
The Psychopath's Game

Class 1 at the National High School is known for being one of the most prestigious classes, only for the geniuses. However, after the school abolished the entrance exams, it was no longer the exclusive domain of the elite students. Oliver, a normal student, finds himself among the students accepted into Class 1, but soon realizes that the class is not what it seems. On the first day of school, the students are trapped in the classroom with a mysterious teacher who announces that they must pass a series of life-threatening tests to advance to the next year. If they fail, they will be killed without anyone outside the school knowing. Will Oliver and his classmates be able to survive the intense and deadly tests, or will they become victims of the twisted curriculum of Class 1?

Wordo_Wardo · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 Vol.1

The sky is a clear navy blue, so deep and rich in color that it feels like I can reach out and touch it. The wind is playing with the tall trees, causing the leaves to rustle gently in the breeze. I watch as people bustle about, going about their daily business, and students walk towards the gate, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

I, Oliver, am also a student walking towards the big gate. After months of preparation, I've finally made it through the entrance exams and now a student at the National High School. I've been accepted into Class 1, a class with a rich history of only admitting the most elite students. But now, the strict exams that once determined who could join the class have been abolished, making it no different from the other classes in terms of difficulty. Anyway, I'm relieved that I'll get to have a normal high school life.

As I near the big gate, the sound of a loudspeaker announcement fills the air. "Class will start at 8 A.M, students, old or new, please go to your assigned classes as now the school will close its gates." The announcement echoes throughout the school grounds and even reaches me, where I'm standing outside the gates. I should probably hurry up.

As I navigate the hallway, I search for my assigned classroom and finally spot the sign "1 - 1" above one of the doors. I push it open and am greeted by an empty room. The lights are off and the windows are wide open, allowing a gentle breeze to flow through. For a moment, I wonder if I'm late or if another class has started. I'm used to arriving to a classroom filled with students, their books open and eyes fixed on me as I walk in, announcing my late arrival. But I shake off my thoughts and make my way to a seat.

Just as I was about to sit down, the door to the classroom opened again and in came a girl. She was shorter than me, with hair styled in a fancy way that made her look like someone from a wealthy family. But she didn't even look at me as she walked straight to a seat near the front of the classroom, as if she already knew exactly where she was supposed to go. It was a bit strange for a new student, but I was curious about her confident attitude. I made a note to keep an eye on her and see what other surprises I find this day.

As I sat in the classroom, I heard a faint voice coming from outside the door. The sound grew louder as the door creaked open, revealing a tall student with curly brown hair. He appeared to be out of breath, as if he had been running.

"Haah! Am I late?" he asked, looking around the room. Our eyes met and I reassured him, "Not at all, you're only the third student to arrive." The student seemed to relax and took a moment to catch his breath and tidy himself up before taking a seat in the classroom. The girl, who had arrived before him, paid no attention and remained focused on her book.

The boy walked towards the seat next to mine. "Hello there!" he said. "My name is John Gonzales. Nice to meet ya!" I replied, "Nice to meet you too. My name is Oliver.". "No last names?" he asked, clearly surprised. "I prefer not to say it for personal reasons," I said. "Huh. Alright, I guess," he said, and proceeded to sit down.

John turned to me and asked, "Hey Oliver, what school did you go to before? I promise I've seen you somewhere before." I wondered if he was aware of my past. "Bon Enfant Elementary," I replied. "Why you may ask?"

"Oh!" he said with recognition. "You participated in the math contest back in grade 4, right? I was the dude to your left." He laughed faintly, and I remembered the contest and the nervous energy in the room as we competed against each other.

I'm surprised by John's remarkable memory. Remembering me from way back then, and even the school I attended. It seems like he has an exceptionally effective memory. Will definitely aid him in his academics. After all, he had topped the math contest back in fourth grade, placing first overall. I'll make sure to be cautious if we were to compete again during tests.

After 30 minutes of eager chatter and bustling energy, the classroom was filled with students and the atmosphere was lively. However, the noise level was becoming overwhelming. When the door suddenly opened and in walked a person in a blue uniform, carrying a brown folder in his right hand. All eyes focused on him as he walked to the front of the class, cleared his throat, and spoke in a serious tone, "Good morning class. I will be your advisor, homeroom, and mathematics teacher for the rest of the year. You can call me Sir Ray, I hope we will all get along." It was clear that this person was not the lively type.

