

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

'Oh man, what was he thinking?' I wondered; 'Hope he wasn't thinking that Amun and... No way! There's no way he'd think Amun and I were dating, right? Wait! How long has he been there?'

'I think let's say...ten minutes ago' Amun said in my mind

"And you knew this how? Wait, how did you do that?" I asked, whispering quietly to him.

He smirked.

"You mean this?" He asked and did it again.

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"I will teach you and your friends that technique later" He said.

"Okay, come on let's go I'll introduce you and then later you'll teach me that trick" I said and we began walking towards Derrick.


My eyebrows went up in surprise. Since when does he say Kk instead of Okay?

I shrugged off the question and smiled when we got to where Derrick stood.

"Hi Derrick, meet my friend Am_"

I paused.

Oh shit! Oh my god! I almost called out Amun's real name.

"Darius Gamal" Amun completed for me, and stretched out his hand for a handshake from Derrick.

Phew! That was close.

"Oh thank God" I murmured under my breath.

"I'm Derrick Haynes, Gabriella's friend, though I've never seen you before until today" Derrick said, smiling at Amun.

But from the look in his eyes, I couldn't really tell if he was happy to see Amun or not.

"He isn't" Amun spoke in my mind again.

"Stop doing that!" I hissed loudly, making Derrick jerk his face towards me.

"Stop doing what?" Derrick asked.

I froze and slowly felt my cheeks heat up, I must've been blushing I think.

Fuck! What have I gotten myself into?

"Well...uhm...nothing, don't mind me, well you see I'm not feeling well today, so I might tend to say crazy thing out of nowhere today, that was what my doctor told me" I said smiling so hard my cheeks began to hurt.

'Did he buy that?' I wondered, 'did he believe that nonsense enough to buy it?'

'Oh he bought it' Amun said in my mind again.

"Will you quit doing that?! I hissed quietly through gritted teeth so Derrick wouldn't hear me.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ella, I had no idea" Derrick said softly and before I could blink or say anything, he suddenly hugged me.

'Uhm...What's happening? I mean what's happening right now?' I asked myself in my mind.

Amun smiled at me when Derrick released me and said telepathically to me.

'I think this guy likes you Ella'

I glared and tried shouting at him in my mind.

"Amun!" I growled at him in my mind.

"Yes?" He answering.

Realizing what I just did I smiled at him.

"Hey I'm doing it!" I shouted out loud, enough for Derrick to hear.

I suddenly caught Derrick staring at me weirdly.

I blushed.

'Oh God!'

"Doing what?" Derrick asked.

"Nothing", I said, pretending to cough, "it's the sickness talking, sorry"

Derrick sighed, "No, it's okay"

Then he put his arm round my shoulder and I still I saw him glare at Amun.


Then I heard Amun laughing quietly behind us. I turned back and glared at him.

Derrick looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

When we got to my room, Derrick knocked the door and Anne opened the door, her mouth fell open as she stated at Derrick, then her eyes travelled towards me to Derrick, whose arm was round my shoulders.

I smiled at her wryly; she quickly dragged me in.

"Careful!" Derrick called out

Anne raised a brow.

"Why?" She asked.

"She's not feeling well, take care of her for me, will ya coz?" Derrick said.

Amun looked like he was tryin'a hide a smile as Anne looked at me like I'd grown two heads. I looked away quickly.

"Of course I will cousin" Anne said to Derrick, not taking her eyes off me.


I rolled my eyes at her and faced Derrick smiling.

"Thanks Derrick for bringing me to my room, see you around?"

He looked at Amun curiously and faced me.

"Sure get well soon, okay?" Then he looked at Amun then at Anne and I; "is he staying in the same room with you guys?"

I arched a brow and looked at Amun then Anne and I laughed.

"No silly... We have something to discuss with him" Anne said and dragged Amun inside the room.

Derrick frowned and faced Amun.

"See you around darkus"

"It's Darius not Darkus" I corrected and he frowned at me.

"Right" He growled.

What's with him?

"It's okay. See ya around Derrick" Amun said.

Derrick literally rolled his eyes at Amun then faced Anne.

"Take care of her coz"

"Sure thing coz, bye" she said and faced me, as she closed the door on Derrick's face.

I knew what was coming but I wanted to sit down first.

"Okay, ask your questions; but first, where are Flora and the guys?" I asked.

"Oh I told her to go to the movies with Gab and Eddie top to take their mind off things for now" Anne answered.

"Awww, thanks Anne that was so nice of you"

"Thanks now to my questions, one, what just happened? Why did my cousin bring you to our room and not Amun_?"

"Okay, okay, hold on, hold on, one: I lied to Derrick that I was sick, cause someone!" I emphasized, glaring at Amun, who simply shrugged and smiled smugly at me; "was speaking telepathically in my mind the whole time I was talking to Derrick and course I couldn't speak back to him telepathically, I ended up speaking to him out loud making me look like a freak in front of your cousin or make him think I was crazy, whichever you prefer. So that's why I had to lie to him that I was sick_for today, that is" I said, feeling out of breath, cause I was talking fast.

"Wow" Anne said.

"Wow?! It was more like whoa!" I said; "and here's the other thing" I began.

"There's more?" Anne asked.

I nodded.

"Yea, Amun here thinks Derrick likes me, do you think so too?"

The truth was, I really really really wanted to know if Derrick liked me or not; cause after speaking with Susan (bitchy suz) it's my nickname for her...pretty neat, huh?

Well after speaking with her today, I realized that maybe she isn't so bad after all...just possessive and arrogant. I also realized that I'll feel really bad if Derrick broke up with her cause of me.

"So what'd you think?" I asked Anne again.

She looked shocked by my question then she began to stammer.

"W_we_wel_well...well I think...Amun's right Ella" Anne muttered the last sentence quietly but I heard her.

"What?" I murmured.

'Wait what?! I can't believe this, I mean I could never believe this; if what Anne and Amun were right... Then... Then why did he choose to date Susan instead?' I wondered.

"Cause of his social status, his parents, his friends, in fact the whole peer pressure thing pushed him to do it" Amun said, "But it's you he likes, it's always been you Ella" Amun said.

I felt like I was suffocating, I suddenly forgot how to breath, my brain was on freeze mode.

"Yeah Ella, if I'm gonna be honest with you, he did tell me once on his sixteenth birthday party when he was drunk that he liked you" Anne said.

"What?!" I said in a whisper almost to myself,

I mean I couldn't believe this, why would he do that to me? Why would he pretend not to like me and make me think that my crush was one sided?

"Why? Just why would he do that?" I asked myself.

Then I realized that Amun and Anne were at my side, looking at me with sad eyes, and I suddenly felt Iike crying.

I wiped my eyes.

"I need to see Derrick" I said, getting up from the bed but as I turned the knob, Anne called me.

"Ella, don't be angry with him, okay? It's not his fault, my uncle pressured him to do it; so he could look good in the new york rich society group and also so he get a business contract with Susan's father, that's why he made Derrick do it" Anne explained.

"Yea Ella, I'm sure the boy's feelings were hurt too" Amun said.

Suddenly I flared up.

"Why are you guys defending him?! What about my own feelings?!" I yelled.

Before I knew what was happening, I blasted a force of light from my hands at them both; Amun quickly used his force field to shield them from the blast.

"Oh shit! Guys I'm so sorry" I said.

"No it's okay Ella" Anne said.

"It's not your fault"Amun said.

I sighed heavily.

But why did it feel like it was?