

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Two days later...

"No! No! No! Let go of me you witch!" I shouted, "Where am I ? What do you want from me?" I woke up to find myself in the grip of scary looking monsters. They looked like wolves, huge looking wolves who were walking on their hind legs.

I screamed as I struggled to be free from their grip that was holding I and the guys.

"You? It's you children?!" A woman growled angrily.

I couldn't see her face because of the huge thick fog that surrounded us all.

I frowned angrily.

"It's me what? Wait a sec, who are you and how do you know me and my family? What the hell do you want from us?!" I yelled."how did we get here?"

She ignored my question and asked.

"So you're the warriors that Amun has gathered to fight me?"

She laughed and came out of the fog to face me; Then I saw her face, I'd recognize that face anywhere cause that was the face I'd seen in the secret passage way leading to the throne room where we found Amun. She had a very long white hair which reached below her butt, she had wrinkles all over her face and hands, her eyes were blood red, and her smile was pure evil. I suddenly felt frozen where i stood, panic rose within me. Amun didn't have to show me who Octhelia is cause somehow in my gut I knew she was this ugly evil looking woman standing before me.

"Octhelia!" I blurted out before I could even stop myself.

She smiled proudly, her teeth were as dirty as black coal, it was like she had never brushed since she was born;maybe she didn't even have teeth.

"Yes child, it is I Octhelia, the arch enemy of Amun, the great sorcerer of Egypt I" She said.

The way she said it was so scary that it sent shivers down my spine but I chose to ignore them.

I arched a brow.

"Wasn't that Amun's dad?" I asked.

She glared at me and I flinched.

"Come again, you're Octhelia, right? Where do you live now great sorcerer?" I asked, even though asking questions was Anne's job but she was too shaky and scared so I did.

"Foolish girl !" She growled, as she slapped me hard on the face with her staff.

I gasped and touched my face, it was bleeding. I spat out blood from my mouth and glared at her.

Damn it! She must've read my mind, she 'is' a witch after all.

"You and your pesty friends think you know power? Because you children do not know power. I am Octhelia, the greatest witch and the most powerful sorcerer of all times and I will destroy you and your family because you children are nothing but a waste of life!" She yelled as she raised her staff towards Anne, Gab, Eddie and Flow.

I knew I had to do something but for some reason I felt weak. No! She must not hurt my family before it became too late. I struggled out of the wolves grip, I fell down to my knees but I staggered to my feet and ran towards Anne and the guys, as Octhelia stretched her staff towards us; I screamed.


"Ella! Ella! Gabriella! Wake up! Wake up McCall!" I heard Anne shout.

I slowly opened my eyes.

Oh no, thank you Jesus!

"It was a dream, it was all a dream. I was dreaming" I muttered to myself,

I sighed, as I looked around, I realized that the whole gang were all in our room because I was having a nightmare.

"Awww, were you guys all worried about me?" I asked, trying to sound like I wasn't scared to death after that nightmare I just had.

They didn't answer me; and thank God they were all okay.

"Guys, I'm fine, I promise" I said.

"But Ella, you were screaming: witch! Octhelia! No! ...what was your dream about?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah Ella tell us, you really had us worried, I was worried you wouldn't wake up again" Flow said.

"Me too" I murmured under my breath. "Guys, I swear to you, I'm fine really" I said and looked at the time.

'Shit! Why the heck did I have that nightmare?' I wondered, worried.

Then I noticed Amun watching me like a hawk_shit! The asshole was reading my mind and I wanted to scream: 'Dude! Give me some privacy, okay? I'll talk when I want to' but I didn't.

"Ella, what was your dream about? And no more excuses, cause I can see it in your eyes, that nightmare scared the living daylight out of you and if Anne hadn't called us when waking you on her own seemed impossible, you would've woken the whole hotel. So tell us what the hell was your dream about?" Gab asked.

I blinked;

Anne was that worried about me? I had no idea.

I sighed, here goes nothing.

"I dreamt about..." I stopped talking, even saying her name out loud scared me.

"Octhelia?" Amun asked.

I nodded.

"She said... We didn't know real power, that she was the greatest witch and most powerful sorcerer of all times and she was going to destroy I and the guys cause we were just a waste of life,that is, we weren't worth anything by being alive" I said.

Finally! Oh that felt so good to get off my chest.

"So...Octhelia is...alive?" Amun asked, but it seemed more like he was talking to himself alone.

"Yeah, it would seem so" I said, in between the tight hugs I received from the guys.

I looked up at him from the door way where he stood.

"So do you like have an idea of how she looks so I can sketch her down? I need to find her with that, but Octhelia is too smart to still look the way she looked two thousand centuries ago" Amun said.

"Did he_now hold on, did he just say 'I' ?" Anne asked. "Amun, we're in this together, right guys?"

"Yeah" We said.

"Yeah Amun, we agreed to help you out, remember?" Gab asked.

"Yea but_"

"No buts" Eddie said, interrupting him; "we're a team Amun" Eddie said.

"We're family, right Ella?" Flow asked.

"Right. Yeah Amun, you're family now, you're one of us now" I said.

"So what do you say, you'll let us help you out?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, okay, I guess so. Since you guys won't back down easily" Amun said, grinning like an idiot who just got a Christmas present.

"So when do we begin?" I said, breaking the cheesy moment.

"Right now" Amun said.

"Right now?!" We exclaimed.

"Dude! We're kids in case you haven't noticed and we all need our beauty sleep most especially me! Considering that nightmare I just had" I said.

"Yea, come on Amun, this is the first time in a while that I haven't done an assignment or even need to, please?" Eddie pleaded.

"And as much as I'd love to learn kung fu and karate and how to control my powers, I could really use some sleep too, cause someone " Anne said, looking and smirking at me, "couldn't let me sleep last night"

"And I'd love that too" Gab said.

"So can we sleep now Amun?" Flow asked in that pleading-annoying-whinny way she does whenever she wants something.

"Oh alright! But tomorrow training starts at nine a.m, okay?" Amun said, giving in.

"Yes sir!" We all said, smiling at him.

He smiled back.

"Amun?" I called after him before he left our room.

"Hmm?" He answered.

"Good night and welcome to the family" I said.

"Yea, welcome" Flow said.

"Welcome big bro" Anne teased and we laughed.

Amun smiled and said,

"Thanks a lot guys" He said and left