Sir Ray placed his brown folder on the teacher's table and addressed the class, "Alright everyone, let's start our introductions, starting with the girl over there." John leaned over and whispered to me, "It's the girl who arrived before me. I wonder what she's like." She stood up, looking at the class. "Hello everyone, my name is Abigail Astor. I hope to get along with everyone," she said, bowing before taking her seat again. "Ah, so she is the serious type, kind of like my older sister.", John said.

The next person to stand up was a girl, her eyes shining with excitement and determination. "Hello everyone! My name is Olivia, and I just moved to the city. I can't wait to make new friends!" she said cheerfully before taking her seat.

Compared to Sir Ray's serious demeanor, Olivia's energy stood out. I can't really be sure but she is probably skilled in sports or some other physically active hobby. Either way, Abigail and Olivia are definitely people to keep an eye on in the class. After everyone did their turn, it was John's turn. "Hi everyone! I'm John Gonzales, and I'm eager to get to know all of you." He said with a big smile on his face.

It was my turn next, and I rose from my seat, not really prepared about speaking in front of the class, I struggled to find the right words. "Uhh, hello everyone, my name is Oliver. I enjoy playing slow, strategic games like chess and, uh, I hope we can all get along well." I quickly sat back down, feeling a bit relieved.

John caught my eye and gave me a grin, "So you like chess, huh? Let's play later during break!" He said excitedly. I smiled back at John, "Sure thing, but don't underestimate me," I replied, accepting his challenge.

As the introductions came to an end, my attention was suddenly diverted to the windows beside me. They were quickly darkening, obscuring the view of the outside. Glancing around, I noticed that the other students were also taken aback by the strange occurrence. "Sir Ray, what's happening with the windows?" one student asked, panic creeping into their voice.

"And the doors too!" another added, fear tingeing their words. "The knobs are moving by themselves, as if a ghost is manipulating them!". The room was filled with a palpable sense of unease, as everyone seemed to be grappling with this unexpected and unsettling turn of events.

Sir Ray appeared to be a bit calm as he smiled and addressed us. "Let's not get overly concerned, I'll quickly go over the situation you are all in," he said reassuringly. John looked puzzled and a little anxious, "What does he mean? Is this part of the testing process? I thought they discontinued those tests before we were accepted?" he inquired.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Sir Ray began, addressing the class. "You are all part of a unique experiment. You are the first generation of students to participate in this study." At this announcement, the class erupted in confusion. "What does this mean?" someone asked. "Weren't the tests done away with?" Another student chimed in. "Why is this happening?" There were murmurs of concern and worry throughout the room, understandingly.

"Calm down, everyone," Sir Ray tried to soothe the panicked students. "You will have the privilege of freedom, with a few restrictions. You are not allowed to leave the campus grounds and will now be residing in the newly built dormitory. Furthermore, you must all participate in the series of tests conducted by the researchers." Despite Sir Ray's reassurances, there was a sense of unease among the students. "And one more thing to keep in mind... Your lives will be considered insignificant," he added. The room fell silent as everyone struggled to process the shocking news. Could it mean that we could be put in danger during the experiment? Sweat dripped down everyone's faces as all of us contemplated the possibilities.

"W- what does this mean?!!" Olivia stood up abruptly, her face contorted with fear and disbelief. "Are our lives in danger?!!" she asked, her voice shaking. "Yes, in simpler terms, if you score lower than average, your life will be taken," Sir Ray replied with a perpetual smile on his face. Olivia's panic heightened.

"Why?! We didn't sign up for this! Let alone being trapped in an experiment!", everyone seemed to be both angry and scared at the same time. It's understandable, given that we were all newly accepted 13-year-olds.

"Ding Dong Ding!" The bell echoed through the room, signaling the end of the session. "Well then, it's time for me to take my leave," Sir Ray said, with an emotionless smile plastered on his face. "Your next class is English, but since the teacher is absent, you have a free hour. Have a lovely day, everyone." He turns towards the door, unlocking and closing it with a resounding thud.

And just like that, my dream of having a "normal" high school life has now been shattered...