

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Twelve

In the morning, I got up early cause I still couldn't sleep cause of that stupid nightmare I had last night.

"Morning" I shouted, making Anne and Flow jump in their bunk bed.

When they finally realized that it was me who shouted they glared at me and fell back in bed.

"What the hell McCall?!" Anne yelled.

I laughed, "Sorry, you guys know Amun said we should be ready for training this morning and I'm so excited that's why I woke up early" I lied.

That was a lie from the pit of hell.

Anne looked at her digital watch and sighed.

"Ella, it's eight a.m, we still one hour to prepare, right Flow?" Anne asked Flow, but obviously Flow was already asleep again.

"She's asleep, seriously?" Anne muttered, "anyway McCall why don't you go get us some food please, I'm starving"

I sighed.

"Fine" I said and left to get us all a pepperoni pizza, but I bumped into Susan. Again.

Seriously?! I wondered fate hates me so much.

"Morning Susan" I said in a polite manner that I didn't even feel.

And I swear, I'm sure I saw her glare at me a moment ago and I was so sure she was gonna blast me with her mean words this early morning, but instead she smiled at me.

"Morning Ella, where are u going?" Susan asked sweetly.

Whaaaat?? Did she...no, no, no, I doubt it. Is Susan being sweet right now? Is she even talking to me? And in that...polite manner? Okay now I'm sure something's wrong somewhere; Susan is never nice at all. Where's her medicine? Did she take it?. I wanted to shake her and tell her to stop being nice and come back to her mean self but instead I heard myself say...

"To the pizza palace, wanna come?"

Grrr! I hate myself right now, but hey maybe that quote 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer' who knows that saying might be true... So maybe the only way to know why Susan is suddenly nice to me is get closer to her, right?....

So I ordered two large packs of hot pizza and six soda drinks since Amun is now part of our gang. So Susan and I waited for my order and I decided to ask the question that was bothering my mind.

"Why are you suddenly so nice to me?" I asked curiously,

Cause there was something definitely fishy about her new behavior.

"What do you mean Ella?" Susan asked innocently.

Susan? Innocent? Yeah....no. It doesn't suit her, as in at all.

"Come on Susan, spare me this..." I trailed off and gestured to her new behavior, "Pretense"

"Pretense?" She echoed in faking shock at my choice of words.

And after seeing the look on my face that told her she wasn't fooling me, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine" She said in a bored voice.

I sighed out loud.

Thank God, I thought she wouldn't stop pretending.

"Well you see, Derrick said that if I don't learn to trust him and stop being a little mean to_"

"I'm sorry, excuse me_a little mean?" I interrupted her.

Seriously? Did the girl have no idea how mean she was? Wow!

"Okay...maybe I'm a lot meaner than I think" Susan admitted.

"Thank you!" I said in relief, "So what did Derrick tell you that made you want to stop being a jerk?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Okay maybe I deserve that, but he said that if I don't start to trust him and stop harassing any girl that talks to him, he'll break up with me so I decided to talk to you, because I've noticed recently_in fact the whole school have noticed that you and him are always together and I wanted to know, what's your relationship with Derrick?"

"Is that a question? Cause it sounded like it was" I said

"Yes Ella, it's a question" She said.

"Okay...lemme get my order and I'll answer that question" I said and went to get my order, we began to leave and then I turned to face her and I said

"Okay Susan, my relationship with Derrick...we're friends, okay? Friends" I began, " but to be honest with you, that is, I would've really loved to have something with him_hell! Any girl would do anything to get as much as a handshake from him_he is Derrick Haynes. I really like him a lot but he only has eyes for you" I said.

Letting her take my words in, I continued.

"Even though you're snobbish, mean and annoying; he still likes you, so don't get paranoid when you see him with other girls, okay?" I said and turned to leave, but she called me back.


I turned and faced her.

"Th_ thank you"

I nodded and left.

As soon as I enter our hotel room, Anne and Flow were already waiting for me in their gym outfits.

"Wow you guys look nice" I said, smirking.

"Thanks for the compliment but we're already late, Gab just texted me to meet them at the gym" Anne said.

"Seriously what kept you?" Flow asked, as we rushed out of our room and ran to the gym.

"Believe me, u don't wanna know_here try the pizza" I said, handing them a slice of the pizza.

"Forget it, we'll eat it later but take one as peace offering to Amun" Anne said.

When we got to the gym, Amun was pretty mad at us for being late and apparently took his anger out on the guys so they too were mad at us.

"You're late" Amun growled.

"Sorry Amun, technically, it's my fault we're late" I said, hoping he'd understand, "pizza?" I asked, offering him the pizza as a peace offering, which he took though but he was still glaring at me.

"I'm taking this cause the guys gave it to me as a welcome-back-to-life celebration meal and I loved it; so they'll leave early but you girls will train with me until I say you should stop, is that clear?" Amun growled.

We grumbled while the boys cheered and left.

"But_" Anne wanted to say but Amun held her off.

"But it's not our fault!" Flow complained

"Well I'm sorry girls but that's the punishment for coming late to a gym" Amun said.

"How do you know that?" Anne asked.

Amun looked at her like she'd asked a very stupid question.

"Now let's begin training" He said.

He told us to do squats, push ups, jog on the treadmill, lift weights and do planks. It's been long I did an exercise such as this ones cause the last I did this kinda training was when I was still living in Mexico with my abuela and abuelo and my papa. Now it feels like I will die if I rest soon.

I couldn't take it anymore so I dropped the weights and sank to the ground the girls joined me.

"Amun, you've made your point, we won't be late anymore, we promise, right girls?"


Then I heard laughter behind us, I looked behind me and saw Eddie and Gab laughing at us while Eddie was videoing our workout the whole time. Shit! Considering how awfully we worked out, if he posts that video of us on the school page, we're gonna be doomed for life till we graduate and I was won't be able to talk to Derrick till I die.

"What the hell Amun?!" I snapped angrily.

"What?" He asked, like he was clueless of what was happening.

"What are the boys still doing here?" Anne growled.

"Shouldn't they be back at the hotel?" Flow asked.

"Yeah that's what I wanna know" I growled.

Seriously what was going through that guy's head? I wanted to know.