan had an hour of free time before his classes started. He headed toward the school's gym.

He picked up a heavy 20kg barbell and started curling.

5 minutes later after 100 curls the system made the loud pinging noise.

➡️Daily mission completed.

Run 5km (5/5km)

Throw 1000 jabs (1000/1000jabs)

Curl something weighing 20kg or above 100 times(100/100)

Do 100 squats(100/100)

Do 100 pushups(100/100)

Do 100 kicks (100/100)

Reward:500 exp. 3 stat points.

Penalty upon failure:Severe muscle cramps.

Dan decided to spend 2 stat points on his strength.

➡️Strength (152/152)➡️(162/162)

He decided to change the curls and picked up and 80kg dumbbell. He curled it effortlessly and after 40 minutes his stats increased.

➡️ Level (4) ➡️ level (7)

Strength (162/162) ➡️ (200/200)

Stamina(85/85) ➡️ (100/100)

Endurance (90/90) ➡️ (100/100)

Dan was happy with the results. He had a smile on his face but it was ruined when a tall,beautiful lady with long black hair came to him. She was the vice president of the student council. " Dan Oak, You are being called by the student council head, Sir Pedro Saman."

Dan had a puzzled look on his face. "Why?" he asked.

"I do not know just follow me." She turned around and beckoned him to follow her. Dan stopped curling the dumbbell and followed her. Students had already arrived at school. Dan knew that he did not do anything wrong so he had nothing to worry about.

15 minutes until lessons started.

Men looked at the student council vice president with eyes of longing and yearning. The girls flocked her like birds to bread. She pushed past them until they had reached a room with large doors.She knocked on the door 3 times." I have brought Dante Oak." She said

A clear voice answered. "Let him in." She pointed at the door for Dante to enter. He pushed the giant door open and entered.

Sitting on the two Chairs was the elf from yesterday and another elf. Now Dante understood what was going on.

➡️Welcome player number 12 to System no 4.

Player ID:432378 Level:7

Time: 7:45: A.m.

Name: Dante Oak Aliases: D, Dan, Dri.

Hp:100/100(F) Potential:♾

Speed:70/70(F) Endurance:100/100(F)

Intelligence:60/60(F) Stamina:100/100(F)

Strength: 200/200(F) Vision:21/21(F)

Magic knowledge: 30/30(F)

Unused stat points: 27


Beginner Magic (Proficiency 98%)

Intermediate Magic (Proficiency 82%)

Elite Magic (Proficiency 4%) Street fighting (S+)

Martial arts combat (Proficiency 12%)

quick thinking (Proficiency 8%)

Swordsmanship (S+)

Chaos energy (A+)

➡️ unique skills

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Level 1

➡️status: Annoyed, Wary, tired, sweaty.

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