
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six: The Paradox Problem

Shawn had finally decided that it would best to return to Penny as he had no been entirely happy with the way he had left things. He knew that she would not be happy to see him but he still needed to make sure that she was okay. He wasn't sure as to whether he would tell her about the extermination or not, But he felt as though it would ease her mind. She had far more emotion and yet a better sense of justice. Something that Shawn wish he possessed. Perhaps his life had been far too long for him to be able to distinguish what the right and wrong thing to do was.

" Hello Penny" Shawn appeared within the camp, almost as though he had been there the entire time though gone unnoticed. Shawn could see that Penny and Keera were sitting at a small table made from a tree stump and were happily devouring berries.

" Dad.." Penny turned to Shawn. " I am still mad at you" Penny expressed as she stood to her feet and ran over to him and hugged him tightly, this was surprising to Shawn as well as Keera.

" I know, but I can promise you that the issue has been dealt with" Shawn explained, saddened by the truth of his words. Penny looked up to her father and smiled ever so softly " Really? " Penny questioned, seeming to disbelieve his words.

" Yes, it was difficult to do so, but in the end, I knew you right. You have the wisdom of your mother" Shawn cracked a small smile.

" I still don't want to train.." Penny confessed. " If I am going to save this world then I have to do it my way. I have to understand my powers and only I can truly understand them. I don't think they would work the same way they would for you or mom" Penny reasoned.

" I understand, I was just trying to help" Shawn was proud of his daughters independence but was also saddened by the lack of eagerness to bond with him.

" I know you were. But obviously, you didn't get things right and neither did mom. And Kara and Gabriel were a complete disaster" Penny knew that in order to achieve something new for the world, she would have to think for herself and rely less on the advice of those that had managed to get things wrong in the past.

" I can only hope that you are right. The fate of the world depends on it" Shawn pointed out as they finally broke their embrace.

Keera finally stood to her feet and decided to intrude on the conversation "Well if we are out here to train but we aren't actually going train. Then perhaps we should be doing something else? Something at least productive? " Keera made a valid point. By spending time away, They were wasting their time. Time that could be better spent on figuring out a solution to their issues.

Shawn nodded and looked to Keera " If we are to change this world for the better, then some obvious things will have to be done" Shawn waved his hand within the air and a hologram of sorts appeared in the middle of the camp. This hologram displayed the Underworld, in its entirety to the three.

" We have to establish a way for the Kingdoms to become either completely independent or, find a way to unite them that causes no turmoil. And that is far easier said than done. Especially with all that is going on within the Lycan Kingdom right now" Shawn explained.

" A new successor has appeared, who has the rights to the throne before Gabriel would seize it. However, this child is sick. And it is to my understanding that Lysette is seeking to get the child healed. This is something of a paradox.." Shawn seemed troubled.

" What do you mean? How is it a paradox? " Keera questioned.

" It is a Paradox because this child has not exisisted in any other resets. One would think, that since Gabriel has taken the throne in every other instance, that Lysette would fail and that the child would die. But this is not the case, this Child is new to the World" Shawn continued his explanation by pointing to the Lycan Kingdom on the hologram.

" I don't really have an idea as to what purpose this child will serve. But I know that she is new. She is something that has never happened before and that is troublesome. Because it could either fix our problems or create new ones. And as much as I hate to say it, I believe it will cause issues since Kara is meant to marry Gabriel" Shawn answers as Keera and Penny look on.

" So we have something new into the mix that is completely unpredictable" Keera Sighs.

" Yes, and again, this could be good or bad. But this also raises the question as to how many other new things have been introduced into the world" Shawn places his finger on his chin, and taps it gently, making a slight click sound.

" Well, maybe we should try and find any other new paradoxes within the world so we can at least have a general idea as to what we are dealing with " Penny suggested.

" I agree, but that is going to take some time. It would be best if we split up for the time being, so that we can find these paradox's much easier" Shawn suggested to which both girls nodded.

" What are we looking for exactly though? " Keera asked.

"Anything that seems out of the ordinary" Shawn answers.

" Well I have a general timeline of what is supoose to happen so I can work with that" Penny approaches the hologram.

" The question is, Should we eliminate the paradoxes?" Penny raised a good question, one which none of three could completely agree on the right solution.

" I think we should probably wait and see how it develops and then act accordingly " Keera suggested.

" I mean, we are here to ensure that everything goes right. So if a mess happens, then we fix it. If it seems as though it's going to be too much of an issue, we will then eliminate it" Keera added.

" That might be the best thing for the time being. We wait and watch to see if whether this could pose as a problem or not" Shawn and the girls all agreed and decided that the following day, they would each split from one another and explore the vast reaches of the Underworld to try and determine the location of any paradoxes that could have formed.

" I am also going to be working on my training. This will be a good chance to really test myself and see what I can do and what I can't do" Penny smiles, excited at the possibilities before her.

" How will we meet back up though? " Keera questioned. If they were at opposite ends of the world, it would take them days to reach one another though Shawn explained that he would find them should they call upon him. This was also agreed upon by all involved.

" I wish to start at the- " Just as Keera was speaking, the ground beneath their feet began to shake, unsettling the three.

" So..is that a paradox? " Penny questioned, surprised at the fact that an earthquake could be happening within the Underworld at all.

" I am not sure, but I will investigate it" Shawn assured as he vanished into thin air.